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Optimization toolbox ng_trajectory

ng_trajectory is a toolbox for solving the optimal racing line problem using various methods and approaches. The main idea stands on using a genetic algorithm, although other approaches may be used as well.

Currently we distinguish 6 groups of algorithms:

  1. Selectors Selectors take the input path and select a subset of these points.
  2. Segmentators Segmentators split the track into segments using the selected point subset.
  3. Interpolators Interpolators are used for interpolating the selected point subset in order to get, e.g., curvature.
  4. Optimizers Optimizers take the data from the previous three parts and use them to find the optimal racing line.
  5. Criterions Criterions are used for obtaining the fitness value given the waypoints.
  6. Penalizers Penalizers are used to decide whether the candidate is invalid, and in that case compute its penalty.

The whole application does run multiple times:

  • variating "variate" parameter,
  • repeating "loop" times,
  • optimization "cascade".

The configuration file is using "parent-nesting" parameter handling. This means that the parameter defined on the top level is visible in lower levels (i.e., instead of specifying segmentator for each part of the cascade, it can be set on the top level).

Minimal version of the configuration:

	"_version": 2,
	"loops": 1,
	"groups": 20,
	"interpolator": "cubic_spline",
	"segmentator": "flood_fill",
	"selector": "uniform",
	"cascade": [
			"algorithm": "matryoshka",
			"budget": 10,
			"layers": 5,
			"criterion": "profile",
			"criterion_args": {
				"overlap": 100
	"start_points": "start_points.npy",
	"valid_points": "valid_points.npy",
	"logging_verbosity": 2

Available algorithms:


Optimizers are main parts of the whole process. They take waypoints and run optimization in order to find the best path possible.


  • matryoshka Matryoshka transformation for track optimization (2D).
  • braghin Braghin's transformation method for track optimization (1D).



Matryoshka transformation for track optimization (2D).

This optimizers segmentates the track into 2D sequence of segments. Each waypoint of the racing line is situated into one of these segments. Interpolating them in order yields a path.

In order to efficiently move inside the segments, a homeomorphism transformation is created (Matryoshka).

For the optimization itself, Nevergrad is used.

Init parameters:
fixed_segments (list) = [] [Points to be used instead their corresponding segment.]
_experimental_mm_max (int) = -1 [(Experimental) Limit MM to cover only first n segments.]
border_allow_no_filter (bool) = False [Allow to use unfiltered border data when filter removes all of them.]

Init (matryoshka) parameters:
hold_matryoshka (bool) = False [Whether the transformation should be created only once.]
grid (list) = computed by default [X-size and y-size of the grid used for points discretization.]
save_matryoshka (str) = None [Name of the file to save Matryoshka mapping. When unset, do not save.]
load_matryoshka (str) = None [Name of the file to load Matryoshka from. When unset, do not load.]
force_load_matryoshka (bool) = False [Whether the transformation should be loaded every time.]

Init (general) parameters:
budget (int) = 100 [Budget parameter for the genetic algorithm.]
groups (int) = 8 [Number of groups to segmentate the track into.]
workers (int) = os.cpu_count() [Number threads for the genetic algorithm.]
penalty (float) = 100 [Constant used for increasing the penalty criterion.]
criterion (module) = None [Module to evaluate current criterion.]
criterion_args (dict) = {} [Arguments for the criterion function.]
interpolator (module) = None [Module to interpolate points.]
interpolator_args (dict) = {} [Arguments for the interpolator function.]
segmentator (module) = None [Module to segmentate track.]
segmentator_args (dict) = {} [Arguments for the segmentator function.]
selector (module) = None [Module to select path points as segment centers.]
selector_args (dict) = {} [Arguments for the selector function.]
penalizer (module) = None [Module to evaluate penalty criterion.]
penalizer_init (dict) = {} [Arguments for the init part of the penalizer function.]
penalizer_args (dict) = {} [Arguments for the penalizer function.]
logging_verbosity (int) = 2 [Index for verbosity of the logger.]

Init (viz.) parameters:
plot (bool) = False [Whether a graphical representation should be created.]
plot_mapping (bool) = False [Whether a grid should be mapped onto the track (to show the mapping).]
plot_group_indices (bool) = True [Whether group indices should be shown on the track.]
plot_group_borders (bool) = True [Whether group borders should be shown on the track.]



Braghin's transformation method for track optimization (1D).

