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Kubecost exporter for Flexera CCO

Kubecost Flexera Exporter is a utility to collect cost allocation data. It is a command line tool that automates the transfer of Kubernetes cluster cost allocation data to Cloud Cost Optimization. This tool generates a CSV file for each day of the current (and optionally previous) month in a format compatible with the Flexera One platform and then uploads files into Cloud Cost Optimization via CBI connect. Kubecost Flexera Exporter utilizes Kubecost Allocation API to request cost allocation data. The majority of Kubecost Allocation API parameters are exposed as exporter settings, matching Kubecost API parameters are listed in the exporter setting descriptions.


The application can be installed from golang sources, from a docker image or via the helm package manager.

Go sources

This app requires Go version 1.16 or higher. To install, run:

go install


The app is configured using environment variables defined in a .env file. The following configuration options are available:

Environment Variable Kubecost API Description
FILE_PATH - The path where the generated CSV files are stored. Default is "/var/kubecost"
FILE_ROTATION - Indicates whether to delete files generated for previous months. Default is true. Note: current and previous months data is kept.
BILL_CONNECT_ID - The ID of the bill connect to which to upload the data. Default value is "cbi-oi-kubecost-1". To learn more about Bill Connect, and how to obtain your BILL_CONNECT_ID, please refer to Creating Kubecost CBI Bill Connect in the Flexera documentation.
ORG_ID - The ID of your Flexera One organization, please refer to Organization ID Unique Identifier in the Flexera documentation.
REFRESH_TOKEN - The refresh token used to obtain an access token for the Flexera One API. Please refer to Generating a Refresh Token in the Flexera documentation.
SHARD - The zone of your Flexera One account. Valid values are NAM, EU or AU.
INCLUDE_PREVIOUS_MONTH - Indicates whether to collect and export previous month. Default is false.
REQUEST_TIMEOUT - Indicates the timeout per each request in minutes.
KUBECOST_HOST - The hostname of the Kubecost instance. Default is "kubecost-cost-analyzer.kubecost.svc.cluster.local:9090".
KUBECOST_API_PATH - The base path for the Kubecost API endpoint. Default is "/model/"
AGGREGATION aggregate The level of granularity to use when aggregating the cost data. Valid values are namespace, controller, or pod. Default is pod. Note: Exporter collects namespace labels regardless of set aggregation level and includes them into entity labels.
IDLE idle Indicates whether to include cost of idle resources. Valid values are true and false. Default is true.
IDLE_BY_NODE idleByNode Indicates whether idle allocations are created on a per node basis. Valid values are true and false. Default is false.
SHARE_IDLE shareIdle Indicates whether allocate idle cost proportionally across non-idle resources. Default is false.
SHARE_NAMESPACES shareNamespaces Comma-separated list of namespaces to share costs with the remaining non-idle, unshared allocations. Default = kube-system,cadvisor
SHARE_TENANCY_COSTS shareTenancyCosts Indicates whether to share the cost of cluster overhead assets across tenants of those resources. Default is true.
MULTIPLIER - Optional multiplier for costs. Default is 1.


To use this app, run:


Kubecost exporter helm chart for Kubernetes

There are two different ways to transfer custom Helm configuration values to the kubecost-exporter:

1. Pass exact parameters via --set command-line flags:

helm install kubecost-exporter cbi-oi-kubecost-exporter \
    --repo \
    --namespace kubecost-exporter --create-namespace \
    --set flexera.refreshToken="Ek-aGVsbUBrdWJlY29zdC5jb20..." \
    --set flexera.orgId="1105" \
    --set flexera.billConnectId="cbi-oi-kubecost-..." \

2. Pass exact parameters via custom values.yaml file:

2.1 Create a values.yaml file and add the necessary settings to it as below:

    refreshToken: "Ek-aGVsbUBrdWJlY29zdC5jb20..."
    orgId: "1105"
    billConnectId: "cbi-oi-kubecost-..."

    aggregation: "pod"

2.2 Apply this file when installing kubecost-exporter:

helm install kubecost-exporter cbi-oi-kubecost-exporter \
    --repo \
    --namespace kubecost-exporter --create-namespace \
    --values values.yaml

Verifying configuration

After successfully installing the helm chart, you can trigger the CronJob manually to ensure that everything is working as expected:

  1. Check the schedule of the CronJob:
kubectl get cronjobs -n <your-namespace>

The SCHEDULE column should reflect the schedule you have set (default: "0 */6 * * *"). The NAME column shows the name of your CronJob.

