I will present and demo some of the features of the language.
But much is "aspirational" ~> not implemented yet.
data Expr
= Lit Scalar
| Lamda (Expr -> Expr)
| App (Expr, Expr)
eval :: Expr -> Val
eval = todo
-- .. lots more
data Expr'
= Lit' Int
| Lambda' (Expr -> Expr)
| App' (Expr, Expr)
| Let' (Expr, Expr -> Expr) -- new!
eval' :: Expr' -> Val
eval' = annoying
-- .. more annoyance
let x = v in e
|-> (λ x. e) v
Let' (v, binding)
|-> App (Lambda binding, v)
desugar :: Expr' -> Expr
desugar = \case
Lit' i -> Lit i -- 🗑
Lambda' f -> Lambda f -- 🗑
App' (f, x) -> App (f, x) -- 🗑
Let' (v, b) -> App (Lambda b, v) -- 🍖
eval' = eval . desugar
sketch Lam where
ob Expr
ar Lit : Scalar -> Expr
ar Lambda : (Expr => Expr) -> Expr
ar App : (Expr, Expr) -> Expr
sketch Let extends Lam where
ar Let : (Expr, Expr => Expr) -> Expr
:= theory of sketchS
T(S) -> Set
~ models ofS
Lam >-> Let
|->i : T(Lam) >-> T(Let)
initial models:
I(Lam) : T(Lam) -> Set
I(Let) : T(Let) -> Set
Core := I(Lam)(Expr)
Rich := I(Let)(Expr)
I(Let) . i : T(Lam) >-> T(Let) -> Set
∴I(Lam) -> I(Let) . i
∴I(Lam)(Expr) -> I(Let)(i(Expr))
∴Core -> Rich
Other way?
Assume d : T(Let) -> T(Lam)
d(Expr) = Expr
∴ I(Lam) . d : T(Let) -> T(Lam) -> Set
∴ I(Let) -> I(Lam) . d
∴ I(Let)(Expr) -> I(Lam)(d(Expr))
∴ Rich -> Core
Goal: d : T(Let) -> T(Lam)
Need only define on the sketch
Retract of
i : T(Lam) >-> T(Let)
d(Expr) = Expr
- no 🗑
Cartesian ~~>
Recall: Let : (Expr, Expr => Expr) -> Expr
(last case)
d( (Expr, Expr => Expr)) -> d(Expr)
~> ( Expr, Expr => Expr ) -> Expr
Let |-> App . (Lambda . π_2, π_1)
Desugarings are cartesian retracts
desugar : T(Let) --> T(Lam) =
generators {
Let |-> (π_2, Lambda . π_1) . App
using (cartesian, retracts i)
💭 I should make a categorical programming language
Source code ~
String = [Char]
monoid -
Compilation ~>
monoid -
denot : String --> Prog
compi : Prog --> [Instr]
a category ~>denot
functors- identity:
- composition
G . F
written:"F G"
- identity:
"Concatenative" PLs already had this idea (not very categorically though)
Clean/minimal semantics.
data <-(Church encoding)-> code
Bad programmers worry about the code. Good programmers worry about data structures and their relationships. Linus Torvalds
Data dominates. If you've chosen the right data structures and organized things well, the algorithms will almost always be self-evident. Data structures, not algorithms, are central to programming. Rob Pike
Church encoding of data: Easy transform good use of data-structures into a mess of variables and lambdas.
Scalars are written as normal, but represent points:
ar favInt : {} --> Int =
ar myName : {} --> String =
"James Haydon"
ar plus2 : Int --> Int =
ar plus4 : Int --> Int =
plus2 plus2
ar plus10 : Int --> Int =
plus4 plus4 plus2
All operations operate at the morphism level:
ar inc : Int --> Int = + 1
ar foo : {} --> Bool =
43 > 40 + 2
// x -> 2 x^2 + 1
ar bar : Int --> Int =
2 * * + 1
ar baz : { x: Int, y: Int } --> Int =
2 * .x + 3 * .y + 6
Assumes you want to compile to a category with "an Int
If your target category has products:
ob Base User = { name: String, points: Int }
// A cone:
ar newPlayer : String --> User =
{ name = , points = 0 }
// Another cone:
ar score : User --> User =
{ name = .name, points = .points (+ 40) }
// field punning:
ar score' : User --> User =
{ name, points = .points (+ 40) }
ar isPowerPlayer : User --> Bool =
.points >= 100
If your target category has sums:
ob Base Bool = [ true: {}, false: {} ]
ar worldIsFlat : {} --> Bool = false.