This optimizer is an implementation of an approach described in 1. The track is characterized by "cuts", a 1D lines placed on the track, where on each cut there is a single path waypoint. Since we are aware of their order, we can just simply interpolate these points to receive a path.

The optimization itself is done using Nevergrad.

1: F. Braghin, F. Cheli, S. Melzi, and E. Sabbioni. 2008. Race driver model. Computers & Structures 86, 13 (July 2008), 1503–1516.

Init (braghin) parameters:
hold_transform (bool) = False [Whether the transformation should be created only once.]
endpoint_distance (float) = 0.2 [Starting distance from the center for creating transformation.]
endpoint_accuracy (float) = 0.02 [Accuracy of the center-endpoint distance for transformation.]
line_reduction (float) = 3 [Factor by which the number of line points is lowered before internal interpolation.]
grid (list) = computed by default [X-size and y-size of the grid used for points discretization.]

Init (general) parameters:
budget (int) = 100 [Budget parameter for the genetic algorithm.]
groups (int) = 8 [Number of groups to segmentate the track into.]
workers (int) = os.cpu_count() [Number threads for the genetic algorithm.]
penalty (float) = 100 [Constant used for increasing the penalty criterion.]
criterion (module) = None [Module to evaluate current criterion.]
criterion_args (dict) = {} [Arguments for the criterion function.]
interpolator (module) = None [Module to interpolate points.]
interpolator_args (dict) = {} [Arguments for the interpolator function.]
segmentator (module) = None [Module to segmentate track.]
segmentator_args (dict) = {} [Arguments for the segmentator function.]
selector (module) = None [Module to select path points as segment centers.]
selector_args (dict) = {} [Arguments for the selector function.]
penalizer (module) = None [Module to evaluate penalty criterion.]
penalizer_init (dict) = {} [Arguments for the init part of the penalizer function.]
penalizer_args (dict) = {} [Arguments for the penalizer function.]
logging_verbosity (int) = 2 [Index for verbosity of the logger.]

Init (viz.) parameters:
plot (bool) = False [Whether a graphical representation should be created.]
plot_cuts (bool) = True [Whether cuts should be plotted if plot is enabled.]
plot_reduced_line (bool) = False [Whether reduced line should be plotted if plot is enabled.]


Criterions are used for calculating a fitness value during the optimization.


  • curvature Curvature criterion for fitness evaluation.
  • jazar_model Model simulation according to the simplified model from Jazar 1.
  • length Length criterion for fitness evaluation.
  • profile Profile criterion for fitness evaluation.
  • profile2 Profile criterion for fitness evaluation.
  • manual Manual criterion for fitness evaluation.



Curvature criterion for fitness evaluation.

This criterion computes fitness value from curvature of the path. Since we expect that the input data already contain curvature, the fitness itself is computed as:

sum( (k_i)^2 )

Jazar Model


Model simulation according to the simplified model from Jazar 1.

This model is built on the 'Two-Wheel Planar Vehicle Dynamics' equations of motion, page 143, with some addition assumptions.

Path profiling is done similarly to [2].

Note: The parameters shown below are not synced with the algorithm itself. Therefore, pay attention to any updates.

1 R. N. Jazar, Advanced Vehicle Dynamics. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-13062-6. [2] N. R. Kapania, J. Subosits, and J. Christian Gerdes, ‘A Sequential Two-Step Algorithm for Fast Generation of Vehicle Racing Trajectories’, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, vol. 138, no. 9, p. 091005, Sep. 2016, doi: 10.1115/1.4033311.

overlap (int) = 0 [Size of the trajectory overlap. 0 disables this.]

Aerodynamic parameters:
cl (float) = 0.3 [Air drag coefficient [-]]
ro (float) = 1.249512 [Air density [N.m^-2]]
A (float) = 0.3 [Effective flow surface [m^2]]

Init parameters:
v_0 (float) = 0 [Initial speed [m.s^-1]]
v_lim (float) = 4.5 [Maximum forward speed [m.s^-1]]
a_acc_max (float) = 0.8 [Maximum longitudal acceleration [m.s^-2]]
a_break_max (float) = 4.5 [Maximum longitudal decceleration [m.s^-2]]

