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File metadata and controls

112 lines (93 loc) · 4.63 KB


A simple java application for automating Pojo and JPA Entity code generation.

How it works

The Java program aims to speed up the pojo and entity creation process with the help of the JDBC API. By providing appropriate properties file, the program will generate the designated java source code accordingly.
The program currently supports three types (<TYPE>) of bean production

<TYPE> Description
entity JPA Entity Class
pojo Plain Old Java Object
string-only-pojo Plain Old Java Object, all member fields are set as String type

To run the program,

  • Build a jar with your JDBC database driver.
  • Prepare a file
  • Run java -jar <YOUR_JAR_FILE> <YOUR_CONFIG_FILE> in your terminal.

Supported properties

Java .properties file is required and should be supplied to the program by users.

Database Connection Configuration

Property Description Mandatory
db.connection.url A database url of the form jdbc:subprotocol:subname Y
db.connection.user The database user on whose behalf the connection is being made Y
db.connection.password The user's password N
db.connection.schema Target schema in database N

Remarks: To prevent No suitable driver found error, please pack the database driver jar with the compiled source code if you are going to create a portable jar.

Output File Path Configuration

Property Description Mandatory
output.root Absolute path of the root directory of the output file. Default path is your current working directory N

Bean Properties Configuration

Properties Description
bean.package.<TYPE>.X Package name of the generated java source file.
The name will also determine the path of the generated source file.
For example: com.jackylaucf.packagename
The output file will be placed under output.root\com\jackylaucf\packagename
bean.prefix.<TYPE>.X Prefix of the bean name
bean.suffix.<TYPE>.X Suffix of the bean name

(i) <TYPE> refers to the supported types (i.e. either entity or pojo or string-only-pojo)
(ii) X refers to the identifier for linking the properties of the same bean together.
    e.g. bean.package.entity.1, bean.prefix.entity.1 and bean.suffix.entity.1 refer to the configuration of the same entity bean.

Database-Bean Mapping Configuration

Properties Description<TABLE_NAME> One-to-One mapping of the database table name to Java Bean name.
The name of the bean product will be <bean.prefix><BEAN_NAME><bean.suffix>.java<TABLE_NAME> One-to-One mapping of the database table name to its corresponding Id field, which will be annotated with @Id in entity class according to JPA specification. Note that the value of the key-value pair should be the COLUMN_NAME in database, not the field name in entity class.

JPA Annotation Support

Annotation Attribute(s)
@Entity nil
@Table name
@Id nil
@Column name

Default Datababase Type to Java Type Mapping

The design is based on java.sql.Types

java.sql.Types Java data type
ARRAY java.sql.Array
BIGINT java.lang.Long
BINARY byte[]
BIT java.lang.Boolean
BLOB java.sql.Blob
BOOLEAN java.lang.Boolean
CHAR java.lang.String
CLOB java.sql.Clob
DATE java.time.LocalDate
DECIMAL java.math.BigDecimal
DOUBLE java.lang.Double
FLOAT java.lang.Double
INTEGER java.lang.Integer
LONGNVARCHAR java.lang.String
LONGVARCHAR java.lang.String
NCHAR java.lang.String
NCLOB java.sql.NClob
NUMERIC java.math.BigDecimal
NVARCHAR java.lang.String
REAL java.lang.Float
REF java.sql.Ref
ROWID java.sql.RowId
SMALLINT java.lang.Short
STRUCT java.sql.Struct
TIME java.time.LocalTime
TIME_WITH_TIMEZONE java.time.OffsetTime
TIMESTAMP java.time.LocalDateTime
TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE java.time.OffsetDateTime
TINYINT java.lang.Byte
VARCHAR java.lang.String

Import the project

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