// A cocone:
ar not : Bool --> Bool =
[ true = false.,
false = true. ]
If your target category is distributive:
ar and : { x: Bool, y: Bool } --> Bool =
@x [ true = .y,
false = {} false. ]
If the category is extensive, then could have case analysis at any morphism.
But Hask
isn't extensive (no refinement types).
ob Base ListInt =
[ empty: {}, cons: { head: Int, tail: ListInt }]
ar exampleList : {} --> ListInt =
{ head = 2, tail = } cons.
{ head = 1, tail = } cons.
ar exampleList2 : {} --> ListInt =
#(1, 2, 3) // sugar
ar sum : ListInt --> Int =
[ empty = 0,
cons = .head + .tail sum ]
ar gameHeadline1 : { userA: User, userB: User } --> String =
{ users = ,
delta = .userA .points - .userB .points }
{ users, delta,
sign = .delta (>= 0) }
{ delta,
leader = @sign [ true = .users .userA,
false = .users .userB ] }
"Player {.leader .name} is winning by {.delta abs show} points!"
3 cones because of data dependencies:
users -> delta -> sign -> leader
But not really interested in sign
per-se, just want to split on it:
ar gameHeadline2 : { userA: User, userB: User } --> String =
{ userA, userB,
delta = .userA .points - .userB .points }
{ winningBy = .delta abs show,
leader = {v = , case = .delta (>= 0)}
@case [ true = .v .userA,
false = .v .userB ]
"Player {.leader .name} is winning by {.winningBy} points!"
This is a pattern:
{v = , case = .delta (>= 0)}
@case [ true = .v .userA,
false = .v .userB ]
More generally, when f
targets a sum [a : A, b : B, ...]
{v = , case = f }
@case [ a = ..., b = ..., ... ]
Sugar for Bool
ar gameHeadline3 : { userA: User, userB: User } --> String =
{ userA, userB,
delta = .userA .points - .userB .points }
{ winningBy = .delta abs show,
leader = if .delta (>= 0) then .userA else .userB
"Player {.leader .name} is winning by {.winningBy} points!"
Sugar for general case too?
Not yet implemented. Note the ;
ar gameHeadline4 : { userA: User, userB: User } --> String =
{ userA, userB,
delta = .userA .points - .userB .points;
winningBy = .delta abs show,
leader = if .delta (>= 0) then .userA else .userB }
"Player {.leader .name} is winning by {.winningBy} points!"
A --> B ~~> A --> B
Need more ideas to make it easy.
- Sketches over a base category, which can be combined, produce free Freyd categories.
- These can be interpreted in various ways.
: canonical injection!label(..)
: Freyd "action" at a product component
effect IO over Base {
putLine : String --> {},
getLine : {} --> String
ar Base[IO] ask : String --> String =
putLine getLine
ar Base[IO] hello : {} --> String =
~"What is your name?" ask
~"Hello {}!" putLine
ar InputOutput helloIO : {} --> {} =
ar Base[IO] twoQuestions : {} --> { name: String, hobby: String } =
~{ name = "What is your name?",
hobby = "What's your hobby?" }
effect IntState over Base {
get : {} --> Int,
put : Int --> {}
ar Base[IntState] next : {} --> Int =
get ~{ current = , next = incr}
!next(put) ~.current
effect Err over Base {
err : String --> []
ar Base[IntState, Err] nextSub3 : {} --> Int =
~( { sub3 = < 3, ok = } @sub3 )
[ true = ~.ok,
false = ~"Was not under 3!" err [] ]
ar Base[IntState, Err] mapNextSub3 : list({}) --> list(Int) =
[ empty = ~empty.,
cons = !head(nextSub3)
~cons. ]
ar ErrIntState count : {} --> Int =
{ state = 0, value = #({}, {}, {}, {}, {}) }
What is pureErrIntState
category ErrIntState {
ob = ob Base,
ar A --> B = ar Base :
{ state: Int, value: A } -->
[ err: String,
suc: { state: Int, value: B } ],
identity = suc.,
f g = f [ err = err., suc = g ],
SumOb(idx) = SumOb(idx),
sumInj(label) =
{ state, value = .value sumInj(label) } suc.,
sumUni(cocone) = @value sumUni(cocone)
effect_category pureErrIntState ErrIntState over Base {
~f = { state = .state, value = .value f } suc.,
side(f) =
{ runeff = { state = .state,
value = .value .eff } f,
onside = .value .pur }
[ err = .runeff err.,
suc = { state = .runeff .state,
value = { eff = .runeff .value,
pur = .onside } } suc. ]
interpret Err in ErrIntState
{ err = "state: {.state show}, ERROR: {.value}." err. }
interpret IntState in ErrIntState
{ get = { state = .state, value = .state } suc.,
put = { state = .value, value = {} } suc.