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Examples of common EAGLE tasks

Using the catalogues I: Stellar mass - halo mass relation

Showing running means, medians and "fancy medians"

Using the catalogues II: Galaxy stellar mass function

Loading particles within a spherical aperture around a galaxy

Calculating a quantity using particles for all haloes in a sample

Making histograms of particle properties

Making radial profiles

Tracing galaxies through time

Making pretty pictures with py-sphviewer

Making pretty pictures with py-sphviewer

Finally, let's have a go at doing what we all got into simulations for in the first place - making cool pictures of the universe. This is most easily achieved with the python module py-sphviewer, by Alejandro Benitez-Llambay, described here.

Head back into the folder in which you stored pyread-eagle and other software and do:

git clone
cd py-sphviewer
python install --user

The module may be installed with pip, however you may want to make your own alterations to the C code so it's good to have your own copy.

py-sphviewer makes it really easy to make images from smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations, which is easier said than done. If you've read up on how SPH works (which you should), you'll know that to simulate a fluid with discrete particles, the properties of SPH particles are smoothed over a kernel with a scale length depending on the distance to an Nth nearest neighbour. The properties of the fluid (such as density, temperature) are then given by convolving the kernels of all particles at any point in space.

To make an image of an SPH simulation, we must first establish a grid of pixels, with a size determined by the resolution of our desired image. We then 'paint' the kernel of each SPH particle onto the grid, summing the values where kernels overlap. Typically, one would smooth the mass of each particle over the grid and divide the resulting image through by the pixel area to show the surface density. As you can imagine, this becomes a very computationally demanding task for large number of particles, and high-resolution images.

The process is straightforward to parallelise, however, and py-sphviewer is written in parallel C code, utilising OpenMP. All the above processes are wrapped up in a few python classes that are intuitive to understand.

As an example, let's show the gaseous environment of the group we've been examining in these examples - number 32 in Ref-L0025N0376. We'll make a 5 Mpc wide image, so we'll need to load the masses, smoothing lengths and positions of particles in a region of this size:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from catalogue_reading import *
from particle_reading import *

import sphviewer

groupnumber = 32
sim = 'L0025N0376'
model = 'REFERENCE'
tag = '028_z000p000'


snapfile = '/hpcdata0/simulations/EAGLE/' + sim + '/' + model + '/data/snapshot_'+tag+'/snap_'+tag+'.0.hdf5'

first_subhalo = catalogue_read('FOF','FirstSubhaloID',sim=sim,model=model,tag=tag)
M200 = catalogue_read('FOF','Group_M_Crit200',sim=sim,model=model,tag=tag)[groupnumber-1] * 1e10
COP = catalogue_read('Subhalo','CentreOfPotential',sim=sim,model=model,tag=tag)[first_subhalo,:]
centre = COP[groupnumber-1,:]

snapshot = pyread_eagle.EagleSnapshot(snapfile)

with h5.File(snapfile,'r') as f:
    h = f['Header'].attrs['HubbleParam']
    a = f['Header'].attrs['ExpansionFactor']
    boxsize = f['Header'].attrs['BoxSize'] * a/h

centre_codeunits = centre * h/a
region_size_codeunits = region_size * h/a


coords = particle_read(0,'Coordinates',snapshot,snapfile)

# Centre and wrap the co-ordinates
coords -= centre
coords += boxsize/2.
coords %= boxsize
coords -= boxsize/2.

# Get masses and smoothing lengths
mass = particle_read(0,'Mass',snapshot,snapfile)
hsml = particle_read(0,'SmoothingLength',snapshot,snapfile)

I call the smoothing lengths hsml as they are typically denoted as such in codes, and by h in equations. We use these values to initialise a Particles instance in the module, and pass this into a Scene instance, which sets things up for rendering:

Particles = sphviewer.Particles(coords,mass,hsml=hsml)
Scene = sphviewer.Scene(Particles)

Scene is clever, as once it's been initialised we can adjust the "camera" that produces the image. The camera can be set at a physical distance from your particles and produce images in angular units for mock observations, or be set at infinity (more useful for theoretical work). The aperture of the image can be changed, as can the position the camera points at, the angle (theta and phi) from which the camera is pointing and the resolution of the image. Manipulation of this camera can be used to make rotating movies, or 'fly-throughs', for example. For now, we'll set the camera at infinity, set the aperture to 5 Mpc by establishing the extent as [-2.5,2.5,-2.5,2.5] and set the resolution to 1024x1024.

Scene.update_camera(r='infinity', t=0., p=0., extent=[-1.*region_size, region_size, -1.*region_size, region_size], xsize=1024, ysize=1024)

For more details on this, see this iPython notebook.

Now, py-sphviewer does the hard work when we invoke the Render class:

Render = sphviewer.Render(Scene)
img = Render.get_image()
extent = Render.get_extent()

img is a numpy array of the surface density in every pixel, while extent is the same as what we passed into the Camera and is used for plotting. We can now plot the image using plt.imshow:

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
im = plt.imshow(np.log10(img), extent=extent, origin='lower', cmap='afmhot')
col = plt.colorbar()
ax.set_xlabel(r'$x\,[{\rm Mpc}]$',fontsize=16)
ax.set_ylabel(r'$x\,[{\rm Mpc}]$',fontsize=16)'$\Sigma_{\rm gas}\,[{\rm M}_\odot\,{\rm Mpc}^{-3}]$',fontsize=16)


Have a play with the camera and try making images of the different particle types. Note that when making images of the dark matter, you need to account for the fact that PartType 1 does not have a smoothing length - you can make py-sphviewer compute one for you (see the docs).

Finally, a caveat: py-sphviewer does not use the Wendland C2 kernel that is actually used for smoothing in EAGLE, and is therefore inconsistent with the SPH implementation of the simulation. You can fix this yourself fairly easily in the code by adding your own kernel, if you know a bit of C. There are also a few issues with small-scale smoothing (check out the pull requests on GitHub) that I don't think have been resolved as yet, so I recommend only using the module for visualisation purposes and not for detailed scientific studies.

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