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Releases: infernojs/inferno

Inferno 0.7.0

21 Apr 20:29
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Inferno 0.7 includes a vast range of performance improvements and API changes. These include:

  • Inferno.createElement has been removed from core and is now available as a stand-alone module called inferno-create-element.
  • Inferno.createBlueprint now allows you to create a blueprint of an Inferno VNode, allowing for further performance improvements and optimisations.
  • InfernoDOM has had many issues and bug fixes applied, it should not vastly more stable than before.
  • InfernoComponent now properly reacts to updates after the component has unmounted.
  • InfernoServer now renders components into HTML via InfernoServer.renderToString.

Inferno 0.6.4

26 Mar 23:34
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Fixes an issue in inferno-dom where staticCheck was incorrectly passed through to diffNodes.

Inferno 0.6.1

26 Mar 22:17
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Fixed issues in inferno-dom where keyed lists wrongly get ignored when a list contains no items upon an update.

Inferno 0.6.0

26 Mar 16:49
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After many works of development, we're proud to say that Inferno 0.6 has been released! It's a complete re-write of much of the internals. Not only is the codebase smaller, performance has improved across the board and the amount of edge cases has dropped dramatically.

This release is a breaking update, and thus, previous versions of Inferno may not be compatible with 0.6. Specifically, Inferno no longer uses templates and the createTemplate API as found in 0.5. Furthermore, Inferno 0.6 requires version 0.6 of the babel-plugin-inferno package if you intend to use Inferno with JSX.

Please check the for more details on the improved API.

Inferno 0.5.22

25 Jan 00:18
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Improves performance when creating keys for fragments


Now support Promises (experimental) on returned functions. Keyed and Non-Keyed list updates and regression fixes

Inferno 0.5.21

22 Jan 23:03
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Fixes some package issues and some issues with global in the packages.


Fixes an issue where a list might not render correctly when the previous item was a single child

Inferno 0.5.20

22 Jan 11:23
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This releases contains various build/package fixes.


Fixes some issues in performance and reliability of handling un-keyed node lists


Inferno now has some basic test utilities to help people write Inferno applications


Fixed an issue that resulted in inferno-server from not working correctly

Inferno 0.5.17

19 Jan 13:22
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  • Adds support for hooks
  • Improves performance and fixes various bugs
  • Adds some basic SSR (still in early development)

Inferno 0.5.13

11 Jan 02:32
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Inferno has now been broken into smaller, sub-packages, notably: inferno-dom, inferno-component, inferno-server. Please ensure you read the the for details on the changes. Other improvements/changes listed below:

  • progress made on server side rendering (still very much in early development)
  • lots of bug fixes and performance improvements
  • added a dbmonster example
  • improved test coverage and test quality
  • changes made to the ES linting rules
  • refactors of some key components to reduce file size and improve consistency

Inferno 0.5.5

10 Jan 23:05
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Inferno 0.5.5 Pre-release

This release is a trial run for NPM reasons

Inferno has now been broken into smaller, sub-packages, notably: inferno-dom, inferno-component, inferno-server. Please ensure you read the the for details on the changes. Other improvements/changes listed below:

  • progress made on server side rendering (still very much in early development)
  • lots of bug fixes and performance improvements
  • added a dbmonster example
  • improved test coverage and test quality
  • changes made to the ES linting rules
  • refactors of some key components to reduce file size and improve consistency