diff --git a/docs/running-as-a-service.md b/docs/running-as-a-service.md
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+title: Running as a service
+description: "How to run JMusicBot as a service, so that it can run in the background without needing to be manually started."
+## Running as a service
+Running JMusicBot as a service allows it to run in the background without needing to be manually started. This is useful for running the bot on a server, or if you want to be able to close your terminal without stopping the bot.
+### Linux using systemd
+!!! warning
+    This method assumes that you've created a user for the bot to run as. If you haven't, see [this guide](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-create-a-sudo-user-on-ubuntu-quickstart) for instructions.
+!!! note
+    Copy the jar file to the home directory of the user that the bot is running as, or change the `WorkingDirectory` and `ExecStart` lines in the service file to point to the correct location.
+1. Open a terminal and run the following command to create a new service file:
+sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/JMusicBot.service
+2. Copy the following text into the file and save it:
+ExecStart=/usr/bin/env java -Dnogui=true -jar JMusicBot.jar
+!!! note
+    Replace `<username>` with the name of the user that the bot is running as.
+4. Run the following command to start the bot:
+sudo systemctl start JMusicBot
+5. Run the following command to stop the bot:
+sudo systemctl stop JMusicBot
+6. Run the following command to restart the bot:
+sudo systemctl restart JMusicBot
+7. Run the following command to enable the bot to start on boot:
+sudo systemctl enable JMusicBot
+### Linux using screen
+!!! warning
+    This method is not recommended for production use, see [systemd](#linux-using-systemd) instead.
+1. Install the [screen](https://www.howtoforge.com/linux_screen) utility, if it isn't already installed.
+2. Run the following command to start the bot:
+screen -dmS JMusicBot java -jar JMusicBot.jar
+3. Run the following command to stop the bot:
+screen -S JMusicBot -X quit
+4. Run the following command to restart the bot:
+screen -S JMusicBot -X quit
+screen -dmS JMusicBot java -jar JMusicBot.jar
+### Windows
+1. Download the [NSSM](https://nssm.cc/download) executable and place it in the same directory as the JMusicBot jar file.
+2. Open a command prompt in the same directory as the JMusicBot jar file and run the following command:
+nssm install JMusicBot java -jar JMusicBot.jar
+3. Run the following command to start the service:
+nssm start JMusicBot
+4. Run the following command to stop the service:
+nssm stop JMusicBot
+5. Run the following command to remove the service:
+nssm remove JMusicBot
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 ## 4️⃣ Run JMusicBot
 * Run the jar file (choose one of these options):
   * Double-click the jar file (on desktop environments), OR
-  * Run `java -Dnogui=true -jar JMusicBot-X.Y.Z.jar` from the command line (replace X, Y, and Z with the release numbers), OR
-  * Run `nohup java -Dnogui=true -jar JMusicBot-X.Y.Z.jar &` to run in the background (Linux only)
+  * Run `java -Dnogui=true -jar JMusicBot-X.Y.Z.jar` from the command line (replace X, Y, and Z with the release numbers)
 * Provide the requested information, if prompted.
 * Wait for the "Finished Loading" message.
+!!! tip
+    If you want to run the bot in the background, see [Running as a Service](running-as-a-service.md)
 ## 5️⃣ Add your bot to your server
 * When the bot starts, if it hasn't been added to any servers yet, it will provide you with a link in the console.
 * Alternatively, follow these instructions (with images): [Adding Your Bot To Your Server](adding-your-bot.md)
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@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ nav:
     - config.md
     - advanced-config.md
     - hosting.md
+    - running-as-a-service.md
   - Reference:
     - commands.md
     - playlists.md