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José Luis García Marín edited this page Sep 1, 2023 · 27 revisions
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Here you can find the full documentation of RESTest, divided into the User manual and the Developer's guide. However, we suggest you take a look first at the Quickstart guide from the README.

Table of contents

  1. Home
  2. RESTest Overview
  3. User manual
    1. Inter-parameter dependencies
      1. What are inter-parameter dependencies?
      2. IDL: describing inter-parameter dependencies
      3. IDO4OAS: including inter-parameter dependencies in an OAS document
    2. Test configuration files
      1. Test configuration files
        1. Generating a default test configuration file
          1. Filters
      2. Authentication data
        1. API key
        2. Bearer token
        3. HTTP Basic
      3. Parameter weights
      4. Test data generators
        1. InputValue
        2. RandomInputValue
        3. RandomEnglishWord
        4. RandomNumber
        5. RandomDate
        6. RandomRegExp
        7. RandomBoolean
        8. RandomObject
        9. ObjectPerturbator
        10. RandomString
        11. BoundaryString
        12. RandomBoundaryString
        13. BoundaryNumber
        14. RandomBoundaryNumber
        15. FuzzingDictionary
        16. BodyGenerator
        17. ParameterGenerator
        18. DataMatching
        19. SemanticGenerator (ARTE)
    3. Allure Reports
      1. Overview
      2. Categories
      3. Suites
      4. Graphs
      5. Timeline
      6. Behaviors
      7. Packages
    4. RESTest configuration files
      1. Properties files: configuring RESTest execution
      2. Parameters
      3. Example: Bikewise API
  4. Developer's guide
    1. Test data generators
      1. How to create a new test data generator
    2. Test case generators
      1. Abstract test case generator
      2. Currently supported test case generators
        1. Random test case generator
        2. Constraint-based test case generator
      3. How to create a new test case generator
    3. Test writers
      1. Writer interface
      2. Currently supported test writers
        1. REST Assured test writer
      3. How to create a new test writer
    4. Workflow steps
    5. Conventions and good practices
      1. Add new parameters to the RESTest configuration file
      2. Write unit test cases for every new functionality
      3. Document your code responsibly
      4. Use SonarLint to avoid bugs, vulnerabilities and bad smells


This wiki is open to contributions from the community. If you wish to add additional information, correct any errors, or share your own experiences with RESTest, we invite you to collaborate. Together, we will make this wiki a valuable reference for anyone interested in API testing with RESTest!

I hope this introduction serves as a starting point for creating your GitHub wiki about RESTest. Remember, you can expand and customize the content according to your needs and the focus you want to give it. Good luck with your project! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.