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116 lines (82 loc) · 3.61 KB

File metadata and controls

116 lines (82 loc) · 3.61 KB


A high-performance, in-memory, git-backed OLAP database of nothing.

Because the best database infrastructure is no database infrastructure.

Using NoDB with DuckDB

D attach '' as nodb;
100% ▕████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▏

D use nodb;

D show tables;
│  name   │
│ varchar │
│ nichts  │
│ nothing │

D from duckdb_views() select database_name, schema_name, view_name where not internal;
│ database_name │ schema_name │ view_name │
│    varchar    │   varchar   │  varchar  │
│ nodb          │ main        │ nichts    │

D from nothing;
│ niets  │
│ int64  │
│ 0 rows │

D from nichts select count(*) as notmuch;
│ notmuch │
│  int64  │
│       0 │

D from nichts;
│ niets  │
│ int64  │
│ 0 rows │

Cross-Engine Support with DataFusion

-DataFusion CLI v44.0.0

> create external table rien stored as parquet location '';
0 row(s) fetched.
Elapsed 0.638 seconds.

> show tables;
| table_catalog | table_schema       | table_name  | table_type |
| datafusion    | public             | rien        | BASE TABLE |
| datafusion    | information_schema | tables      | VIEW       |
| datafusion    | information_schema | views       | VIEW       |
| datafusion    | information_schema | columns     | VIEW       |
| datafusion    | information_schema | df_settings | VIEW       |
| datafusion    | information_schema | schemata    | VIEW       |
| datafusion    | information_schema | routines    | VIEW       |
| datafusion    | information_schema | parameters  | VIEW       |

> select count(*) as nil from rien;
| nil |
| 0   |
1 row(s) fetched.
Elapsed 0.135 seconds.

NoDB Roadmap

  • NoDB will soon leverage Vortex to achieve high-performance random-access reads and scans of nothing.

  • NoDB will soon experimentally support NoLLM, NoML, and NoAI.

  • NoDB will natively integrate with NoLake.

  • NoDB is currently NoGovernance but plans to support NoSecurity, an increasingly-asked-for feature.

  • No DR is on the roadmap (though proprietary and only provided by our NoBYOC offering).


NoDB intellectual property is protected via use of a permissive copy-left license.

However, if you plan to make NoDB commercially available as no-IaaS on no clouds whatsoever, please give us no credit.