- Anders
- Asgeir
- Kristian
- Nathaniel
- Ulrik
Roborally is a board game where every player computes a 5-step program their robot executes. This repeats until a robot has visited all flags on the map in a specific order. The game is over when the first robot visits all the flags. During the game, the robots can have different interactions with eachother, and the map.
- Clone the latest version
- Run Main.java (src/main/java/inf112/skeleton/app/).
- To play multiplayer, have other people do the same, and you will automatically connect to eachother.
- When everyone is in, the server-client presses enter to start the game for everyone (server-client has ID 1 in the console).
- To play a card write the corresponding number (1-9), the nonserver-clients need to do this first, then the server clients does it.
- The moves will be executed automatically.
- To start a new round, the server-client presses space
- Visit each flag in order to win.
- Starting new rounds sometimes gives out multiple hands in multiplayer.
- Some print messages gets sent multiple times in multiplayer.