This changelog is historic. To see the latest changes please view the package-specific changelogs
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- @pharos/core
- Add
- Add
- @pharos/core
- Remove debounce from focus mixin
- Emit single click event for checkboxes and radios
- @ithaka/pharos-site
- Modify navigation to new design/layout
- @ithaka/pharos-site
- Add design token structure and architecture documentation
- Use Web Test Runner for unit testing
- Use live components instead of screenshots in guidelines
- Update site deployment to use apps/v1 Kubernetes API and a rolling update deployment strategy
- Update deployment to use apps/v1 Kubernetes API and a rolling update deployment strategy
- @pharos/core
- Update Storybook dev script to correct build error thrown
- Implicitly submit the form on enter for text inputs
- @pharos/core
- Update heading letter-spacing for sizes 70 and 80
- @pharos/core
- Update combobox displayed text when value changes
- @pharos/core
- Update combobox displayed value for async options
- @pharos/core
- Initially supplied values or programmatically changed values were not displayed in Combobox
- Ensure default props are reflected on component attributes
- Fix tooltip dismiss behavior in IE11
- @pharos/core
- Combobox options were not being properly translated for the React component
- @pharos/core
- Update Combobox to return a selected option's value rather than its text
- @pharos/core
- Fix shifting text in Combobox input on focus
- Remove unwanted box shadow on required Combobox input (browser-dependent)
- The hoverable and clickable region for Checkbox and RadioButton didn't align with the visual display
- Headings without an explicit
attribute inherited font size from their parent document - Tooltips could cause the text alignment of slotted content to change unexpectedly
- When a combobox opened it could scroll the page in a jarring way
- Reduce wait time on Chromatic builds with
- Storybooks
- Update to use controls instead of knobs
- Sync React and Web Component stories
- Update RC9
- @pharos/core
- Rename tooltip close event and emit/listen to it on the component
- Improve combobox screen reader experience
- Select should choose the first option by default if none are explicitly selected
- Allow links to be clicked in checkbox and radio labels
- Add
component - Add
method to public API for alerts and form elements via mixin
- Add
- Add
Component: Combobox
- Update deployed site's routing to use a
prefix in URLs - Deploy the site to the production cluster after merges to
- Add
- Added
pharos component|wc <component-name>
command line interface
- Added
Require ResizeObserver polyfill in order to use Tooltip in IE11 with the additon of the
prop -
prefix from icon filenames -
Rename icons by their literal item or global use
Previous Name New Name icon-info info-inverse icon-warning exclamation-inverse icon-success checkmark-inverse icon-error close-inverse -
Update spacing tokens to be proportionally sized in their naming
Previous Name New Name $pharos-spacing-base-xx-small $pharos-spacing-brand-one-quarter-x $pharos-spacing-base-x-small $pharos-spacing-brand-one-half-x $pharos-spacing-base-small $pharos-spacing-brand-three-quarters-x $pharos-spacing-base-medium $pharos-spacing-brand-1-x $pharos-spacing-base-large $pharos-spacing-brand-one-and-a-half-x $pharos-spacing-base-xlarge $pharos-spacing-brand-2-x
prop to Tooltip to set its width equal to the target width -
Add primary color token
Add new spacing tokens
$pharos-spacing-brand-one-eighth-x: 0.125rem; $pharos-spacing-brand-3-x: 3rem; $pharos-spacing-brand-three-and-a-half-x: 3.5rem; $pharos-spacing-brand-5-x: 5rem; $pharos-spacing-brand-7-x: 7rem;
attributes to icon component to properly size them in IE11
- Add Textarea documentation
- Add
Brand Expression: Color
- Add
Brand Expression: Imagery
- Add
Brand Expression: Typography
- @pharos/core
- Fix alert and select styling in IE11
- Render select options correctly in IE11
- Keyboard navigation did not work properly in radio button groups in IE11
- In addition to Chrome, run unit tests in Firefox (locally and in CI) using karma-firefox-launcher
- @pharos/core
- Pass checkbox value as