  1. Manually create a job from the CronJob:
kubectl create job --from=cronjob/<your-cronjob-name> manual-001 -n <your-namespace>

Replace <your-cronjob-name> with the name of your CronJob you obtained from the previous command.

  1. Monitor the logs of the job:

First, get the name of the pod associated with the job you have just created:

kubectl get pods -n <your-namespace>

Look for the pod that starts with the name "manual-001".

Then, fetch the logs:

kubectl logs <your-pod-name> -n <your-namespace>

Replace <your-pod-name> with the name of your pod.

You should see 200/201s in the logs, which indicates that the exporter is working as expected. This means that the CronJob will also run successfully according to its schedule.

Helm configuration Values

Key Type Kubecost API Parameter Default Description
cronSchedule string - "0 */6 * * *" Setting up a cronJob scheduler to run an export task at the desired time.
env object - {} Pod environment variables
filePath string - "/var/kubecost" File path to mount persistent volume.
fileRotation bool - true Indicates whether to delete files generated for previous months. Default is true. Note: current and previous months data is kept.
flexera.billConnectId string - "cbi-oi-kubecost-1" The ID of the bill connect to which to upload the data. To learn more about Bill Connect, and how to obtain your BILL_CONNECT_ID, please refer to Creating Kubecost CBI Bill Connect in the Flexera documentation.
flexera.orgId string - "" The ID of your Flexera One organization, please refer to Organization ID Unique Identifier in the Flexera documentation.
flexera.refreshToken string - "" The refresh token used to obtain an access token for the Flexera One API. Please refer to Generating a Refresh Token in the Flexera documentation. You can provide the refresh token in two ways: 1. Directly as a string: refreshToken: "your_token_here" 2. Reference it from a Kubernetes secret: refreshToken: valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: flexera-secrets # Name of the Kubernetes secret key: refresh_token # Key in the secret containing the refresh token
flexera.shard string - "NAM" The zone of your Flexera One account. Valid values are NAM, EU or AU.
image.pullPolicy string - "Always"
image.repository string - ""
image.tag string - "1.9"
imagePullSecrets list - []
includePreviousMonth bool - false Indicates whether to collect and export previous month.
kubecost.aggregation string aggregate "pod" The level of granularity to use when aggregating the cost data. Valid values are namespace, controller, or pod.
kubecost.apiPath string - "/model/" The base path for the Kubecost API endpoint. string - "kubecost-cost-analyzer.kubecost.svc.cluster.local:9090" Default kubecost-cost-analyzer service host on the current cluster. For current cluster is serviceName.namespaceName.svc.cluster.local
kubecost.idle bool idle true Indicates whether to include cost of idle resources.
kubecost.idleByNode bool idleByNode false Indicates whether idle allocations are created on a per node basis.
kubecost.multiplier float - 1 Optional multiplier for costs.
kubecost.shareIdle bool shareIdle false Indicates whether allocate idle cost proportionally across non-idle resources.
kubecost.shareNamespaces string shareNamespaces "kube-system,cadvisor" Comma-separated list of namespaces to share costs with the remaining non-idle, unshared allocations.
kubecost.shareTenancyCosts bool shareTenancyCosts true Indicates whether to share the cost of cluster overhead assets across tenants of those resources.
persistentVolume.enabled bool - true Enable Persistent Volume. Recommended setting is true to prevent loss of historical data.
persistentVolume.size string - "1Gi" Persistent Volume size.
requestTimeout int - 5 Indicates the timeout per each request in minutes.


This tool is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more details.