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Full Command Reference

John Grosh edited this page Jun 2, 2019 · 11 revisions

This page contains the full list of commands. These commands (and descriptions) can also be seen via the help command.

Arguments surrounded by <> are required, and arguments surrounded by [] are optional. Do not include <> nor [] when running commands!

📜 General Commands

These commands are just general-use commands to see information about the bot


Shows basic information about the bot, including its library, framework, and some statistics


Shows the latency between the bot and Discord. In general, 80-250ms is a normal value.


Shows the settings for the current server. This includes Text Channel, Voice Channel, DJ Role, and Default Playlist. This command also shows the number of servers the bot is on, and how many audio connections there currently are.

📜 Music Commands

These commands are related to playing music, available to all users. If a TextChannel is set, these commands can only be used in that channel.

lyrics [song name]

Fetches the lyrics for the provided song name, or the currently-playing song if no name is provided

nowplaying (or np or current)

Shows information about the song that is currently playing (name, user that added it, current timestamp, and song URL)


Shows the play commands. If the player is paused, it resumes the player.

play <URL>

Plays the song or stream at the provided URL. Supported locations include (but are not limited to): YouTube (and playlists), SoundCloud, BandCamp, Vimeo, and Twitch. Local files or URLs of the following formats are also supported: MP3, FLAC, WAV, Matroska/WebM (AAC, Opus or Vorbis codecs), MP4/M4A (AAC codec), OGG streams (Opus, Vorbis and FLAC codecs), AAC streams, Stream playlists (M3U and PLS)

play <song name>

Plays the top YouTube result for the specified song name

play playlist <playlistname> (or play pl <playlistname>)

Plays all songs in the specified playlist. There must already be a playlist of the specified name in the Playlists folder


Shows available playlists. These playlists must be inside the Playlists folder.

queue [pagenum] (or list [pagenum])

Shows songs in the queue. If no page number is provided, it defaults to the first page.

remove <songnum> (or delete <songnum>)

Removes the song at the provided position in the queue. You can only remove songs that you added, unless you are an Admin or have the specified DJ role.

remove all (or delete all)

Removes all songs that you have added to the queue

search <query> (or ytsearch <query>)

Shows the top YouTube results for a search and allows you to select one to add to the queue

scsearch <query>

Shows the top SoundCloud results for a search and allows you to select one to add to the queue


Shuffles (changes the order, randomly) of songs that you have added to the queue

skip (or voteskip)

Skips a song if you added it. If you didn't add it, it adds your vote to skip it. Approximately 60% of active listeners need to vote to skip a song for it to be skipped.

📜 DJ Commands

All Admins can automatically use DJ commands. Admins can also assign one server role to be the "DJ role," which allows anyone with that role to use these commands as well.

forceskip (or modskip)

Forcibly skips the current song, regardless of who added it and how many votes there are to skip it

movetrack <from> <to> (or move)

Moves the track at position in the queue to position


Pauses the player. The player remains paused until a DJ or Admin uses the play command

playnext <song name | URL>

Places a single song at the front of the queue to play next (or begins playing if nothing is currently playing)

repeat [on | off]

Puts the player in (or takes it out of) repeat mode. In repeat mode, when songs end naturally (not removed or skipped), they get put back into the queue.

skipto <position>

Skips forward in the queue to the provided song number, playing that song and removing any songs before that from the queue


Clears the queue, ends the current song, and leaves the voice channel

volume [0-150] (or vol [0-150])

Shows or sets the current volume. For best performance, it is recommended to leave this at 100 and adjust volume on an individual basis within Discord

📜 Admin Commands

Admin commands can be used by anyone with the Manage Server permission.

setdj <rolename>

Sets the DJ role. Users with this role will be able to use DJ commands.

setdj none

Clears the DJ role. Only Admins will be able to use the DJ commands.

settc <channel>

Sets the text channel for music commands. Using music commands in other channels will result in them being deleted (if possible), and a warning sent via DMs to use the correct channel. Additionally, if the bot has the Manage Channel permission in the set channel, it will adjust the topic to show the current track.

settc none

Clears the text channel

setvc <channel>

Sets the voice channel for playing music. When set, the bot will only connect to the specified channel when users attempt to play music.

setvc none

Clears the voice channel for playing music. This means that users can play music from any channel that the bot can connect to (if the bot is not already in a different channel)

📜 Owner Commands

These commands can only be used by the bot owner (set in the config)

autoplaylist <playlistname>

Sets the default playlist for the server, which plays when the queue is empty and when the bot starts up (identical to playlist setdefault)

playlist append <playlistname> <item> | [item] | [item]...

Adds items to an existing playlist. Items must be urls. To add a YouTube search, it must be in the form "ytsearch:query". For a SoundCloud search, use "scsearch:query".

playlist delete <playlistname>

Deletes the playlist file for a playlist

playlist make <playlistname>

Creates a new, empty playlist

playlist setdefault <playlistname>

Sets the default playlist for the server, which plays when the queue is empty and when the bot starts up

playlist setdefault none

Clears the default playlist

setavatar <url>

Sets the avatar of the bot

setgame [game]

Sets the game the bot is playing

setgame stream <username> <game name>

Sets the game the bot is "streaming"

setname <name>

Sets the username of the bot

setstatus <status>

Sets the status of the bot (online, idle, dnd, invisible)


Safely shuts down