Tire parameters:
C_sf (float) = 7.5 [Longitudinal slip coefficient of the front tire [-]]
C_sr (float) = 7.5 [Longitudinal slip coefficient of the rear tire [-]]
C_sa (float) = 0.5 [Longitudinal drop factor [-]]
C_af (float) = 8.5 [Cornering stiffness of the front tire [-]]
C_ar (float) = 8.5 [Cornering stiffness of the rear tire [-]]
C_as (float) = 0.5 [Lateral drop factor [-]]
s_s (float) = 0.1 [Saturation slip ratio [-]]
alpha_s (float) = 0.0873 [Saturation sideslip angle [rad]]

Vehicle parameters:
g (float) = 9.81 [Gravity acceleration coeficient [m.s^-2]]
m (float) = 3.68 [Vehicle mass [kg]]
l_f (float) = 0.16 [Distance between center of mass and front axle [m]]
l_r (float) = 0.16 [Distance between center of mass and rear axle [m]]
h (float) = 0.08 [Height of the center of mass [m]]
I_z (float) = 0.051558333 [Moment of interia of the vehicle around z-axis [kg.m^2]]



Length criterion for fitness evaluation.

This criterion computes fitness value from length of the path. We calculate real segment-based length, i.e., sum of all sub- segment parts of the path.



Profile criterion for fitness evaluation.

This criterion computes fitness value by simulating the vehicle over the input path. There are various parameters to be set. But mostly, we focus on a simple vehicle model and simple environment interaction by friction coefficient, air density, etc.

Note: The parameters shown below are not synced with the algorithm itself. Therefore, pay attention to any updates.

overlap (int) = 0 [Size of the trajectory overlap. 0 disables this.]
friction_map_yaml (str) = None [(Requires pyyaml) Name of the yaml configuration of the original map that was used to create '.npy' files. Map file specified in the configuration has to exist.]

Init parameters:
_mu (float) = 0.2 [Friction coeficient]
_g (float) = 9.81 [Gravity acceleration coeficient]
_m (float) = 3.68 [Vehicle mass]
_ro (float) = 1.2 [Air density]
_A (float) = 0.3 [Frontal reference aerodynamic area]
_cl (float) = 1 [Drag coeficient]
v_0 (float) = 0 [Initial speed [m.s^-1]]
v_lim (float) = 4.5 [Maximum forward speed [m.s^-1]]
a_acc_max (float) = 0.8 [Maximum longitudal acceleration [m.s^-2]]
a_break_max (float) = 4.5 [Maximum longitudal decceleration [m.s^-2]]
_lf (float) = 0.191 [Distance from center of mass to the front axle [m]]
_lr (float) = 0.139 [Distance from center of mass to the rear axle [m]]
reference (str) = None [Name of the file to load (x, y, t) reference path that cannot be close.]
reference_dist (float) = 1.0 [Minimum allowed distance from the reference at given time [m].]
reference_rotate (int) = 0 [Number of points to rotate the reference trajectory.]
reference_laptime (float) = 0 [Lap time of the given reference. 0 = estimated from data, or taken from the reference file (index 0)]
save_solution_csv (str) = $ [When non-empty, save final trajectory to this file as CSV. Use '$' to use log name instead.]
favor_overtaking (float) = 0 [Penalty value to add to the lap time when overtaking does not occur.]
friction_map (str) = None [Name of the file to load (x, y, mu*100) with friction map.]
friction_map_inverse (bool) = False [When True, invert the values in the friction map.]
friction_map_expand (bool) = False [When True, values from the friction map are expanded over the whole map using flood fill.]
friction_map_plot (bool) = False [When True, friction map is plotted.]
friction_map_save (bool) = False [When True, friction map is saved alongside the log files.]

Init (viz.) parameters:
plot (bool) = False [Whether a graphical representation should be created.]
plot_reference (bool) = False [Whether the reference trajectory should be plotted.]
plot_reference_width (float) = 0.4 [Linewidth of the reference trajectory. 0 = disabled]
plot_solution (bool) = False [Whether the optimized solution should be plotted. (Using 'plot_reference_width'.)]
plot_timelines (bool) = False [Whether the lines between points in the same time should be plotted.]
plot_timelines_size (float) = 1 [Size of the points of the timelines endpoints. 0 = disabled]
plot_timelines_width (float) = 0.6 [Linewidth of the timelines. 0 = disabled]
plot_overtaking (bool) = True [Whether to plot places where an overtaking occurs. (Has to be supported by optimizer.)]



Profile criterion for fitness evaluation.

This criterion computes fitness value by simulating the vehicle over the input path. There are various parameters to be set. But mostly, we focus on a simple vehicle model and simple environment interaction by friction coefficient, air density, etc.

