##In Development
- Adjust compact volume button height
- Visually limit scrollbar's knob's min/max size or position.
- Just call play() on thumbnail click so jump-to-timestamp works then too.
###v59.7 - 2015-03-18
- Don't jump to timestamp when pausing/playing with play button.
- Added customizable preset playback rate button as per issue #47.
###v59.6 - 2015-03-15
###v59.5 - 2015-02-23
- Delay player loading when SPF navigating. Images etc should load now.
- Exclude a embedding site if 'controls=0'. May have a custom player.
###v59.4 - 2015-02-23
- Exclude embedding sites: wimp.com (uses JW Player)
- Remove MPD generation. VLC can't play it anyway.
- Nicer thumbnail.
###v59.3 - 2015-02-22
###v59.2 - 2015-02-22
##v59.1 - 2015-02-22
##v59 - 2015-02-22
- Try to delay loading the player until some javascript variables have been loaded.
- Remove feather stuff.
- Removing removing stuff. "New" formats.
2014-06-25 Fix deciphering for firefox v30 and below
2014-05-21 Try to resume if unexpected EOS. Use bind(). Playlist next item fix.
2014-04-26 Watch later, regex fix, remove from watch later if viewing WL playlist, hover controls css
2014-04-26 Embedded crash. seekTo
2014-04-26 Incomplete quick fix the fix the fix for comments not loading, API calls maybe
2014-04-25 Fake Live formats for priority map
2014-04-24 Separate url map parse from DOM generation so we can fail earlier and allow flashplayer to take over. May need manual refreshing with SPF.
2014-04-24 this -> that. Embed font/css for icons
2014-04-24 Cleanup
2014-04-24 Alternate method for / quick fix for popups (security errors)
2014-04-17 Testing font Awesome Icons
2014-04-17 Option to auto select subtitle
2014-04-10 focus() leads to random scroll
2014-04-07 Signature deciphering flippity-boppity -_-
2014-03-30 Signature deciphering. Call focus() on vlc plugin
2014-03-13 Watch Later button option
2014-03-11 Fixed the playlist?
2014-03-10 Jump to timestamp option
2014-03-01 CSS hacks and fix some margins
2014-02-07 Fix popup. User page > video transition is borked still
2014-01-21 Live HLS stream test
2014-01-20 Can transition from main page > search results > video or user page > video without shitting itself?
2014-01-17 Thumbnails
2014-01-17 SPF hooking and volume restore changes
2014-01-17 Quick (aka not complete) fix for extra ajaxy 'tube
2014-01-06 Call stateUpdate on spf nav.
2014-01-04 Pass unsafeWindow to tampermonkey
2014-01-03 Mute button test