for form submission when no value is passed - Fix checkbox and radio button alignment issues by setting line-height on their label
- Pass checkbox value as
in group elements' API for holding the selected value/s -
Access current selection/s for checkbox and radio groups from the
event they dispatch -
Set selections within the group using the
attribute on the child -
Change spacing design token values to accommodate additional sizes
The old values:
$pharos-spacing-base-x-small: 0.25rem; $pharos-spacing-base-small: 0.5rem;
The new values:
$pharos-spacing-base-xx-small: 0.25rem; $pharos-spacing-base-x-small: 0.5rem; $pharos-spacing-base-small: 0.75rem;
- @pharos/core
- Rework radio button group focus
- Propagate custom attributes from the React component to the web component
- @pharos/core
- Remove Vue and HTML versions of Storybook
- @pharos/core
- Enable hiding the label for selects, checkboxes, radios, checkbox groups, and radio groups with
- Enable hiding the label for selects, checkboxes, radios, checkbox groups, and radio groups with
- @pharos/core
- Radio button alignment & rendering
- Checkbox alignment & rendering
- Create a cross-browser utility function for populating forms containing Pharos form elements
- Implement error state logic for form elements
- Add
component - Add
component - Add
- Add
page - Add
- Add
Create React wrapper and generate React components as part of the build process
Put built components into
directory in package. This requires you to update your React imports from this:import { PharosTooltip } from '@pharos/react';
To this:
import { PharosTooltip } from '@pharos/core/lib/react-components/tooltip/pharos-tooltip';
- Delete package as React components are delivered as part of the core package
- @pharos/core
- Remove generated token files from version control
- Include sass tokens with delivered styles
- Add header to generated token files
- @pharos/core
- Add
- Add
- @pharos/react
- Add
<PharosRadioGroup />
- Add
- @pharos/core
- Radio button spacing
- Checkbox spacing
- @pharos/react
- Radio button for space
- Checkbox spacing
Use TypeScript for component development
Put built components and styles into
directory in package This requires you to update your imports from this:import '@pharos/core/web-components/pharos-tooltip';
To this:
import '@pharos/core/lib/components/tooltip/pharos-tooltip';
prefix from internal class names to avoid name collisions when polyfilling CSS for older browsers
- @pharos/core
- Styling of Alert was incorrect in older browsers due to lack of CSS prefixing
- @pharos/core
- Add
component - Add
component - Add
- Add
- @pharos/react
- Add
<PharosTextInput />
component - Add
<PharosRadioButton />
component - Add
<PharosCheckbox />
- Add
- @ithaka/pharos-site
- Create package for development of the Pharos site
- Provide CHANGELOG for release notes
- Linting
- Analyze code using ESLint
- Run against staged files
- Formatting
- Format code using Prettier
- Run when committing files
- Enable Storybooks to load in older versions of Microsoft Edge for compatibility testing
- @pharos/core
- Enable styling of slotted content in Alert component
- Listen for events on the Tooltip host instead of the root element
- @pharos/core
- Add
prop to Tooltip
- Add
- @pharos/core
- Add validation of Tooltip props
- Enable Tooltip users to specify fallback for placement algorithm
- Add
component - Add
- @pharos/react
- Add
<PharosHeading />
component - Add
<PharosAlert />
- Add
- @pharos/core
- Debounce closing of Tooltip
- @pharos/core
- Close other open Tooltip instances when hovering or focusing on another Tooltip's trigger
- Storybooks
- Add web component Storybook
- @pharos/core
- Ignore generated files from Prettier
- @pharos/react
- Put testing framework in place for React components
- @pharos/core
- Rename internal web component methods to indicate private use
- Run
script to automate synchronizing web component changes before building Storybooks - Exclude external dependencies from built package
- @pharos/react
- Exclude external dependencies from built package
- Switch React to a peer dependency
- @pharos/react
- Use web components in React
- @pharos/core
- Use web components for component development
- @pharos/core
- Initial release
- @pharos/react
- Initial release
- Packaging
- Manage package lifecycle using Lerna