Note: The parameters shown below are not synced with the algorithm itself. Therefore, pay attention to any updates.

This is a version developed by Tomas Nagy in his Master thesis.

This tool was used to identify possible overtaking zones on a given track when the opponent's racing line is known. Moreover, we assume that the opponent cannot perform a blocking move (F1TENTH vehicles do not have a rear-facing sensor).

overlap (int) = 0 [Size of the trajectory overlap. 0 disables this.]
friction_map_yaml (str) = None [(Requires pyyaml) Name of the yaml configuration of the original map that was used to create '.npy' files. Map file specified in the configuration has to exist.]
car_width (float) = 0.3 [Width of the car when using rectangle vehicle shape.]
car_length (float) = 0.55 [Length of the car when using rectangle vehicle shape.]
car_shape (str) = rectangle [Vehicle shape to use when calculating collisions during overtaking. ['circle', 'rectangle']]
ego_dist_overtake (float) = 0.1 [How much in front of opponent ego car needs to be to have a right of way.]
use_safe_zone_seconds (float) = 10.0 [How many seconds after crash EGO cannot enter safety zone.]

Init parameters:
_mu (float) = 0.2 [Friction coeficient]
_g (float) = 9.81 [Gravity acceleration coeficient]
_m (float) = 3.68 [Vehicle mass]
_ro (float) = 1.2 [Air density]
_A (float) = 0.3 [Frontal reference aerodynamic area]
_cl (float) = 1 [Drag coeficient]
v_0 (float) = 0 [Initial speed [m.s^-1]]
v_lim (float) = 4.5 [Maximum forward speed [m.s^-1]]
a_acc_max (float) = 0.8 [Maximum longitudal acceleration [m.s^-2]]
a_break_max (float) = 4.5 [Maximum longitudal decceleration [m.s^-2]]
_lf (float) = 0.191 [Distance from center of mass to the front axle [m]]
_lr (float) = 0.139 [Distance from center of mass to the rear axle [m]]
reference (str) = None [Name of the file to load (x, y, t, v) reference path that cannot be close. Currently, the only supported type is .npy]
reference_dist (float) = 1.0 [Minimum allowed distance from the reference at given time [m].]
reference_rotate (int) = 0 [Number of points to rotate the reference trajectory.]
reference_laptime (float) = 0 [Lap time of the given reference. 0 = estimated from data, or taken from the reference file (index 0)]
reference_obtain_start (bool) = False [When given, initial speed and initial position of the vehicle is computed.]
reference_obtain_start_td (float) = 0.0 [Time distance behind the reference [s].]
save_solution_csv (str) = $ [When non-empty, save final trajectory to this file as CSV. Use '$' to use log name instead.]
favor_overtaking (float) = 0 [Penalty value to add to the lap time when overtaking does not occur.]
friction_map (str) = None [Name of the file to load (x, y, mu*100) with friction map.]
friction_map_inverse (bool) = False [When True, invert the values in the friction map.]
friction_map_expand (bool) = False [When True, values from the friction map are expanded over the whole map using flood fill.]
friction_map_plot (bool) = False [When True, friction map is plotted.]
friction_map_save (bool) = False [When True, friction map is saved alongside the log files.]

Init (viz.) parameters:
plot (bool) = False [Whether a graphical representation should be created.]
plot_reference (bool) = False [Whether the reference trajectory should be plotted.]
plot_reference_width (float) = 0.4 [Linewidth of the reference trajectory. 0 = disabled]
plot_solution (bool) = False [Whether the optimized solution should be plotted. (Using 'plot_reference_width'.)]
plot_timelines (bool) = False [Whether the lines between points in the same time should be plotted.]
plot_timelines_size (float) = 1 [Size of the points of the timelines endpoints. 0 = disabled]
plot_timelines_width (float) = 0.6 [Linewidth of the timelines. 0 = disabled]
plot_overtaking (bool) = True [Whether to plot places where an overtaking occurs. (Has to be supported by optimizer.)]



Manual criterion for fitness evaluation.

Upon calling 'compute()' the criterion prints out current candidate and waits for the user to specify the fitness value.

Note: This is usable only when a single worker is used.


Interpolators are used for interpolating the waypoints / path subsets in order to get full (continuous) path.


  • none Dummy interpolator.
  • cubic_spline Cubic spline interpolator.



Dummy interpolator.

It does not interpolate, just forwards the points.

