From 75e8e4a216315f4079c1ff69e7d0aa4d99a68862 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Caliber65 Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2023 14:10:39 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 16.1% (5 of 31 strings) Translation: ioBroker Adapters/rpi2 Translate-URL: --- admin/i18n/de/translations.json | 6 +++--- admin/words.js | 6 +++--- 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/admin/i18n/de/translations.json b/admin/i18n/de/translations.json index 168fd49..e774515 100644 --- a/admin/i18n/de/translations.json +++ b/admin/i18n/de/translations.json @@ -4,15 +4,15 @@ "Button long press period (ms)": "Taste lange Druckdauer (ms)", "Buttons are wired pull up": "Die Tasten sind hochgezogen", "CPU:": "CPU", - "Enable": "Enable", + "Enable": "Aktivieren", "Enabled": "Aktiviert", "GPIOs": "GPIOs", "Input debounce period (ms)": "Entprellungsperiode (ms) eingeben", "Inputs are wired pull up": "Die Eingänge sind hochgezogen", - "Label": "Etikette", + "Label": "Etikett", "Memory:": "Speicher", "Minimum recommended is 2s. Set to zero to disable polling.": "Empfohlenes Minimum ist 2s. Auf Null setzen, um die Abfrage zu deaktivieren.", - "Network:": "Network", + "Network:": "Netzwerk", "Poll": "Pollen", "Polling interval for DHTxx/AM23xx devices (ms)": "Abfrageintervall für DHTxx / AM23xx-Geräte (ms)", "Port": "Port", diff --git a/admin/words.js b/admin/words.js index 35ea6b0..25242cf 100644 --- a/admin/words.js +++ b/admin/words.js @@ -7,15 +7,15 @@ systemDictionary = { "Button long press period (ms)": { "en": "Button long press period (ms)", "de": "Taste lange Druckdauer (ms)", "ru": "Длительность нажатия кнопки (мс)", "pt": "Período de pressão longa do botão (ms)", "nl": "Knop lang indrukken (ms)", "fr": "Période de pression longue du bouton (ms)", "it": "Periodo di pressione prolungata del pulsante (ms)", "es": "Período de pulsación prolongada del botón (ms)", "pl": "Długie naciśnięcie przycisku (ms)", "zh-cn": "按钮长按周期(毫秒)"}, "Buttons are wired pull up": { "en": "Buttons are wired pull up", "de": "Die Tasten sind hochgezogen", "ru": "Кнопки проводные подтягиваются вверх", "pt": "Os botões são puxados para cima", "nl": "Knopen zijn bedraad omhoog te trekken", "fr": "Les boutons sont tirés vers le haut", "it": "I pulsanti sono cablati pull up", "es": "Los botones están conectados con cable", "pl": "Przyciski są na drutach podciągane", "zh-cn": "按钮有线拉起"}, "CPU:": { "en": "CPU", "de": "CPU", "ru": "Процессор", "pt": "CPU", "nl": "CPU", "fr": "CPU", "it": "Processore", "es": "UPC", "pl": "procesor", "zh-cn": "CPU"}, - "Enable": { "en": "Enable", "de": "Enable", "ru": "включить", "pt": "Habilitar", "nl": "Inschakelen", "fr": "Activer", "it": "Abilitare", "es": "Habilitar", "pl": "Włączyć", "zh-cn": "启用"}, + "Enable": { "en": "Enable", "de": "Aktivieren", "ru": "включить", "pt": "Habilitar", "nl": "Inschakelen", "fr": "Activer", "it": "Abilitare", "es": "Habilitar", "pl": "Włączyć", "zh-cn": "启用"}, "Enabled": { "en": "Enabled", "de": "Aktiviert", "ru": "Активен", "pt": "ativado", "nl": "Ingeschakeld", "fr": "Activée", "it": "Abilitato", "es": "Habilitado", "pl": "Włączone", "zh-cn": "启用"}, "GPIOs": { "en": "GPIOs", "de": "GPIOs", "ru": "GPIO Порты", "pt": "GPIOs", "nl": "GPIOs", "fr": "GPIO", "it": "GPIO", "es": "GPIOs", "pl": "GPIOs", "zh-cn": "Gpio"}, "Input debounce period (ms)": { "en": "Input debounce period (ms)", "de": "Entprellungsperiode (ms) eingeben", "ru": "Входной