- fix: not close connection [#168]
- feat: add more log for proxy [#161]
- chore: add repo env var [#162]
- Feat/add more metrics [#163]
- build(deps): bump golang.org/x/crypto from 0.14.0 to 0.17.0 [#164]
- chore: add more connection log [#156]
- fix: register address when add new account [#157]
- fix: refresh accounts when connect to gateway [#158]
- build(deps): bump golang.org/x/net from 0.11.0 to 0.17.0 [#153]
- chore: update deps
- feat: move RandomBytes to venus share by @LinZexiao in [#141]
- feat: replace GetUserByMiner with MinerExistInUser by @LinZexiao in [#143]
- Feat/proxy traffic to other components by @LinZexiao in [#147]
- doc: Update README.md by @Fatman13 in [#137]
- doc: Update README.md by @0x5459 in [#140]
- doc: fix link by @0x5459 in [#139]
- doc: update config description / 更新config注释 by @elvin-du in [#145]
- doc: how to use proxy by @LinZexiao in [#149]
- chore: build(deps): bump github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p from 0.27.5 to 0.27.8 by @dependabot in [#148]
- chore: merge release v1.12 [[#153]([#144]
- chore: merge release/v1.11 into master [#131]
- chore: upgrade venus and venus-auth by [#132]
- Feat/tanlang/add unseal state[#133]
- feat: replace venus-gateway with sophon-gateway by [#135]
- build(deps): bump github.com/gin-gonic/gin from 1.9.0 to 1.9.1 [#134]
- bump up ffi
- bump up version to v1.11.0
- feat: add status api to detect api ready / 添加状态检测接口[#116]
- feat:update the auth client with token /客户端token验证 [#117]
- feat: refactor market event / 重构market event [#112]
- feat: rm isUnseal method in market envent / 移除 IsUnseal 方法 [#125]
- feat: add docker push /增加推送到镜像仓库的功能 [#126]
- 支持注册 delegated address [#122]
- 升级 venus 和 sophon-auth 版本到 v1.10.1
- 升级 venus 和 sophon-auth 版本到 v1.10.0
- 升级 filecoin-ffi 版本到 v1.20.0
- 升级 go-jsonrpc 版本到 v0.1.7