Init parameters:
closed_loop (bool) = True [When set, interpolation creates a closed loop.]

Cubic Spline


Cubic spline interpolator.

This interpolator connects the racing line waypoints using cubic spline. Therefore, the resulting path is differentiable two times, and its curvature is continuous and "smooth". The curvature is computed as follows:

K = (x' * y'' - y' * x'') / ( x'**2 + y'**2 )**(3/2)


Interpolation is done by CubicSpline from scipy.interpolate.

Note: It is expected that the input points describe a continuous path (end-start).

int_size (int) = 400 [Number of points in the interpolation.]

Init parameters:
closed_loop (bool) = True [When set, interpolation creates a closed loop.]


Segmentators are used for splitting the track into segments, based on the selection of their centers.


  • euclidean Track segmentator based on euclidean distance from the center.
  • flood_fill Track segmentator based on the flood fill.



Track segmentator based on euclidean distance from the center.

This segmentator splits the track into segments based on the distance of the individual track parts from the group centers.

Note: Even though this is fast, it can missalign points (e.g., when they are behind a close wall).

range_limit (float) = 0 [Maximum distance from the center of the segment. 0 disables this.]

Flood Fill


Track segmentator based on the flood fill.

This segmentator splits the track into segments by flood fill algorithm from the centers.

range_limit (float) = 0 [Maximum distance from the center of the segment. 0 disables this.]
reserve_width (bool) = False [When true, the segments are reserved a path towards both walls.]
reserve_selected (list) = [] [IDs of segments that should use the reservation method, when empty, use all.]
reserve_distance (float) = 2.0 [Distance from the line segment that is reserved to the segment.]
plot_flood (bool) = False [Whether the flooded areas should be plotted.]
parallel_flood (int) = 0 [Number of threads used for flood fill (0 = sequential execution).]

Init parameters:
hold_map (bool) = False [When true, the map is created only once.]


Selectors are used for obtaining a subset of path's points, which are later used for track segmentation.


  • curvature Points selector based on the path's shape.
  • uniform Uniform selector.
  • curvature_sample Sampling selector based on the curvature.
  • uniform_distance Uniform distance selector.
  • fixed Fixed selector.
  • uniform_time Uniform time selector.
  • curvature2 Selector that utilizes the curvature of the path.



Points selector based on the path's shape.

This selector obtains a subset of path points in order to segment the track more intelligently. Points are situated in turns, with some filling on the straight sections.

The algorithm works as follows: (i) positive and negative peaks on the curvature are found and populated by cuts, (ii) close cuts are merged to avoid redundancy, (iii) long cut-less sections of the track are artificially filled with equidistant cuts, (iv) sections of the track between two consecutive cuts where the sign of the curvature changes are filled with additional cuts, and (v) close cuts are filtered once again.

The current version segments the track automatically, given several parameters.

Note: The number of segments is determined differently: - -1 is selection based on dx - -2 is selection based on dy - -3 is selection based on curvature

track_name (str) = unknown [Name of the track.]
plot (bool) = False [Whether the images are generated.]
show_plot (bool) = True [Whether the generated images are shown.]
interpolation_factor (float) = 24.0 [Factor to reduce number of points prior to the interpolation.]
peaks_height (float) = 0.0 [Minimum absolute height of peaks.]
peaks_merge (int) = 0 [Width of the area used for peaks merging.]
peaks_filling (int) = 1000000 [Width of the area for filling the points.]
downsample_factor (int) = 4 [Downsample factor used prior to the interpolation.]
split_peaks (bool) = False [Whether we want to split the height peaks.]



Uniform selector.

This selector uniformly samples the input path. It is not equidistant, but rather index-equidistant.

Init parameters:
rotate (float) = 0 [Parameter for rotating the subset selection. 0 is not rotated. <0, 1)]

Curvature Sample


Sampling selector based on the curvature.

This selector samples points of the path according to their curvature, based on 1. Sampling is non-repetitive.

Note: This means, that the result is different everytime.

1: Matteo Botta, Vincenzo Gautieri, Daniele Loiacono, and Pier Luca Lanzi. 2012. Evolving the optimal racing line in a high-end racing game. In 2012 IEEE Conferenceon Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG). 108–115. ISSN: 2325-4289

interpolation_size (int) = 100 [Number of points used for interpolation.]

Uniform Distance


Uniform distance selector.

This selector uniformly samples the input path so that the selected points are equidistantly spaced.

fixed_points (list) = [] [Points to be used in the selection upon calling 'select'.]

