The JavaTest jar with GAV coords javatest:javatest:5.0 does not exist in Maven Central, so one needs to install the repo lib/javatest.jar into the local maven repo in order to build this repo with Maven. To do this, execute:
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=lib/javatest.jar -DgroupId=javatest -DartifactId=javatest -Dversion=5.0 -Dpackaging=jar
From the root folder, try:
mvn clean install -Dmaven.compiler.failOnError=false > /tmp/build.txt
The ^ command will compile all sources that are included as per root pom.xml with many failures that we need to resolve.
The Jenkins jobs required for certifying Eclipse GlassFish nightly builds using the latest Jakarta EE TCK bundles are hosted in the Eclipse CloudBees Infrastructure and are available under
For information regarding the various JakartaEE TCK related jobs, Please refer to the wiki page below
Build the individual project and release it to Eclipse Maven repositories.
Integrate the individual project to GlassFish.
Sample steps done for JTA:
git clone git checkout -b EE4J_8 find . -name \pom.xml -exec sed -i.bak "s/javax.transaction</jakarta.transaction</g" {} ; find . -name \pom.xml -exec sed -i.bak "s/javax.transaction-api</jakarta.transaction-api</g" {} ; mvn clean install
Upload the glassfish bundle built in the previous step as attachment to the corresponding pull request.
Request CTS team to run the CTS suites by tagging @anajosep and @bhatpmk
Provide the names of the jars (under glassfish6/glassfish/modules) that were modified in this bundle.
If known, specify the test areas that needs to be run, if not leave it empty.
Wait for the confirmation and the results uploaded from the runs against the pull request.
If the results are clean, commit the changes to the individual project and the changes required for integration to GlassFish.
Instructions for building and running JakartaEE TCK bundle from scratch is available in the following wiki page: JakartaEE TCK - Build and Run Instructions
A Java EE 8 CTS is a set of tools and tests used to verify that a licensee's implementation of Java EE 8 technology conforms to the applicable specification.
All tests in the CTS are based on the written specifications for the Java platform. The CTS tests compatibility of a licensee's implementation of a technology to the applicable specification of the technology. Compatibility testing is a means of ensuring correctness, completeness, and consistency across all implementations developed by technology licensees. The set of tests included with the Java EE 8 CTS is called the test suite. All tests in the CTS test suite are self-checking, but some tests may require tester interaction. Most tests return either a Pass or Fail status. For a given platform to be certified, all of the required tests must pass. The definition of required tests may change from platform to platform.
The definition of required tests will change over time. Before your final certification test pass, be sure to download the latest Exclude List for the Java EE 8 CTS.
Java EE 8 CTS is a portable, configurable, automated test suite for verifying the compliance of a licensee's implementation of the Java EE 8 technologies. Java EE 8 CTS includes version 5.0 of the JT harness.
For documentation on the test harness used for running the Java EE 8 CTS test suite, see
The following section lists the hardware requirements for the Java EE 8 CTS software, using the Java EE 8 RI or Java EE 8 Web Profile RI. Hardware requirements for other reference implementations will vary.
All systems should meet the following recommended hardware requirements:
CPU running at 2.0 GHz or higher
4 GB of RAM or more
2 GB of swap space , if required
6 GB of free disk space for writing data to log files, the Java EE 8 repository, and the database
Network access to the Internet
You can run the Java EE 8 CTS software on platforms running the Solaris, Linux, Windows, and Mac OS software that meet the following software requirements:
Operating Systems:
Solaris 10 and newer
MAC OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.1+)
Windows XP SP3, Windows 2008 R2
Oracle Linux 6.4
Fedora 18
Ubuntu Linux 12.10
Suse Enterprise Linux 12.2
Java SE 8 SDK
Java EE 8 RI or Java EE 8 Web Profile RI
Mail server that supports the IMAP and SMTP protocols
One of the following databases:
Microsoft SQL Server
Postgres SQL
Java DB
In addition to the instructions and requirements described in this document, all Java EE 8 and Java EE 8 Web Profile implementations must also pass the standalone TCKs for the following technologies:
Contexts and Dependency Injection for Java 2.0 (JSR 365)
Dependency Injection for Java 1.0 (JSR 330)
Bean Validation 2.0 (JSR 380)
Complete the following procedure to install the Java EE 8 CTS on a system running the Solaris, Linux, or Windows operating system.
Copy or download the CTS 8 software.
