PHP class wrapping calls to PDFLaTeX/LuaLaTeX to generate PDF files from LaTeX generated by PHP itself.
Requires pdflatex/lualatex or another engine to be installed, e.g. in Debian package texlive-latex-base.
// autogenerate filename for TeX file in temp dir
$wrapper = new TexWrapper\Wrapper();
// use existing TeX or store in custom path.
// the resulting PDF will have the same filename with ".pdf" appended
$wrapper = new TexWrapper\Wrapper('/my/path/texfile');
// generate the TeX file
$texContent = '\documentclass{article}
\title{Introduction to \LaTeX{}}
\author{Author Name}
Here is the text of your introduction.
// to customize log output or apply texfot to filter unnecessary messages
$wrapper->setCommand('texfot '.$wrapper->getCommand().' 2>&1');
// to use lualatex instead of pdflatex
$cmd = 'lualatex --file-line-error '
.' --interaction=nonstopmode --output-directory=%dir% %file%';
// build PDF file in the same path where the TeX file lives
$result = $wrapper->buildPdf();
if ($result) {
echo "PDF file ".$wrapper->getPdfFile()." was created!";
} else {
echo "PDF file wasn't generated!";
// even when the PDF was generated there could be errors and the latex engine
// or the post-processing command exited with an error code > 0
// getErrors() returns an array, possible indexes are: engine, missingFonts,
// postProcessor
// pdflatex always generates output, some warnings like missing fonts do not
// generate errors, the output is always saved:
var_dump($wrapper->getLog()); // returns string
// if you don't need the TeX file anymore
// it is automatically deleted on Wrapper destruction if no initial filename
// was set
To apply post-processing to the created PDF, e.g. to reduce file size use
The command must keep the PDF file in place, else postProcess
will return false.
The placeholder %file%
points to the previously created PDF file, %dir%
to the
containing folder.
// Example: use ghostscript (debian package: ghostscript) to minimize PDF file
// size. Test first: very simple documents can get larger through this!
$postProcessor = 'gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4'
.' -dDetectDuplicateImages -dCompressFonts=true -r150'
.' -sOutputFile=%file%.tmp %file% && mv %file%.tmp %file%';
$result = $wrapper->postProcess($postProcessor);
if ($result) {
echo "post-processed ".$wrapper->getPdfFile();
} else {
echo "post-processing failed!";
$errors = $wrapper->getErrors();
Texfot tries to remove unnecessary lines from the LaTeX engine output. But while pdflatex/lualatex outputs everything including all errors to the stdout, texfot writes errors to stderr, so we have to include them in stdout by using "2>&1" in the command for the wrapper to log them. Texfot uses the temporary file /tmp/fot which is not deleted after execution so it can cause errors when used by different users which can not write the others files.
The lualatex command requires access to a working directory in $HOME, e.g. $HOME/.texlive2017, depending on the installation and version. Make sure to create it for the user executing PHP before using the script.