Thanks for your interest in contributing, all contributions are welcome and this section should help you get started.
- Clone this repository
- Make sure you have PNPM and Node16+ installed. We recommend using VSCode.
- Check out a new branch for your contribution (
git checkout -b 'feature/fantastic-new-function'
Before contributing, you should be familiar with the following concepts:
- Semantic Versioning
- Conventional Commits
- gitmoji - Usage of gitmoji is optional, but highly preferred. It's helping a lot with identifying the exact type of commit on first sight and has basically no overhead when using tools like
To create valid commit messages, you have to use conventional commits. For the type, it's preferred to use emojis with optional text and to use scopes where possible. We use the following defined types with optional scopes to be able to comply with semver and make automatic CHANGELOG generation and tagging/versioning possible:
- build
- chore
- ci
- docs
- feat
- fix
- perf
- refactor
- revert
- style
- test
We recommend to use a tool like gitmoji-cli or gacp to make following these requirements easier. This repository includes a .gacprc
config file for gacp.
Note that fix:
and feat:
are for code changes. For typo or document changes, use docs:
or chore:
If you finished your change, you can create a pull request (PR) to get them merged. If you are not familiar with the process, GitHub has a guide on PRs.
pnpm run test
If you are closing issues with a PR, please reference the issues in the PR description (fix/fixes #123
where 123 is the issue id).