- Improved Morfy Architecture.
- Minimum PHP version for Morfy is 5.3.2
- Added /libraries/morfy/boot/ directory with defines.php, shortcodes.php, actions.php filters.php
- Added Composer Support.
- Added New Config File system.yml with plugins, themes and fenom settings
- Added New Action before_page_rendered and after_page_rendered
- Removed force, fenom, parsedown and spyc from libraries directory.
- Removed Fenom Config file fenom.yml
- Removed Actions before_render and after_render
- Default Theme: change layout.tpl to base.tpl
- Fixed welcome page bug. Change content to storage
- Fixed Prevent visitors from viewing yml, yaml files directly.
- Fixed Bug in {site_url} shortcode
- Added Force Shortcode class
- Added STORAGE_PATH constant
- Added
folder - Updated Force Components 1.0.1
- Updated Morfy Class with static methods.
- Removed Morfy
and chaining. - Removed
folder - Removed CONTENT_PATH constant
- Added Morfy MIT LICENSE instead of GNU GPL v3
- Added Fenom Template Engine
- Added Force Components (Arr, ClassLoader, FileSystem, Http, Session, Token, Url)
- Added Parsedown Lib for parsing Markdown files.
- Added SPYC Lib for parsing YAML configurations.
- Added new folders /cache/, /content/pages/ and /content/blocks/
- Added ability to display PAGE BLOCKS. {block=name} and Morfy::factory()->getBlock('name');
- Added new Morfy and Fenom configuration files site.yml and fenom.yml
- Added new configuration file for Morfy default theme: default.yml
- Added new Morfy public method loadPageTemplate() - load page template.
- Added new Morfy public method parsedown() - to execute parsedown parser.
- Added new Morfy public method getBlock() - to get page block.
- Added new Morfy public static variables $site, $fenom and $theme
- Added ability to use custom variables for page header in valid YAML format.
- Added new page header format. Between triple-dashed lines is page header variables.
- Added add ability to load plugins configuration and disable or enable plugins.
- Added for creating page summary text.
- Added Morfy Favicon: favicon.ico
- Added robots.txt
- Removed Morfy configuration file Morfy.php
- Removed PHP Tag {php}{/php} from content parser for security reasons.
- Removed {cut}(use instead) also {morfy_separator} and {morfy_version} content tags.
- Removed Morfy private variable $page_headers. Because now you are free to set your own.
- Removed Morfy protected variable $security_token_name (its part of Force Token Class)
- Removed Morfy public static variable $config (use $site and $fenom instead)
- Removed Morfy constant SEPARATOR
- Removed Morfy methods obEval() evalPHP() cleanString()
- Removed Morfy method subvalSort() (its part of Force Arr Class)
- Removed Morfy methods checkToken() generateToken() (they are part of Force Token Class)
- Removed Morfy method getFiles() (its part of Force FileSystem/File Class)
- Removed Morfy methods runSanitizeURL() sanitizeURL() getUriSegment() getUriSegments() getUrl() (they are part of Force Http/Response and Http/Request Classes)
- Removed Markdown plugin
- Removed Sitemap plugin
- Prevent Visitors from Viewing our MD and TXT Files
- Sitemap Plugin fixes
- Default Theme - update jQuery to v2.1.3
- Default Theme - update Twitter Bootstrap to v3.3.5
- Default Theme - remove IE9 Support
- Date format for blog posts and pages - Fixed
- Added {php}{/php} tags for inline php code
- Default Theme Fav Icon fixes
- Sitemap Plugin fixes
- Morfy fixes
- Default Theme fixes
- New method generateToken() - Generate and store a unique token which can be used to help prevent CSRF attacks.
- New method checkToken() - Check that the given token matches the currently stored security token.
- New method cleanString() - Sanitize data to prevent XSS (Cross-site scripting)
- Default Theme - Improvements
- Morfy Filters - Closure support added.
- Default Theme - Fixes
- Default Theme - Improvements
- Initial release