Here is a list of plugins I used in the past and removed them because I found a new method to use it.
- jQuery: pretty colors for the jQuery syntax (no doc)
- NERDTree: amazing file browser for GUI guys
- m - choose which action to perform (add, move, copy, delete)
- add / at the end to create a new directory
- r - refresh the view
- O - opens the node recursive from the parent node
- t - opens th file in a new tab
- p - jumps to the root tree
- T - opens the file in a new tab and the focus will stay in the current window
- x - closed the parent node, but leave the nodes above the node open (visual close)
- X - closed all nodes which are under the actual node (physical close)
- R - update the view
- press ? in the NERDTree window
- :NERDTreeFind - open the current file in the NERDTree and expand the tree to this file location
- own settings:
- let g:NERDTreeDirArrows = 1 - use arrows for the tree structure
- let g:NERDChristmasTree = 0 - less colorful tree (save performance)
- let g:NERDTreeHighlightCursorline = 0 - no cursor highlight in the tree
- let g:NERDTreeMouseMode = 3 - one click will open the file
- let g:NERDTreeWinPos = 'right' - display Tree in the right
- let g:NERDTreeWinSize = 30 - the width of the NERDTree when it opens
- m - choose which action to perform (add, move, copy, delete)
- vim-nerdtree-tabs: opens one
NERDTree which is the same in every tab
- own settings:
- map t <plug>NERDTreeTabsToggle<CR> - press t to toggle the NERDTree
- let g:nerdtree_tabs_open_on_gui_startup = 1 - open NERDTree on gvim/MacVim startup
- let g:nerdtree_tabs_open_on_console_startup = 0 - don't openNERDTree on vi
- let g:nerdtree_tabs_autoclose = 1 - close current tab if there is only the NERDTree left - nice
- own settings:
- cucumber: syntax-highlighting for cucumber files (no doc)
- coffee-script: coffee script support
- l9: Vim-script library, add functionality to program vim-files (mainly needed for fuzzyfinder plugin)
- powerline: candy statusline which is high configurable
- vim-less: syntax highlighting, indenting and auto completion for the dynamic style sheet language (no docu)
- vim-rails: rails support in Vim (with some really
great features)
- :RDoc - browse the rails api
- :Rrefresh - clear some cache settings in Rails
- :Rlog - splits the actual window and opens the log-file
- :Rpreview [{path}] - opens the url http://localhost:3000/path for the specified path
- :Rscript - opens the rails console in a beautiful quickfix window
- gf - will open models, views, controllers, partials and so on under which the cursor stands
- belongs*to :projects - and if the cursor is below :project it will open the model Project
- jump to certain files according to the actual file
- each command will open the finding in the actual window, you can modify each command with V (vertical split), S (horizontal split) T (tab), for example :RVview, :RSview or :RTview and so on
- :Rcontroller - opens the controller
- :Rfixtures - opens the fixture file (instead of using fixtures I suggest using factory girl)
- :Rhelper - opens the helper file
- :Rmodel - opens the model file
- :Rspec - open the spec file
- :Rview - opens the view file
- extracting code from the view and insert it into partials
- :2,3Rextract post will extract lines 2,3 in the partial with the name post
- you didn't need to specify the lines, it is possible to use visual mode: :'<,'>Rextract juhu, so the content will be inserted in the partial juhu