From f099fe7fdc41e5ad379e55c69eeec7687698d1bb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Nicolas Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2018 22:45:21 -0300 Subject: [PATCH] More lua docs stuff --- Themes/_fallback/docs/Actor.luadoc | 705 +++++++++++++++++++ Themes/_fallback/docs/ActorFrame.luadoc | 108 +++ Themes/_fallback/docs/BitmapText.luadoc | 74 ++ Themes/_fallback/docs/Sprite.luadoc | 112 +++ Themes/_fallback/docs/markdown/ | 8 +- 5 files changed, 1003 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) create mode 100644 Themes/_fallback/docs/Actor.luadoc create mode 100644 Themes/_fallback/docs/ActorFrame.luadoc create mode 100644 Themes/_fallback/docs/BitmapText.luadoc create mode 100644 Themes/_fallback/docs/Sprite.luadoc diff --git a/Themes/_fallback/docs/Actor.luadoc b/Themes/_fallback/docs/Actor.luadoc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a3e2e5e1df --- /dev/null +++ b/Themes/_fallback/docs/Actor.luadoc @@ -0,0 +1,705 @@ +--- Basic Actor class +-- @classmod Actor + + +--- Get the name of this specific actor instance +-- Usually set as Def.Actor{Name = "string"} +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:name() end + +--- Inserts a linear tween of seconds time and then a 0 seconds empty tween +-- to force the future tweens to happen after seconds seconds elapse +-- @number seconds +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:sleep(seconds) end + +--- Inserts a linear tween of seconds time +-- @number seconds +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:linear(seconds) end + +--- Inserts an accelerate tween of seconds time +-- @number seconds +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:accelerate(seconds) end + +--- Inserts a decelerate tween of seconds time +-- @number seconds +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:decelerate(seconds) end + +--- Inserts a spring tween of seconds time +-- @number seconds +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:spring(seconds) end + +--- Inserts a tween of tweenType with seconds duration +-- @number seconds +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:tween(seconds, tweenType) end + +--- Immediately cancels/stops all tweens left for this actor +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:stoptweening() end + +--- Immediately finish all tweens left for this actor +-- This reaches the final state of the tweens in succession +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:finishtweening() end + +--- +-- @number factor the ratio for the new tween speedup (Or slowdown) +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:hurrytweening(factor) end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:GetTweenTimeLeft() end + +--- Set this actors horizontal position +-- 0 is the left edge of the screen +-- @number x The new horizontal position to set +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:x(x) end + +--- Set this actors vertical position +-- 0 is the top edge of the screen +-- @number y The new vertical position to set +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:y(y) end + +--- Set this actors normal position +-- @number z The new position to set +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:z(z) end + +--- Set this actors x and y position easily in one method +-- Just for convenience +-- @number x The new horizontal position to set +-- @number y The new vertical position to set +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:xy(x, y) end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:addx() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:addy() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:addz() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:zoom() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:zoomx() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:zoomy() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:zoomz() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:zoomto() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:zoomtowidth() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:zoomtoheight() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:setsize() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:SetWidth() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:SetHeight() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:basealpha() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:basezoom() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:basezoomx() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:basezoomy() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:basezoomz() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:stretchto() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:cropleft() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:croptop() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:cropright() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:cropbottom() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:fadeleft() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:fadetop() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:faderight() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:fadebottom() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:diffuse() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:diffuseupperleft() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:diffuseupperright() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:diffuselowerleft() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:diffuselowerright() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:diffuseleftedge() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:diffuserightedge() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:diffusetopedge() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:diffusebottomedge() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:diffusealpha() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:diffusecolor() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:glow() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:aux() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:getaux() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:rotationx() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:rotationy() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:rotationz() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:addrotationx() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:addrotationy() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:addrotationz() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:getrotation() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:baserotationx() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:baserotationy() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:baserotationz() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:skewx() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:skewy() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:heading() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:pitch() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:roll() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:shadowlength() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:shadowlengthx() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:shadowlengthy() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:shadowcolor() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:horizalign() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:vertalign() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:halign() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:valign() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:diffuseblink() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:diffuseshift() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:diffuseramp() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:glowblink() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:glowshift() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:glowramp() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:rainbow() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:wag() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:bounce() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:bob() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:pulse() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:spin() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:vibrate() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:stopeffect() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:effectcolor1() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:effectcolor2() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:effectperiod() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:effecttiming() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:effect_hold_at_full() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:effectoffset() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:effectclock() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:effectmagnitude() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:geteffectmagnitude() end + ADD_GET_SET_METHODS(tween_uses_effect_delta); + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:scaletocover() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:scaletofit() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:animate() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:play() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:pause() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:setstate() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:GetNumStates() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:texturetranslate() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:texturewrapping() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:SetTextureFiltering() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:blend() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:zbuffer() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:ztest() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:ztestmode() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:zwrite() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:zbias() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:clearzbuffer() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:backfacecull() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:cullmode() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:visible() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:hibernate() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:draworder() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:playcommand() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:queuecommand() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:queuemessage() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:addcommand() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:GetCommand() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:RunCommandsRecursively() end + +--- Get X position (horizontal) +-- 0 is leftmost +-- @treturn number the horizontal x position. +function Actor:GetX() end + + +--- Get Y position (vertical) +-- 0 is topmost +-- @treturn number the vertical y position. +function Actor:GetY() end + + +--- Get Z position +-- @treturn number the z position. +function Actor:GetZ() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:GetDestX() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:GetDestY() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:GetDestZ() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:GetWidth() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:GetHeight() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:GetZoomedWidth() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:GetZoomedHeight() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:GetZoom() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:GetZoomX() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:GetZoomY() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:GetZoomZ() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:GetRotationX() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:GetRotationY() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:GetRotationZ() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:GetBaseZoomX() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:GetBaseZoomY() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:GetBaseZoomZ() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:GetSecsIntoEffect() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:GetEffectDelta() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:GetDiffuse() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:GetDiffuseAlpha() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:GetGlow() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:GetVisible() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:GetHAlign() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:GetVAlign() end + + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:GetName() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:GetParent() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:GetFakeParent() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:SetFakeParent() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:AddWrapperState() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:RemoveWrapperState() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:GetNumWrapperStates() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:GetWrapperState() end + + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:Draw() end + + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:SaveXY() end + +--- +-- @treturn Actor self +function Actor:LoadXY() end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Themes/_fallback/docs/ActorFrame.luadoc b/Themes/_fallback/docs/ActorFrame.luadoc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..eee51464f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/Themes/_fallback/docs/ActorFrame.luadoc @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +--- Actor container/composite +-- @classmod ActorFrame + + + +--- +-- @treturn ActorFrame self +function ActorFrame:playcommandonchildren() end + +--- +-- @treturn ActorFrame self +function ActorFrame:playcommandonleaves() end + +--- +-- @treturn ActorFrame self +function ActorFrame:runcommandsonleaves() end + +--- +-- @treturn ActorFrame self +function ActorFrame:RunCommandsOnChildren() end + +--- +-- @treturn ActorFrame self +function ActorFrame:propagate() end // deprecated + +--- +-- @treturn ActorFrame self +function ActorFrame:fov() end + +--- +-- @treturn ActorFrame self +function ActorFrame:SetUpdateRate() end + +--- +-- @treturn ActorFrame self +function ActorFrame:GetUpdateRate() end + +--- +-- @treturn ActorFrame self +function ActorFrame:SetFOV() end + +--- +-- @treturn ActorFrame self +function ActorFrame:vanishpoint() end + +--- +-- @treturn ActorFrame self +function ActorFrame:GetChild() end + +--- +-- @treturn ActorFrame self +function ActorFrame:GetChildren() end + +--- +-- @treturn ActorFrame self +function ActorFrame:GetNumChildren() end + +--- +-- @treturn ActorFrame self +function ActorFrame:SetDrawByZPosition() end + +--- +-- @treturn ActorFrame self +function ActorFrame:SetDrawFunction() end + +--- +-- @treturn ActorFrame self +function ActorFrame:GetDrawFunction() end + +--- +-- @treturn ActorFrame self +function ActorFrame:SetUpdateFunction() end + +--- +-- @treturn ActorFrame self +function ActorFrame:SortByDrawOrder() end + +--- +-- @treturn ActorFrame self +function ActorFrame:SetAmbientLightColor() end + +--- +-- @treturn ActorFrame self +function ActorFrame:SetDiffuseLightColor() end + +--- +-- @treturn ActorFrame self +function ActorFrame:SetSpecularLightColor() end + +--- +-- @treturn ActorFrame self +function ActorFrame:SetLightDirection() end + +--- +-- @treturn ActorFrame self +function ActorFrame:AddChild() end + +--- +-- @treturn ActorFrame self +function ActorFrame:AddChildFromPath() end + +--- +-- @treturn ActorFrame self +function ActorFrame:RemoveChild() end + +--- +-- @treturn ActorFrame self +function ActorFrame:RemoveAllChildren() end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Themes/_fallback/docs/BitmapText.luadoc b/Themes/_fallback/docs/BitmapText.luadoc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0a88128e9b --- /dev/null +++ b/Themes/_fallback/docs/BitmapText.luadoc @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +--- Font actor +-- @classmod BitmapText + + +--- +-- @treturn BitmapText self +function BitmapText:wrapwidthpixels() end + +--- +-- @treturn BitmapText self +function BitmapText:maxwidth() end + +--- +-- @treturn BitmapText self +function BitmapText:maxheight() end + +--- +-- @treturn BitmapText self +function BitmapText:max_dimension_use_zoom() end + +--- +-- @treturn BitmapText self +function BitmapText:vertspacing() end + +--- +-- @treturn BitmapText self +function BitmapText:settext() end + +--- +-- @treturn BitmapText self +function BitmapText:rainbowscroll() end + +--- +-- @treturn BitmapText self +function BitmapText:jitter() end + +--- +-- @treturn BitmapText self +function BitmapText:distort() end + +--- +-- @treturn BitmapText self +function BitmapText:undistort() end + ADD_GET_SET_METHODS(mult_attrs_with_diffuse); + +--- +-- @treturn BitmapText self +function BitmapText:GetText() end + +--- +-- @treturn BitmapText self +function BitmapText:AddAttribute() end + +--- +-- @treturn BitmapText self +function BitmapText:ClearAttributes() end + +--- +-- @treturn BitmapText self +function BitmapText:strokecolor() end + +--- +-- @treturn BitmapText self +function BitmapText:getstrokecolor() end + +--- +-- @treturn BitmapText self +function BitmapText:uppercase() end + +--- +-- @treturn BitmapText self +function BitmapText:textglowmode() end + // ADD_METHOD( LoadFromFont ); +// ADD_METHOD( LoadFromTextureAndChars ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Themes/_fallback/docs/Sprite.luadoc b/Themes/_fallback/docs/Sprite.luadoc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fba534fcc7 --- /dev/null +++ b/Themes/_fallback/docs/Sprite.luadoc @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +--- Sprite +-- @classmod Sprite + + + +--- +-- @treturn Sprite self +function Sprite:Load() end + +--- +-- @treturn Sprite self +function Sprite:LoadBanner() end + +--- +-- @treturn Sprite self +function Sprite:LoadBackground() end + +--- +-- @treturn