The above parser is aimed for extracting the visible text from the xml dumps of wikipedia . The script extracts only those pages of the wikidump which are Articles that is have namespace 0 . Refer to the wikipedia namespace for more info .
The output would be in .txt format with different .txt for different pages with the name being the id and the revision id of the page.
Usage is very simple : transfer the two .py files to the location of the xml file , rename the xml file as b.xml and then run using python3 . The output would be various .txt files generated in the same folder with there names as the id and the revision id of the respective page in the xml document .
The library is simple and readable , all the filtering has been done in hence one can change/add code to it in order to tailor it to one's use .
Note: The above library aims to keep the text which we see on the wikipedia pages as they are rendered on the web browser . All the tables/infobox within the wikipedia pages have been removed . Only the text part of the wikipedia articles/pages is given as the output .
Refer to the syntax of the WikiText Markup for more details . Following are the details of what the library does as of now on the xml dumps .
Processed :
1.) Templates
Removed Content Text :
1.) Infobox
2.) Files (Images,audio,etc)
3.) Comments
4.) References
5.) Sections :
5.a.) See Also Content
5.b) Notes
5.c) External Links
5.d) References
5.e) Bibliography
- Templates :
6.a) Quote
6.b) About
6.c) Switch-Case
6.d) Expression
6.e) Main-Article