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1288 lines (823 loc) · 20.5 KB

Module: Misc

This module contains miscellaneous commands which do not fall into any of the other categories but do not deserve their own group since they are unique or not extensible.


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Do you ponder the mysteries of our world? Ask the Almighty 8Ball whatever you want! But beware, because the truth can sometimes hurt...

Aliases: 8b

Overload 0:

  • [string...]: A question for the Almighty 8Ball


!8ball Some string here

Group: birthday

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Birthday notifications commands. Group call either lists or adds a new birthday notification(s).

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: birthdays, bday, bd, bdays

Overload 3:

  • [user]: Birthday boy/girl

Overload 2:

  • (optional) [channel]: Channel for birthday notifications (def: None)

Overload 1:

  • [user]: Birthday boy/girl
  • [channel]: Channel for birthday notifications
  • (optional) [string]: Birthday date (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • [user]: Birthday boy/girl
  • [string]: Birthday date
  • (optional) [channel]: Channel for birthday notifications (def: None)


!birthday @User
!birthday #my-text-channel
!birthday @User #my-text-channel 13.10.2000

birthday add

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Adds a new birthday notification for a given user in the given channel (defaults to current channel) at a given date (defaults to current date).

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: register, reg, a, +, +=, <<, <, <-, <=

Overload 1:

  • [user]: Birthday boy/girl
  • (optional) [channel]: Channel for birthday notifications (def: None)
  • (optional) [string]: Birthday date (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • [user]: Birthday boy/girl
  • [string]: Birthday date
  • (optional) [channel]: Channel for birthday notifications (def: None)


!birthday add @User
!birthday add @User #my-text-channel
!birthday add @User #my-text-channel 13.10.2000

birthday delete

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Removes registered birthday notification(s) for a given user or in a given channels.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: unregister, remove, rm, del, d, -, -=, >, >>, ->, =>

Overload 1:

  • [user]: Birthday boy/girl

Overload 0:

  • [channel]: Channel for birthday notifications


!birthday delete @User
!birthday delete #my-text-channel

birthday deleteall

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Removes all registered birthday notification(s).

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: removeall, rmrf, rma, clearall, clear, delall, da, cl, -a, --, >>>

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!birthday deleteall

birthday list

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Lists birthday notifications for a given user or a given channel.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: print, show, view, ls, l, p

Overload 1:

  • [user]: Birthday boy/girl

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [channel]: Channel for birthday notifications (def: None)


!birthday list @User
!birthday list #my-text-channel

birthday listall

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Lists all birthday notifications for this guild.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: printall, showall, lsa, la, pa

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!birthday listall


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Flips a coin!

Aliases: coin, flip

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [int]: Reciprocal coinflip ratio (def: 1)


!coinflip 5


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Throws a dice!

Aliases: die, roll

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [int]: How many sides will the dice have? (def: 6)


!dice 5

Group: grant

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Requests to grant the sender a certain object (role for example).

Guild only.

Aliases: give

Overload 0:

  • [role...]: Roles to add


!grant @Role
!grant SampleName

grant nickname

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Grants you a given nickname.

Guild only.

Requires bot permissions: Manage nicknames

Aliases: nick, name, n

Overload 0:

  • [string...]: New name


!grant nickname SampleName

grant role

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Grants you a role from this guild's self-assignable roles list.

Guild only.

Requires bot permissions: Manage roles

Aliases: roles, rl, r

Overload 0:

  • [role...]: Roles to add


!grant role @Role

Group: help

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Shows the help embed.

Aliases: h, ?, ??, ???, man

Overload 2:

No arguments.

Overload 1:

  • [ModuleType]: Command module

Overload 0:

  • [string...]: Command name


!help Administration
!help sample command

Group: insult

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Writes an insult targeting a user. Alternatively, you can provide text to use as insult target.