Init parameters:
sampling_distance (float) = 1.0 [[m] Distance of super-sampling before the interpolation, skipped when 0.]
distance (float) = 0 [[m] Distance between the individual points, ignored when 0, used when requesting negative number of points.]
rotate (float) = 0 [Parameter for rotating the input path. 0 is not rotated. <0, 1)]



Fixed selector.

This is not a selector as other, but it just imitates one. Fixed selector takes points from the arguments and returns them upon calling.

Init parameters:
points (list) =  [Points to be returned upon calling 'select', list of points]

Uniform Time


Uniform time selector.

This selector uniformly samples the input path, so that the points are equidistantly spaced in time.

Following algorithms are used:

  • 'profile' criterion for computing the time,
  • 'cubic_spline' interpolator for smoothing the input,
  • 'uniform_distance' selector for resampling the input.
overlap (int) = 0 [Size of the trajectory overlap. 0 disables this.]
friction_map_yaml (str) = None [(Requires pyyaml) Name of the yaml configuration of the original map that was used to create '.npy' files. Map file specified in the configuration has to exist.]
fixed_points (list) = [] [Points to be used in the selection upon calling 'select'.]

Init parameters:
rotate (float) = 0 [Parameter for rotating the input path. 0 is not rotated. <0, 1)]
_mu (float) = 0.2 [Friction coeficient]
_g (float) = 9.81 [Gravity acceleration coeficient]
_m (float) = 3.68 [Vehicle mass]
_ro (float) = 1.2 [Air density]
_A (float) = 0.3 [Frontal reference aerodynamic area]
_cl (float) = 1 [Drag coeficient]
v_0 (float) = 0 [Initial speed [m.s^-1]]
v_lim (float) = 4.5 [Maximum forward speed [m.s^-1]]
a_acc_max (float) = 0.8 [Maximum longitudal acceleration [m.s^-2]]
a_break_max (float) = 4.5 [Maximum longitudal decceleration [m.s^-2]]
_lf (float) = 0.191 [Distance from center of mass to the front axle [m]]
_lr (float) = 0.139 [Distance from center of mass to the rear axle [m]]
reference (str) = None [Name of the file to load (x, y, t) reference path that cannot be close.]
reference_dist (float) = 1.0 [Minimum allowed distance from the reference at given time [m].]
reference_rotate (int) = 0 [Number of points to rotate the reference trajectory.]
reference_laptime (float) = 0 [Lap time of the given reference. 0 = estimated from data, or taken from the reference file (index 0)]
save_solution_csv (str) = $ [When non-empty, save final trajectory to this file as CSV. Use '$' to use log name instead.]
favor_overtaking (float) = 0 [Penalty value to add to the lap time when overtaking does not occur.]
friction_map (str) = None [Name of the file to load (x, y, mu*100) with friction map.]
friction_map_inverse (bool) = False [When True, invert the values in the friction map.]
friction_map_expand (bool) = False [When True, values from the friction map are expanded over the whole map using flood fill.]
friction_map_plot (bool) = False [When True, friction map is plotted.]
friction_map_save (bool) = False [When True, friction map is saved alongside the log files.]
sampling_distance (float) = 1.0 [[m] Distance of super-sampling before the interpolation, skipped when 0.]
distance (float) = 0 [[m] Distance between the individual points, ignored when 0, used when requesting negative number of points.]

Init (viz.) parameters:
plot (bool) = False [Whether a graphical representation should be created.]
plot_reference (bool) = False [Whether the reference trajectory should be plotted.]
plot_reference_width (float) = 0.4 [Linewidth of the reference trajectory. 0 = disabled]
plot_solution (bool) = False [Whether the optimized solution should be plotted. (Using 'plot_reference_width'.)]
plot_timelines (bool) = False [Whether the lines between points in the same time should be plotted.]
plot_timelines_size (float) = 1 [Size of the points of the timelines endpoints. 0 = disabled]
plot_timelines_width (float) = 0.6 [Linewidth of the timelines. 0 = disabled]
plot_overtaking (bool) = True [Whether to plot places where an overtaking occurs. (Has to be supported by optimizer.)]



Selector that utilizes the curvature of the path.

In contrast to 'Curvature' selector, this one is using metric distances not indices.

Prior to the algorithm, the path can be resampled twice.

