This project was borne out of a need to quickly spin up Ansible Tower clusters for customer demos or to test the latest Tower version.
The tower-packet-lab.yml
playbook will:
- Provision an Ansible Tower cluster on :
- 3 clustered Tower instances
- 2 instance groups
- 1 isolated Tower instance
- 1 Postgres instance
- 3 clustered Tower instances
- Install the version of Ansible Tower specified by the
- Create an account and add a form of payment
- Create a project
- Add a personal or project api key
pip install packet-python
inventory = inventory
host_key_checking = False
vault_password_file = </path/to/your/vault/password/file>
retry_files_enabled = False
command_timeout = 100
*or remove the 'vault_password_file' line if you prefer to supply the password some other way
# roles/packet-provision/vars/vault.yml
vaulted_api_token: <your_api_key>
ansible-vault encrypt roles/packet-provision/vars/vault.yml
# roles/packet-provsion/defaults/main.yml
project_name: <your_project_name>
ansible-playbook tower-packet-lab.yml
ansible-playbook tower-packet-lab.yml --extra-vars tower_version='3.2.1'
ansible-playbook tower-packet-lab.yml --extra-vars instance_state=absent