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Jakarta EE 9.1 TCKs JDK 11 and JDK 8 support

Gurunandan Rao edited this page Apr 23, 2021 · 4 revisions

Jakarta EE 9.1 TCKs build with JDK 8, which support test run with both JDK 11 and JDK 8 are:

TCK Name Version
CAJ 2.0.1
Concurrency 2.0.1
Connector 2.0.1
EL 4.0.1
JACC 2.0.1
JASPIC 2.0.1
JAXRS 3.0.2
JAXWS 3.0.1
JMS 3.0.1
JPA 3.0.1
JSF 3.0.1
JSONB 2.0.1
JSONP 2.0.1
JSP 3.0.1
JSTL 2.0.1
JTA 2.0.1
SAAJ 2.0.1
Security API 2.0.1
Servlet 5.0.2
Web Socket 2.0.1
CDI porting kit 3.0.1
DI porting kit 2.0.0
BV Porting kit 3.0.0
DSOL 2.0.0
JAXB 3.0.1
JAF 2.0.1
MAil 2.0.1
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