  • First resampling (using 'sampling_distance') gets rid of the wavy curvature induced by too many points.
  • Second resampling (using 'point_distance') sets the distance between subsequent path points.

The algorithm works as follows: (i) Path is resampled if required / requested. (ii) Peaks are detected on the original and inverted absolute path curvature. - Peaks are curvatures above 'peaks_height'. - Only one peak can be detected within 'peaks_distance'. (iii) Both arrays of peaks are merged. (iv) Turn boundaries are selected by moving the peaks in the positive and negative 'peaks_bounds'. These are used instead of peaks now on. (v) Detected peaks are accompanied by filled "dummy" peaks that are added to empty spaces to ensure maximum distance between two consecutive peaks 'peaks_filling'. (vi) Too close peaks 'peaks_merge' are merged together (averaged to the closest path point).

Note: Parameter 'remain' of the select function is completely ignored.

track_name (str) = unknown [Name of the track.]
plot (bool) = False [Whether the images are generated.]
show_plot (bool) = True [Whether the generated images are shown.]
point_distance (float) = 0.1 [[m] Distance between consecutive points of the path, skipped when 0.]
sampling_distance (float) = 1.0 [[m] Distance of super-sampling before the interpolation, skipped when 0.]
peaks_height (float) = 1.0 [[m^-1] Minimum absolute height of peaks.]
peaks_distance (int) = 16 [Minimum distance between two identified peaks.]
peaks_bounds (int) = 8 [Distance to the turn boundaries (created pseudo-peaks), skipped when 0.]
peaks_filling (float) = 10.0 [[m] Maximum distance between two consecutive peaks in the final array.]
peaks_merge (int) = 0 [Maximum distance between two subsequent peaks to be merged.]


Penalizers are used for checking whether the candidate solution is correct. When it is incorrect, they calculate a penalty.


  • segment Segment penalizer.
  • curvature Curvature penalizer.
  • centerline Centerline penalizer.
  • count Count penalizer.
  • none Dummy penalizer.
  • borderlines Borderlines penalizer.



Segment penalizer.

This penalizer detects all misplaced points.

The penalty is calculated as a distance between invalid point and valid points.

Init. parameters:
debug (bool) = False [Whether debug plot is ought to be shown.]
method (str) = max [Optimization method for final penalty -- min / max / sum / avg.]
huber_loss (bool) = False [Whether to use Huber loss for computing the fitness.]
huber_delta (float) = 1.0 [(Requires 'huber_loss'). Delta used for computing the fitness.]



Curvature penalizer.

This penalizer finds all points that exceed the maximum admitted curvature.

k_max (float) = 1.5 [Maximum allowed curvature in abs [m^-1]]



Centerline penalizer.

This penalizer detects all misplaced points. Each point is associated with a section of the track centerline based upon its location.

The penalty is calculated as maximum distance between invalid point and points of the borderline.

Final penalty is the minimum of all of these distances.

Note: Initialization of this is done only once; we expect that the centerline is present there (as it usually is).

Note: Huber loss used for computing the fitness (when 'huber_loss' is True) is defined 1:

L(a) = 0.5 * a^2 if abs(a) <= delta else delta * ( abs(a) - 0.5 * delta )

Important: Change the method to 'max', as default 'min' is not performing very well. Experimental evaluation showed that 'min' is 10times less successful than 'max'.

	"penalizer_init": {
		"method": "max"
Init. parameters:
method (str) = min [Optimization method for final penalty -- min / max / sum / avg.]
huber_loss (bool) = False [Whether to use Huber loss for computing the fitness.]
huber_delta (float) = 1.0 [(Requires 'huber_loss'). Delta used for computing the fitness.]



Count penalizer.

This penalizer simply counts all invalid points (outside of the valid area) and returns their count.



Dummy penalizer.

This effectively disables the penalizer, as it passes any candidate.



Borderlines penalizer.

Borderlines are sets of points on the borders between two adjacent segments. We have borderlines for each segment and for each neighbour (usually resulting into n * 2 arrays).

This penalizer detects all misplaced points. Each point is associated with a borderline based upon its location -- e.g., points in between selected points of segments #5 and #6 belong to borderline 5-6.

The penalty is calculated as maximum distance between invalid point and points of the borderline.

Final penalty is the minimum of all of these distances.