Change to the directory in which you want to install the Java EE 8 CTS software and use the unzip command to extract the bundle:
cd install_directory unzip
This creates the jakartaeetck
directory. The install_directory/jakartaeetck
directory will be TS_HOME
- Set the
environment variable to point to thejakartaeetck
Download the latest version of Apache Ant from the below link
Change to the directory in which you want to install Apache Ant and extract the bundle
unzip apache-ant-<version>
tar zxvf apache-ant-<version>-bin.tar.gz
environment variable to point to the apache-ant-
- Set
environment variable to use the installed ant.
You can modify the following test suite components only:
Your implementation of the porting package
environment file -
The vendor-specific SQL files in
Any files in
(except forts.*
To configure the Java EE 8 RI as the server under test (that is, to use the Java EE 8 RI as the VI) follow the steps listed below.
In this scenario, the goal is simply to test the Java EE 8 RI against the CTS for the purposes of familiarizing yourself with CTS test procedures. You may also want to refer to the Quick Start guides included with the Java EE 8 CTS for similar instructions.
Set server properties in your
file to suit your test environment. Be sure to set the following properties: a. Set thewebServerHost
property to the name of the host on which your Web server is running that is configured with the RI. The default setting islocalhost
.b. Set the
property to the port number of the host on which the Web server is running and configured with the RI. The default setting is8001
.c. Set the
property to the Vendor's implementation class that mimics the RI Ant task that in turn calls the wsgen Java-to-WSDL tool. The default setting
.d. Set the
property to the Vendor's implementation class that mimics the RI Ant task that in turn calls thewsimport
WSDL-to-Java tool. The default setting
.e. Set the
property to your porting implementation class that is used for obtaining URLs. The default setting for the RI porting implementation iscom.sun.ts.lib.implementation.sun.common.SunRIURL
.f. Set the database-related properties in the
file.g. Add the following JVM option to the
property to enable the Security Manager in the application client
Add this option to the list of other -D
JVM options for this property.
As mentioned previously, these settings can vary, but must match whatever you
used when setting up the Java EE 8 RI server.
Install the Java EE 8 RI and configure basic settings, as described in
Start the Java EE 8 RI application server. Refer to the application server documentation for complete instructions.
Enable the Security Manager. If you are using the Java EE 8 RI, execute the following command from the command line:
asadmin create-jvm-options
Stop and restart your application server so it is running with the Security Manager enabled.
Change to the
directory. -
Start your backend database.
If you are using Derby as your backend database, execute the start.javadb Ant
ant -f xml/impl/glassfish/s1as.xml start.javadb
Otherwise, refer to your backend database administration documentation for
information about starting your database server.
Initialize your backend database. If you are using Derby as your backend database, execute the
Ant target:ant -f xml/init.xml init.derby
Run the configuration Ant target.
Build the special web services clients.
The special webservices tests under the webservices12/specialcases
have prebuilt endpoints, but the clients are not prebuilt. The clients will be
built after the endpoints are first predeployed to the application server under
test. During the build, the clients import the WSDLs (by means of the Java EE
and wsgen
tools) from the predeployed webservices endpoints. This process
verifies that importing a WSDL from a predeployed webservice endpoint works
To build the special webservices clients, the following command must be executed:
ant build.special.webservices.clients
Set the
environment variable to the directory in which Java EE 8 CTS was installed. -
Set the
environment variable to the latest version of JDK 8 -
Set the
environment variable to the latest version of Apache Ant installed. -
Set the
environment to use the latest binaries.export PATH=$ANT_HOME/bin:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
Change to any subdirectory under <TS_HOME>/src/com/sun/ts/tests.
Ensure that the ts.jte file contains information relevant to your setup.
Execute the runclient Ant target to start the JavaTest:
ant runclient
This runs all tests in the current directory and any subdirectories.
To run the Java EE 8 CTS signature tests, enter the following commands:
cd <TS_HOME>/src/com/sun/ts/tests/signaturetest/javaee ant runclient
To run a single test directory in the forward direction, enter the following commands:
cd <TS_HOME>/src/com/sun/ts/tests/jaxws/api/jakarta_xml_ws/Dispatch ant -Dkeywords=forward runclient
To run a subset of test directories in the reverse direction, enter the following commands:
cd <TS_HOME>/src/com/sun/ts/tests/jaxws/api ant -Dkeywords=reverse runclient