This file include instructions followed by the core JEMMA team to make a new binary release.
The main ismb/jemma repository includes an "umbrella" project which is only used to handle binaries of all modules. Source of all modules are each kept under separate projects, as listed in the components page. Normal developments are kept in the master of each module.
The release process is based on a clean envfolder, which can be checked out by using this script:
In order to make a new binary release the following steps must be followed:
For a proper release all projects must be in "sun" status (= 5 subsequent successful daily builds)
This can be done inside the envfolder by typing:
This can be done inside the envfolder by typing:
Annotate on the side the new version of all bundles for whom gitversions.txt and pomversions.txt differ.
For all projects for whom the version number has been advanced, a new binary should be generated and deployed to the jemma maven repository.
This can be done inside the envfolder by useing the jemma-deploy script as in the following example:
./jemma/scripts/ 1.0.1
After all binaries have been deployed, the local jemma-maven-repository project should be committed and pushed to gh-pages.
For those bundles we should modify the main pom file inside the jemma project.
- All versions in the pom.xml files in the ismb/jemma project should be advanced accordingly
- The main release version in the pom.xml should be advanced (e.g. to 1.0.0)
The ismb/jemma configuration with the new version should be now committed and tested on jenkins.
A binary distribution can be generated by typing:
Just to be sure new changes didn't break development environment, import and run the whole jemmma binary from a fresh distro.
A dev environment can be generated by typing:
The whole set-up can be then imported into eclipse and lanunched.
The same test should be done by unpacking and starting the binary distribution.
After succesfull jenkin test, tag the current version of the master branch with the correct version number, making a jemma release.
You shall also tag all subprojects. Example:
./jemma/scripts/ git tag -a jemma-1.0.0-rc1 -m 'tagging for jemma release 1.0.0-rc1'
The associated binary distribution file can be uploaded as binary, attached to the release.
For major releases, we can also attach a tarball of the envfolder to have the full sources saved. Important note: remember to remove jemma-maven-repository and all .git files from the sources zip. E.g. :
find . -name .git -exec rm -rf {} +