- 15:th March - 19:th April
6 weeks in total. That is about ~14h/week.
TimeTable: https://cloud.timeedit.net/lnu/web/schema1/ri1Y7X0QQ9wZ16Qv750Q3855yYY79Z.html
- Monday 10th October 15:00-16:00 Course introduction.
- Wednesday 15.15-16.30. Lecture / Seminar. (Zoom)[https://lnu-se.zoom.us/j/66906874916]
- Wednesday 15.15-16.30. Present your project and status. (Zoom)[https://lnu-se.zoom.us/j/66906874916]
- Wednesday 15.15-16.30. Lecture / Seminar. (Zoom)[https://lnu-se.zoom.us/j/66906874916]
- Wednesday 15.15-16.30. Lecture / Seminar. (Zoom)[https://lnu-se.zoom.us/j/66906874916]
Work week ...
- Monday 15.00-1630. Lecture / Seminar. (Zoom)[https://lnu-se.zoom.us/j/66906874916]
- Project Presentations Monday 29th april. 13.00-14.30. Lecture / Seminar. (Zoom)[https://lnu-se.zoom.us/j/66906874916]. Obligatory.
- Friday 3e May. Deadline for project report.
- Everything you need to know about LoRa - recommended
- Connectivity in IoT 1/1 Marco
- LoRa how to go far with IoT 2/2 Marco
- Energy in IoT
- How to get your sensor data
- Intro to IoT applications and hardware
- Toit - containers on ESP32
- Battery and IoT, SAFT
- OT and IoT security
- MQTT and Pub/Sub
- Docker and TIG-stack
- Privacy and security in IoT
- Edge computing for IoT - Let's go green and serverless - Mohammad
- Wireless IoT-networks
- IoT and wireless networks. Marco Zennaro, ITCP. https://youtu.be/oer414snO0o
- Tele2 and IoT. https://youtu.be/Lh8JltltWII
- The Things Industries. Jamie Trinidad. https://youtu.be/2royB7DT8z4
- Helium IoT-network and applications. https://youtu.be/7ZR9lVKC6GY
- Hardware
- IoT and sensors networks. Anna Förster, Bremen University. https://youtu.be/YnkFlinh-VE
- TinyML.
- Tiny Machine Learning. Vijay Reddi, Harvard University. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psyCsRDKL0I
- Platforms
- Simon Kemper, Datacake. https://youtu.be/6VW4k2B0lzY
- IoT backend services. Introduction to Docker. Pietro Manzoni. https://youtu.be/8SLDFc_rMDI
More material, from summer course 2021: https://coursepress.lnu.se/courses/applied-iot/03-planning
Getting started videos, (2020):
Workshops are held in our Dicord server. These basic workshops will be aimed for getting you started with the hardware, and more a basic way to get some hands-on help getting started. They can also be used as a way to actually meet your peers.
The other serssion will be a presentation seminar when we all meet together. During the presentation seminars we will spend some time on showcasing our own projects and helping each other.
There is also an opportunity to visit the labs in both Växjö and Kalmar, and during that time also use 3D-printers or any kind of soldering or measuring equipment that is needed for your project. We do have a PCB-printer i Kalmar. Note that we also have an extensive portfolio of sensors and different kinds of IoT-hardware in our labs, which also might act as a help for your project.
Workshops will be held online on the Discord-server, every week. Planning will be on request.