Aliases: burn, ins, roast

Overload 1:

  • (optional) [user]: User (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • [string...]: Insult target


!insult @User
!insult Some string here


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Get or create an instant invite link for the current guild.

Aliases: getinvite, inv

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [time span]: Invite expiry time (def: None)


!invite 1d


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Makes me leave the guild.

Requires permissions: Administrator

Overload 0:

No arguments.




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Wr1t3s g1v3n tEx7 1n p5EuDo 1337sp34k.

Aliases: l33t, 1337

Overload 0:

  • [string...]: Text to repeat


!leet Some string here


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Prints a customizable GNU/Linux interjection.

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [string]: Replacement string (def: None)
  • (optional) [string]: Replacement string (def: None)


!linux GNU Windows

Group: meme

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Manipulate guild memes. Group call retrieves a meme from this guild's meme list by it's name or a random one if the name isn't provided.

Guild only.

Aliases: memes, mm

Overload 1:

No arguments.

Overload 0:

  • [string...]: Meme name


!meme Some string here

meme add

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Adds a new guild meme with a given name and an image (provided via URL or attachment).

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: register, reg, a, +, +=, <<, <, <-, <=

Overload 1:

  • [string]: Meme name
  • (optional) [URL]: Meme URL (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • [URL]: Meme URL
  • [string...]: Meme name


!meme add Some string here
!meme add Some string here

meme create

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Creates a new meme from template and top/bottom text(s).

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Use embeds

Aliases: maker, c, make, m

Overload 0:

  • [string]: Meme template
  • [string]: Top text
  • [string]: Bottom text


!meme create aag Some string here Some string here

meme delete

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Removes a meme from guild meme list.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: unregister, remove, rm, del, d, -, -=, >, >>, ->, =>

Overload 0:

  • [string...]: Meme name


!meme delete Some string here

meme deleteall

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Removes all guild memes.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Administrator

Aliases: removeall, rmrf, rma, clearall, clear, delall, da, cl, -a, --, >>>

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!meme deleteall

meme list

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Lists all guild memes.

Guild only.

Aliases: print, show, view, ls, l, p

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!meme list

meme templates

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Lists all available meme templates.

Guild only.

Aliases: template, ts, t

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [string...]: Meme template (def: None)


!meme templates
!meme templates aag


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An accurate measurement.

Aliases: size, length, manhood, dick, dicksize

Overload 1:

  • [member...]: Member(s)

Overload 0:

  • [user...]: User(s)


!penis @User
!penis @User @User @User


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Finds members with same penis command result as the given user.

Guild only.

Aliases: sizebros, lengthbros, manhoodbros, dickbros, cockbros

Overload 1:

  • [member]: Member

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [user]: User (def: None)


!penisbros @User


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Pings the bot.

Overload 0:

No arguments.




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Gets or sets command prefix.

Guild only.

Requires permissions: Administrator

Aliases: setprefix, pref, setpref

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [string]: New command prefix (def: None)


!prefix .

Group: random

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Randomization commands - choices, raffles etc.

Aliases: rnd, rand

random choice

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Chooses a random option from a comma separated option list.

Aliases: select, choose

Overload 0:

  • [string...]: Choice list (separated by comma)


!random choice option 1, option 2, option 3

random raffle

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Choose a user from the online members list optionally belonging to a given role.

Aliases: chooseuser

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [role]: Role (def: None)


!random raffle
!random raffle @Role

Group: rank

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User rank management. Group call prints user rank info.

Aliases: ranks, ranking, level, xp

Overload 1:

  • (optional) [member]: Member (def: None)

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [user]: User (def: None)


!rank @User

rank add

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Adds a custom name for a given rank in this guild.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: register, rename, mv, newname, reg, a, +, +=, <<, <, <-, <=

Overload 0:

  • [short]: Rank
  • [string...]: Rank name


!rank add 5 SampleName

rank delete

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Removes a custom name for a given rank in this guild.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: unregister, remove, rm, del, d, -, -=, >, >>, ->, =>

Overload 0:

  • [short]: Rank


!rank delete 5

rank list

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Print all customized rank names for this guild.