период устранения дребезга (мс)", "pt": "Período de debounce de entrada (ms)", "nl": "Invoer debounce-periode (ms)", "fr": "Période anti-rebond d'entrée (ms)", "it": "Periodo antirimbalzo ingresso (ms)", "es": "Período de antirrebote de entrada (ms)", "pl": "Okres odbicia wejściowego (ms)", "zh-cn": "输入去抖动周期(毫秒)"}, "Inputs are wired pull up": { "en": "Inputs are wired pull up", "de": "Die Eingänge sind hochgezogen", "ru": "Входы подключены подтягивающе", "pt": "As entradas são conectadas pull up", "nl": "Ingangen zijn bedraad pull-up", "fr": "Les entrées sont câblées vers le haut", "it": "Gli ingressi sono cablati pull up", "es": "Las entradas están cableadas", "pl": "Wejścia są przewodowe podciągane", "zh-cn": "输入有线上拉"}, - "Label": { "en": "Label", "de": "Etikette", "ru": "этикетка", "pt": "Rótulo", "nl": "Label", "fr": "Étiquette", "it": "Etichetta", "es": "Etiqueta", "pl": "Etykieta", "zh-cn": "标签"}, + "Label": { "en": "Label", "de": "Etikett", "ru": "этикетка", "pt": "Rótulo", "nl": "Label", "fr": "Étiquette", "it": "Etichetta", "es": "Etiqueta", "pl": "Etykieta", "zh-cn": "标签"}, "Memory:": { "en": "Memory", "de": "Speicher", "ru": "Память", "pt": "Memória", "nl": "Geheugen", "fr": "Mémoire", "it": "Memoria", "es": "Memoria", "pl": "Pamięć", "zh-cn": "存储器"}, "Minimum recommended is 2s. Set to zero to disable polling.": {"en": "Minimum recommended is 2s. Set to zero to disable polling.", "de": "Empfohlenes Minimum ist 2s. Auf Null setzen, um die Abfrage zu deaktivieren.", "ru": "Рекомендуемый минимум - 2 секунды. Установите в ноль, чтобы отключить опрос.", "pt": "O mínimo recomendado é 2s. Defina como zero para desativar a pesquisa.", "nl": "Minimaal aanbevolen is 2 sec. Stel in op nul om polling uit te schakelen.", "fr": "Le minimum recommandé est de 2 s. Réglez sur zéro pour désactiver l'interrogation.", "it": "Il minimo consigliato è di 2 secondi. Impostare a zero per disabilitare il polling.", "es": "El mínimo recomendado es 2 s. Establecer en cero para deshabilitar el sondeo.", "pl": "Zalecane minimum to 2 s. Ustaw na zero, aby wyłączyć odpytywanie.", "zh-cn": "推荐的最小值为2秒。设置为零可禁用轮询。"}, - "Network:": { "en": "Network", "de": "Network", "ru": "Сеть", "pt": "Rede", "nl": "Netwerk", "fr": "Réseau", "it": "Rete locale", "es": "Red", "pl": "Sieć", "zh-cn": "网络"}, + "Network:": { "en": "Network", "de": "Netzwerk", "ru": "Сеть", "pt": "Rede", "nl": "Netwerk", "fr": "Réseau", "it": "Rete locale", "es": "Red", "pl": "Sieć", "zh-cn": "网络"}, "Poll": { "en": "Poll", "de": "Pollen", "ru": "Опрашивать", "pt": "Votação", "nl": "poll", "fr": "Sondage", "it": "Sondaggio", "es": "Encuesta", "pl": "Zapytanie", "zh-cn": "轮询"}, "Polling interval for DHTxx/AM23xx devices (ms)": {"en": "Polling interval for DHTxx/AM23xx devices (ms)", "de": "Abfrageintervall für DHTxx / AM23xx-Geräte (ms)", "ru": "Интервал опроса для устройств DHTxx / AM23xx (мс)", "pt": "Intervalo de pesquisa para dispositivos DHTxx / AM23xx (ms)", "nl": "Polling-interval voor DHTxx / AM23xx-apparaten (ms)", "fr": "Intervalle d'interrogation pour les appareils DHTxx / AM23xx (ms)", "it": "Intervallo di polling per dispositivi DHTxx / AM23xx (ms)", "es": "Intervalo de sondeo para dispositivos DHTxx / AM23xx (ms)", "pl": "Okres odpytywania dla urządzeń DHTxx / AM23xx (ms)", "zh-cn": "DHTxx / AM23xx设备的轮询间隔(ms)"}, "Port": { "en": "Port", "de": "Port", "ru": "Порт", "pt": "Porta", "nl": "Haven", "fr": "Port", "it": "Porta", "es": "Puerto", "pl": "Port", "zh-cn": "端口"},