General parameters:

_version (int) = None [Version of the configuration.]
_comment (str) = None [Commentary of the configuration file.]
_ng_version (str) =  [Specifier for supported ng_trajectory versions with the configuration file.]
cascade (list) = None [List of dicts, that is performed loops-times. Req. 'algorithm': OPTIMIZER]
start_points (str) = None [Name of the file with initial solution (i.e., centerline).]
valid_points (str) = None [Name of the file with valid positions of the track.]

Optimization parameters:

loops (int) = None [Number of repetitions.]
groups (int) = None [Number of segments on the track.]
variate (str) = None [Name of the field that contains multiple values. Its values are varied, run loop-cascade times.]
criterion (str) = None [Name of the function to evaluate current criterion.]
criterion_init (dict) = {} [Arguments for the init part of the criterion function.]
criterion_args (dict) = {} [Arguments for the criterion function.]
interpolator (str) = None [Name of the function to interpolate points.]
interpolator_init (dict) = {} [Arguments for the init part of the interpolator function.]
interpolator_args (dict) = {} [Arguments for the interpolator function.]
segmentator (str) = None [Name of the function to segmentate track.]
segmentator_init (dict) = {} [Arguments for the init part of the segmentator function.]
segmentator_args (dict) = {} [Arguments for the segmentator function.]
selector (str) = None [Name of the function to select path points as segment centers.]
selector_init (dict) = {} [Arguments for the init part of the selector function.]
selector_args (dict) = {} [Arguments for the selector function.]
penalizer (str) = None [Name of the function to evaluate penalty criterion.]
penalizer_init (dict) = {} [Arguments for the init part of the penalizer function.]
penalizer_args (dict) = {} [Arguments for the penalizer function.]

Utility parameters:

logging_verbosity (int) = 1 [Index to the verbosity of used logger.]
prefix (str) = None [Prefix of the output log file. When unset, use terminal.]
plot (bool) = None [When true, images are plotted.]
plot_args (list) = None [List of dicts with information for plotter. 1 el. is used prior to the optimization, 2nd after.]
silent_stub (bool) = False [When set, the application does not report that an algorithm for some part is missing.]

Plot functions for ng_trajectory

From the user side (i.e., configuration file), only dynamic plotting is available. However, all plotting (package-wise) should be controlled by variable plot that is set to False by default.

Dynamic plotting is defined using a custom key in the JSON. Following example resembles what is a "standard" and most used configuration:

	"plot": true,
	"plot_args": [
			"_figure": {
				"function": "axis",
				"_args": [ "equal" ]
			"trackPlot": [ "@track" ]
			"pointsPlot": {
				"_args": [ "@result" ]
			"pointsScatter": {
				"_args": [ "@rcandidate" ]

Note: This creates a figure with equal axis, underlying track, optimized control points of the trajectory and their interpolation.

The list in plot_args contains two dictionaries. The first one is executed before the optimization (and even before initialization of algorithms), whereas the second one is executed after optimization finishes.

Commands in the plot_args are executed in order, key-wise. Basic syntax is

	"func": [ "arg1", "arg2" ]

which sends all arguments to the function, or

	"func": {
		"_args": [ "arg1", "arg2" ],
		"kw_arg": 4

which calls func with the arguments stored in _args, appended with other arguments as kwargs.

Note: Keys starting with _ are treated differently; and are removed from kwargs.

Since it is not possible to have a dictionary with repeating keys, you can use a meta character -. Dash, and everything after it is discarded during dynamic plotting.

To pass a variable to the function, write its name prefixed with @. In case that the variable is not available, an exception is raised.

Available functions

Following functions are available for plotting, however only the first three are usually used:

  • trackPlot
  • pointsScatter
  • pointsPlot
  • bordersPlot
  • indicesPlot
  • groupsScatter
  • groupsPlot
  • grouplayersScatter
  • grouplayersPlot
  • labelText

Available variables

Following variables are available for plotting (by setting the value to @ + name of the variable):

  • track -- All valid points of the track.
  • fitness -- Fitness value of the best solution.
  • rcandidate -- Control points of the best solution.
  • tcandidate -- Control points of the best solution in Matryoshka space.
  • result -- Optimized trajectory (interpolation of rcandidate).
  • figure -- Currently used figure for plotting.
  • + any variable defined in the current loop from the configuration file.

Matplotlib wrapper

In addition, it is possible to call literally any function related to pyplot or figure from the matplotlib. To do this, call function _pyplot/_figure with argument function with the name of the required function.

For example, to make the axis equal, one can use this:

	"_figure": {
		"function": "axis",
		"_args": [ "equal" ]