Aliases: print, show, view, ls, l, p

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!rank list

rank top

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Prints guild rank leaderboard

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!rank top

rank topglobal

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Prints global rank leaderboard

Aliases: bestglobally, globallystrongest, globaltop, topg, gtop, globalbest, bestglobal

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!rank topglobal


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A very accurate personality measurement.

Requires bot permissions: Attach files

Aliases: score, graph, rating

Overload 1:

  • [member...]: Member(s)

Overload 0:

  • [user...]: User(s)


!rate @User
!rate @User @User @User


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Report an issue with the bot.

Overload 0:

  • [string...]: Issue to report


!report Report message containing the detailed issue description

Group: revoke

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Requests to revoke a certain object (role for example) from the sender.

Guild only.

Aliases: take

Overload 0:

  • [role...]: Roles to remove


!revoke @Role

revoke role

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Revokes a role from this guild's self-assignable roles list.

Guild only.

Requires bot permissions: Manage roles

Aliases: rl, r

Overload 0:

  • [role...]: Roles to remove


!revoke role @Role


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Rest in peace, user...

Requires bot permissions: Attach files

Aliases: restinpeace, grave

Overload 1:

  • [member]: Member
  • (optional) [string...]: Text to put on the grave. (def: RIP)

Overload 0:

  • [user]: User
  • (optional) [string...]: Text to put on the grave. (def: RIP)


!rip @User


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Echo! Echo! Echo!

Aliases: repeat, echo

Overload 0:

  • [string...]: Text to repeat


!say Some string here


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Simulates a message from another user.

Guild only.

Aliases: sim

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [member]: Member (def: None)


!simulate @User

Group: starboard

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Guild starboard commands. Starboard is a channel where member-voted messages will be saved. Something like pins however the starboard is not limited to one channel, has no limits on the number of starred messages, and it is automatically updated. If a message has more than a number of specified emoji reactions, it will be saved in the starboard. The number of reactions before saving is referred to as sensitivity, whereas the emoji is referred to as a star (star being the default emoji). Both are customziable. Group call shows current starboard information for the guild or enables/disables starboard in given channel and using given star emoji.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: star, sb

Overload 2:

  • [boolean]: Enable?
  • [emoji]: Emoji
  • [channel]: Channel
  • (optional) [int]: Sensitivity (def: None)

Overload 1:

  • [boolean]: Enable?
  • [channel]: Emoji
  • (optional) [emoji]: Channel (def: None)
  • (optional) [int]: Sensitivity (def: None)

Overload 0:

No arguments.


!starboard Yes/No #my-text-channel
!starboard Yes/No #my-text-channel :emoji:
!starboard Yes/No #my-text-channel :emoji: 5

starboard channel

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Gets or sets starboard channel.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: chn, setchannel, setchn, setc, location

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [channel]: Channel (def: None)


!starboard channel

starboard emoji

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Gets or sets starboard emoji.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: e, star

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [emoji]: Emoji (def: None)


!starboard emoji
!starboard emoji :emoji:

starboard sensitivity

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Gets or sets starboard sensitivity.

Guild only.

Requires user permissions: Manage guild

Aliases: setsensitivity, setsens, sens, s

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [int]: Sensitivity (def: None)


!starboard sensitivity
!starboard sensitivity 5


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Shows time in a given timezone or localized guild time if timezone is not provided.

Aliases: t

Overload 0:

  • (optional) [string...]: IANA/Windows/Rails timezone ID (def: None)


!time CET


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Sends a TTS message.

Requires permissions: Send TTS messages

Overload 0:

  • [string...]: Text to repeat


!tts Some string here


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Attempts to translate message from leetspeak.

Aliases: unl33t

Overload 0:

  • [string...]: Text to repeat


!unleet Some string here