diff --git a/packages/elements/src/components/ino-input-file/ino-input-file.e2e.ts b/packages/elements/src/components/ino-input-file/ino-input-file.e2e.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 57f011e2e1..0000000000
--- a/packages/elements/src/components/ino-input-file/ino-input-file.e2e.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-import { setupPageWithContent } from '../../util/e2etests-setup';
-const INO_INPUT_FILE = ``;
-const INPUT_FILE_SELECTOR = 'ino-input-file';
-describe('InoInputFile', () => {
- describe('Properties', () => {
- it('should render with the correct css classes if inoDragAndDrop is set to false', async () => {
- const page = await setupPageWithContent(INO_INPUT_FILE);
- const dnd_div = await page.find('.ino-input-file__composer');
- expect(dnd_div).toBeDefined();
- });
- it('should render with the correct css classes if inoDragAndDrop is set to true', async () => {
- const page = await setupPageWithContent(INO_INPUT_FILE);
- const inputFile = await page.find(INPUT_FILE_SELECTOR);
- await inputFile.setAttribute('drag-and-drop', true);
- await page.waitForChanges();
- const dnd_div = await page.find('.ino-input-file__dnd');
- expect(dnd_div).toBeDefined();
- });
- it('should render with the correct css classes if inoDragAndDrop and disabled are set to true', async () => {
- const page = await setupPageWithContent(INO_INPUT_FILE);
- const inputFile = await page.find(INPUT_FILE_SELECTOR);
- await inputFile.setAttribute('drag-and-drop', true);
- await inputFile.setAttribute('disabled', true);
- await page.waitForChanges();
- const dnd_div = await page.find('.ino-input-file__dnd');
- expect(dnd_div).toBeDefined();
- expect(dnd_div).toHaveClass('ino-input-file__dnd-disabled');
- });
- });
diff --git a/packages/storybook/src/stories/ino-input-file/ino-input-file.spec.ts b/packages/storybook/src/stories/ino-input-file/ino-input-file.spec.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..05c7e91883
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/storybook/src/stories/ino-input-file/ino-input-file.spec.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+import { expect, test } from '@playwright/test';
+import { goToStory } from '../test-utils';
+import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
+test.describe('ino-input-file', () => {
+ test('should open file dialog on click', async ({ page }) => {
+ await goToStory(page, ['Input', 'ino-input-file', 'default']);
+ const inputFile = page.locator('ino-input-file');
+ const fileChooserPromise = page.waitForEvent('filechooser');
+ await expect(inputFile).toBeVisible();
+ await inputFile.click();
+ const fileChooser = await fileChooserPromise;
+ expect(fileChooser).toBeTruthy();
+ expect(fileChooser.isMultiple()).toBeFalsy();
+ });
+ test('should allow multiply files', async ({ page }) => {
+ await goToStory(page, ['Input', 'ino-input-file', 'multiple']);
+ const inputFile = page.locator('ino-input-file');
+ const fileChooserPromise = page.waitForEvent('filechooser');
+ await expect(inputFile).toBeVisible();
+ await inputFile.click();
+ const fileChooser = await fileChooserPromise;
+ expect(fileChooser.isMultiple()).toBeTruthy();
+ });
+ test('should not open file dialog if disabled', async ({ page }) => {
+ await goToStory(page, ['Input', 'ino-input-file', 'disabled']);
+ const inputFile = page.locator('ino-input-file');
+ const fileChooserPromise = page.waitForEvent('filechooser', {
+ timeout: 1000,
+ });
+ await inputFile.click();
+ let error = false;
+ try {
+ await fileChooserPromise;
+ } catch {
+ error = true;
+ }
+ expect(error).toBeTruthy();
+ });
+ test('should select file with drag and drop', async ({ page }) => {
+ await goToStory(page, ['Input', 'ino-input-file', 'drag-and-drop']);
+ const inputFile = page.locator('ino-input-file');
+ const inputFileBtn = inputFile.locator('ino-button');
+ const fileChooserPromise = page.waitForEvent('filechooser');
+ await inputFileBtn.click();
+ const fileChooser = await fileChooserPromise;
+ expect(fileChooser).toBeTruthy();
+ // Create the DataTransfer and File
+ const buffer = btoa('Example file content'); // create a base64 string
+ const dataTransfer = await page.evaluateHandle(async (data) => {
+ const dt = new DataTransfer();
+ const blobData = await fetch(data).then((res) => res.blob());
+ const file = new File([blobData], 'myFile.txt', {
+ type: 'text/plain',
+ });
+ dt.items.add(file);
+ return dt;
+ }, `data:application/octet-stream;base64,${buffer}`);
+ // Now dispatch
+ await page.dispatchEvent('ino-input-file', 'drop', { dataTransfer });
+ await expect(page.getByText('myFile.txt')).toBeVisible();
+ });
+ test('should display drag and drop area without secondary text', async ({
+ page,
+ }) => {
+ await goToStory(page, ['Input', 'ino-input-file', 'drag-and-drop']);
+ const inputFileBtn = page.locator('ino-input-file ino-button');
+ const dndLabel = page.getByText('Drag your files here');
+ await expect(dndLabel).toBeVisible();
+ await expect(inputFileBtn).toBeVisible();
+ });
+ test('should display drag and drop area with secondary text', async ({
+ page,
+ }) => {
+ await goToStory(page, [
+ 'Input',
+ 'ino-input-file',
+ 'drag-and-drop-secondary-text',
+ ]);
+ const inputFileBtn = page.locator('ino-input-file ino-button');
+ const dndLabel = page.getByText('click and drag here');
+ const dndSecondLabel = page.getByText('click the button below');
+ await expect(dndLabel).toBeVisible();
+ await expect(dndSecondLabel).toBeVisible();
+ await expect(inputFileBtn).toBeVisible();
+ });
diff --git a/packages/storybook/src/stories/ino-input-file/ino-input-file.stories.ts b/packages/storybook/src/stories/ino-input-file/ino-input-file.stories.ts
index 7a6fce1202..1bf377602f 100644
--- a/packages/storybook/src/stories/ino-input-file/ino-input-file.stories.ts
+++ b/packages/storybook/src/stories/ino-input-file/ino-input-file.stories.ts
@@ -12,15 +12,23 @@ const InoInputFileMeta = {
useEffect(() => {
const eventHandler = function (e) {
- const el = e.target;
+ const el = e.target as HTMLInoInputFileElement;
if (el.tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'ino-input-file') {
- const fileNames = e.detail.files
- .map((f) => [f.name, f.type, f.size + ' bytes'].join(', '))
- .join('\n');
- alert(fileNames);
+ const fileNames: string[] = e.detail.files.map((f: File) =>
+ [f.name, f.type, f.size + ' bytes'].join(', '),
+ );
+ const container = document.createElement('div');
+ container.classList.add('file-list');
+ fileNames.forEach((fileName) => {
+ container.append(fileName, document.createElement('br'));
+ });
+ el.parentElement.querySelector('.file-list')?.remove();
+ el.parentElement.append(container);
document.addEventListener('changeFile', eventHandler);