Munin plugin for showing graphs of MySQL resource usage.
- Download zip file from Github and unzip (
- Install dependencies
- munin-node
- Perl modules: DBI, DBD::mysql, Module::Pluggable
- Edit Makefile
- Edit mysql.conf
- Run `make install'
yyuu provides a fork containing the packaging meta files for Debian/Ubuntu systems. You can use these to build a Debian package. The fork can be found at
The plugin documentation is contained in the plugin file as POD. View it with perldoc.
There is a blog post with some general information and screenshots at
The information on should be relevant (As these munin graphs are heavily inspired by Xaprb's cacti graphs.)
There is a wiki at
The source is hosted at github:
If you get warnings saying "Output from SHOW ENGINE INNDOB STATUS was truncated" that means that a very large deadlock are causing the output to be truncated. The consequence is that data for many of the InnoDB related data sources will be missing. For solutions to this problem see
You can find some tips for debugging munin plugin problems here:
Bugs should be reported to the issue tracker on github
Kjell-Magne Øierud <kjellm AT oierud DOT net>
Inspired by the cacti graphs made by Xaprb as viewed on