Sprite self +function Sprite:LoadFromCached() end + +--- +-- @treturn Sprite self +function Sprite:customtexturerect() end + +--- +-- @treturn Sprite self +function Sprite:SetCustomImageRect() end + +--- +-- @treturn Sprite self +function Sprite:SetCustomPosCoords() end + +--- +-- @treturn Sprite self +function Sprite:StopUsingCustomPosCoords() end + +--- +-- @treturn Sprite self +function Sprite:texcoordvelocity() end + +--- +-- @treturn Sprite self +function Sprite:get_use_effect_clock_for_texcoords() end + +--- +-- @treturn Sprite self +function Sprite:set_use_effect_clock_for_texcoords() end + +--- +-- @treturn Sprite self +function Sprite:scaletoclipped() end + +--- +-- @treturn Sprite self +function Sprite:CropTo() end + +--- +-- @treturn Sprite self +function Sprite:stretchtexcoords() end + +--- +-- @treturn Sprite self +function Sprite:addimagecoords() end + +--- +-- @treturn Sprite self +function Sprite:setstate() end + +--- +-- @treturn Sprite self +function Sprite:GetState() end + +--- +-- @treturn Sprite self +function Sprite:SetStateProperties() end + +--- +-- @treturn Sprite self +function Sprite:GetAnimationLengthSeconds() end + +--- +-- @treturn Sprite self +function Sprite:SetSecondsIntoAnimation() end + +--- +-- @treturn Sprite self +function Sprite:SetTexture() end + +--- +-- @treturn Sprite self +function Sprite:GetTexture() end + +--- +-- @treturn Sprite self +function Sprite:SetEffectMode() end + +--- +-- @treturn Sprite self +function Sprite:GetNumStates() end + +--- +-- @treturn Sprite self +function Sprite:SetAllStateDelays() end + +--- +-- @treturn Sprite self +function Sprite:GetDecodeMovie() end + +--- +-- @treturn Sprite self +function Sprite:SetDecodeMovie() end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Themes/_fallback/docs/markdown/ b/Themes/_fallback/docs/markdown/ index e1d9826578..7f1eb042b8 100644 --- a/Themes/_fallback/docs/markdown/ +++ b/Themes/_fallback/docs/markdown/ @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ A lua file is plain text. To create and edit these you need a plain text editor such as notepad. -You can use any text editor, but to make your life easier, we recommend that you use vscode. Extensions you may want to use with vscode would definitely be the vscode-lua generic lua extension and the ettlua extension. +You can use any text editor, but to make your life easier, we recommend that you use [vscode]( Extensions you may want to use with [vscode]( would definitely be the [vscode-lua]( generic lua extension and the [ettlua]( extension. -If you have no programming language experience whatsoever or you are not familiar with lua and don't think you would be comfortable infering the syntax, it is recommended that you read some lua book or material (Like , chapter 1 being optional, chapters 2 to 5 recommended and 13,19 and 20 also optional. You're free to read the whole book, but you will probably not get a lot of useful things for lua in this game from the rest). +If you have no programming language experience whatsoever or you are not familiar with lua and don't think you would be comfortable infering the syntax, it is recommended that you read some lua book or material (Like [Programming In Lua](, chapter 1 being optional, chapters 2 to 5 recommended and 13,19 and 20 also optional. You're free to read the whole book, but you will probably not get a lot of useful things for lua in this game from the rest). ## Basic Structure -The game defines a number of `Screen`s. It's possible to define custom `Screens`, but that's not inmediately relevant. Each `Screen` is a container for `Actor`s. Pretty much every Drawable thing is an `Actor`. A container for `Actor`s is actually called an `ActorFrame` (So, `Screen`s are `ActorFrame`s). Lua comes into play in the game when loading `Screen`s. Some lua code is executed when initializing `Screen`s, and it tells the game which `Actor`s it needs to create and add to it. It can also registers a number of `Command`s, which are just lua functions executed on certain events (Usually called by the game engine). Lua code is also executed when the game is executed, on startup, usually to initialize whatever global state it needs to use later, and to define functions globally so they can be available everywhere (Note: Usually it's recommended to "namespace" your global functions, putting them under a table, so as to not pollute the global namespace). A lua file executed at startup is called a `Script` within the context of this game. Sometimes, Screen lua files are called `BGAnimations`, or "BackGround Animations" (Sometimes abbreviated BGAnims). +The game defines a number of `Screens`. It's possible to define custom `Screens`, but that's not inmediately relevant. Each `Screen` is a container for `Actors`. Pretty much every Drawable thing is an `Actor`. A container for `Actors` is actually called an `ActorFrame` (So, `Screens` are `ActorFrames`). Lua comes into play in the game when loading `Screens`. Some lua code is executed when initializing `Screens`, and it tells the game which `Actors` it needs to create and add to it. It can also registers a number of `Commands`, which are just lua functions executed on certain events (Usually called by the game engine). Lua code is also executed when the game is executed, on startup, usually to initialize whatever global state it needs to use later, and to define functions globally so they can be available everywhere (Note: Usually it's recommended to "namespace" your global functions, putting them under a table, so as to not pollute the global namespace). A lua file executed at startup is called a `Script` within the context of this game. Sometimes, Screen lua files are called `BGAnimations`, or "BackGround Animations" (Sometimes abbreviated BGAnims). ## Screens -I mentioned lua code can be executed on `Screen` initialization. However, `Screen`s have a second component to them that is of relatively big importance to someone dealing with BGAnims: metrics.ini +I mentioned lua code can be executed on `Screen` initialization. However, `Screens` have a second component to them that is of relatively big importance to someone dealing with BGAnims: metrics.ini