diff --git a/_data/faq.yml b/_data/faq.yml index 163a26ce5ce8..78d3c8cfacd7 100644 --- a/_data/faq.yml +++ b/_data/faq.yml @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ it: answer: | I soggetti destinatari delle disposizioni degli artt. 68 e 69 del CAD sono le pubbliche amministrazioni di cui all’art. 1, comma 2, del decreto - legislativo 30 marzo 2001, n. 165, nel rispetto del riparto di competenza + legislativo 30 marzo 2001, n. 165, nel rispetto del reparto di competenza di cui all’art. 117 della Costituzione; tra queste, si annoverano gli istituti e scuole di ogni ordine e grado e le istituzioni educative. Il combinato disposto degli artt. 68 e 69 del CAD non opera alcuna @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ it: Chiunque può segnalare presunte violazioni delle disposizioni del CAD, tra cui quelle ex artt. 68 e 69, accedendo all’apposita area - dedicata presente sul sito dell’AgID + dedicata presente sul sito dell’AgID. item8: question: Quali sanzioni potrebbero essere comminate ad una PA qualora acquisisca soluzioni, programmi informatici senza effettuare la valutazione @@ -115,10 +115,127 @@ it: href="https://docs.italia.it/italia/developers-italia/lg-acquisizione-e-riuso-software-per-pa-docs/it/stabile/acquisizione-software/macro-fase-2-analisi-delle-soluzioni-a-riuso-delle-pa-e-delle-soluzioni-open-source.html#fase-2-2-valutazione-soluzioni-riusabili-per-la-pa"> linee guida su acquisizione e riuso di software per le pubbliche amministrazioni indica il grado di attività svolta nell'ultimo arco - temporale su ogni repository indicizzato in catalogo. Una spiegazione approfondita dei parametri - utilizzati per effettuare il calcolo è presente in questa pagina. Questo indice è calcolato ogni notte e, attualmente, la finestra temporale considerata è di 60 giorni. en: + item1: + question: Do articles 68 and 69 of the CAD (Digital Administration Code) apply to public schools for + the acquisition and reuse of software, be it software + for teaching or software for administrative purposes? + answer: | + Recipients of the provisions of Articles 68 and 69 of the CAD + are the public administrations referred to in art. 1, paragraph 2, of the + legislative decree March 30, 2001, n. 165, in respect of the division of + competence of art. 117 of the Constitution; among these, there are the + institutes and schools of all levels and educational institutions. + The combined provisions of Articles 68 and 69 of the CAD do not operate any + distinction about the type of purpose of a software. The object of the + obligation established by the above mentioned provisions is the software of + ownership of public administration. + item2: + question: In which cases is the PA considered owner of a software? + answer: | + The administration must be considered owner of a software realized on + its own specific indications every time: + + item3: + question: Do articles 68 and 69 of CAD apply before any software procurement? + answer: | + Articles 68 and 69 of the CAD apply in any case of solutions acquisition by + a Public Administration, software or parts of it + regardless of the type of procedure. + For more information about CAD see this + link. + item4: + question: Can non-open source software owned by a PA be put to Reuse? + answer: | + It is necessary to distinguish between software requested and specifically + developed for a Public Administration (or developed within it) + and software of commercial nature of which an administration has instead + acquired a right of use license. Only the software belonging to the first + category is subject to art. 69 of the CAD on reuse: for such solutions + administrations must obligatorily acquire full ownership of the source code + and must proceed with its release in open source. Instead the commercial + software acquired by means of a right of use license can not be put to reuse. + item5: + question: Which are the indications provided for the purposes of compliance + of art. 69 regarding the choice of the license? + answer: | + The "Guidelines on the acquisition and reuse of software for public + administrations", adopted by AgID in implementation of Articles 68 and 69 + of the CAD, foresee that the choice of the license by a PA is + made by choosing a license among those certified by the Open Source + Initiatives. For more information about licensing see this + resource. + item6: + question: Is it possible in the process of Reuse of a solution + apply, by virtue of the principle of compatibility of licenses, to the work + derived a different license from the original work? + answer: | + The "Guidelines on the acquisition and reuse of software for public + administrations", adopted by AgID in implementation of Articles 68 and 69 + CAD, define, in paragraph 3.5.3, the decision tree for the + choice of an open license; in particular, if the release of the software + refers to a modification of existing open source software (so + taken for reuse by other administrations or owned by third parties) + the administration must use the same license with which the software has + been originally distributed, in order to facilitate its maximum + interoperability and reuse with other users of the same software. + item7: + question: How can I report the non-application of articles 68 and 69 of the CAD? + answer: | + According to art. 17, paragraph 1-quater is established by the AgID the + Office of the Digital Ombudsman who has the task of collecting all reports + of supposed violations of the Digital Administration Code, or any + other rule on the subject of digitization and innovation, to guarantee + the digital rights of the citizens and businesses. + Anyone can report supposed violations of CAD provisions, + among which those ex art. 68 and 69, accessing the appropriate dedicated + area(in Italian) on the AgID website. + item8: + question: What fines could be imposed at a PA that acquires solutions, + without making a technical and economic comparison? + answer: | + The CAD does not provide direct fines; however, if a PA disregards the + provisions concerning the acquisition of software, management + and disciplinary responsibility profiles may arise as well as possible + liability for damage to the treasury. + item9: + question: What fines could be imposed to a PA if it does not release + in open source the software developed or commissioned by it? + answer: | + The CAD does not provide direct fines; however, if a PA disregards the + provisions concerning the acquisition of software, management + and disciplinary responsibility profiles may arise, the failure to release + the software solutions for reuse prevents other administrations to proceed + with the relative evaluation and acquisition for reuse, thus configuring a + possible liability for damage to the treasury. + item10: + question: How is the displayed vitality index for each + software calculated? + answer: | + The vitality index (vitality index), as expected by the + + guidelines on the acquisition and reuse of software for public + administrations indicates the degree of activity carried out in the + last time span on each repository in the catalog. An in-depth + explanation of the parameters used to make the calculation is present in + this page. This index is calculated every night and, currently, the + time window considered is 60 days. +