Thank you for taking the time to contribute to md-badges! Before you do, please take a moment to read through the guidelines and the different ways you can contribute.
Make sure to follow the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct when contributing.
You will need to have a local copy of the repository. To do this, fork the project locally by clicking the 'Fork' button at the top of the repository to create a fork of md-badges to your GitHub account.
You'll then need to clone it on your local machine. In order to do this, make sure you have Git installed, then run the following commands:
# Replace 'YOUR-USERNAME' with your GitHub username
git clone
cd md-badges
Create a branch to work on your changes by funning these commands:
# Replace '[NAME]' with the name of your branch
git branch [NAME]
git checkout [NAME]
You can now start working locally on the project. When you decide you are ready to to commit your changes and push them to remote, run:
git add .
git commit -m "✨ feat: [commit message here]"
git push
When writing commit messages, make sure to follow the Conventional Commits guidelines. If you would like, you can use Gitmoji or any other commit emoji spec for commit emojis.
You can now create a pull request to the repository with your changes.
If you encounter something that is wrong or incorrect, please check to see if the problem is not already an open issue.
If there is no open issue for your problem, create a new issue using the bug report template. Do your best to fill out each field, preferably in as much detail as possible.
Make sure you have permission from whoever or whatever you are making a badge of to add them here.
If you would like to request a badge, please create a new issue using the badge request template. You must out all available fields. This will help to learn more about what you want added and where it would be relevant.
If you would like to add a new badge yourself, you can contribute a new badge by submitting a pull request to the repository.
When you contribute a new badge, make sure that you have checked for the following:
- Badge is not a duplicate
- Badge is in the correct category
- Badge is listed in the category in alphabetical order
- Badge image appears without any issues
- Badge code works without any issues
- Badge has a logo1
- Badge follows the correct format
If the category that a badge fits into does not exist in the badge list yet, you can create a new category for it. Ensure that the category is also placed in alphabetical order within the Table of Contents and the badge list itself.
The correct format for inserting badges within a table is as follows:
| Preview | Markdown Code |
| [![Badge Name](Link)](#) | `[![Badge Name](Link)](#)` |
If you have any inquiries, would like to ask for help, or have anything else that does not fit within the available templates, feel free to make a blank issue outside of the templates offered.
By contributing, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the MIT License. Please note that companies, brands, or projects from the badges may have different licenses.
- uses SimpleIcons to display logo's on badges. In some cases, a logo may not have been added to SimpleIcons, or may have been removed due to other reasons. In both md-badges and mdbadges-cli, only badges with valid logo's are allowed to be added. You can try to use custom-icon-badges to add an image and a slug that you can use for the logo in badge URL's. ↩