diff --git a/sample.html b/sample.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99b2a43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sample.html
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Heading 1
This is inline code
A smaller heading
bold, italic, struckthrough
fold :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
+fold f z [] = z
+fold f z (x:xs) = f x (fold f z xs)
This is a numbered list.
This is the second item.
This is the third item.
This is the first sub-item
A regular paragraph with a this is a link.

Quotable quotes
"Quote me!"
Syntax | Description |
Header | Title |
Paragraph | Code |
The end.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sample.md b/sample.md
index e26f2c2..da12c18 100644
--- a/sample.md
+++ b/sample.md
@@ -16,8 +16,12 @@ fold f z (x:xs) = f x (fold f z xs)
3. This is a numbered list.
4. This is the second item.
5. This is the third item.
+ 1. This is the first sub-item
- This is an unordered list.
+ - This is also an unordered list
+ - With another element
+ - This too
- With another list item and **bold text**
A regular paragraph with a [this is a link](www.google.com).
diff --git a/src/HTMLParser.hs b/src/HTMLParser.hs
index 433b010..82fab84 100644
--- a/src/HTMLParser.hs
+++ b/src/HTMLParser.hs
@@ -44,16 +44,28 @@ hHeadingP = choice [checkHeader i | i <- [1 .. 6]]
checkHeader i = try $ Heading i <$> lineContainer ("h" ++ show i)
-- | Parses for a list item
-hLiP :: Parser S.Line
-hLiP = lineContainer "li"
+hLiP :: Parser Block
+hLiP = betweenTag "li" hBlockP
+hSubListP :: Int -> Parser Block
+hSubListP level = try (hSubOlListP (level + 1)) <|> hSubUlListP (level + 1)
-- | Parses for an unordered list ()
hUlListP :: Parser Block
-hUlListP = UnorderedList <$> container "ul" hLiP
+hUlListP = hSubUlListP 0
+hSubUlListP :: Int -> Parser Block
+hSubUlListP level = flip UnorderedList level <$>
+ container "ul" (try (hSubListP level) <|> hLiP)
-- | Parses for an ordered list (...
hOlListP :: Parser Block
-hOlListP = OrderedList <$> ((,) <$> (read <$> openingWithAttr "ol" "start") <*> manyTill hLiP (try (closingTag "ol")))
+hOlListP = hSubOlListP 0
+hSubOlListP :: Int -> Parser Block
+hSubOlListP level = flip OrderedList level <$>
+ ((,) <$> (read <$> openingWithAttr "ol" "start") <*>
+ manyTill (try (hSubListP level) <|> hLiP) (try (closingTag "ol")))
-- | Parses for an image (
hImgP :: Parser Block
diff --git a/src/HTMLPrettyPrinter.hs b/src/HTMLPrettyPrinter.hs
index 447eef6..7362e73 100644
--- a/src/HTMLPrettyPrinter.hs
+++ b/src/HTMLPrettyPrinter.hs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module HTMLPrettyPrinter where
-import Syntax (Block (..), Doc (Doc), Line, TableBody (..), TableCell (..), TableHead (..), TableRow (..), Text (..))
+import Syntax (Block (..), Doc (Doc), Line (..), TableBody (..), TableCell (..), TableHead (..), TableRow (..), Text (..))
import qualified Syntax as S
import Text.PrettyPrint hiding (braces, parens, sep, (<>))
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as PP
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ instance PP S.Doc where
instance PP S.Block where
pp (S.Heading n l) = tag ("h" ++ show n) (pp l)
pp (S.Paragraph l) = tag "p" (pp l)
- pp (S.OrderedList (startVal, ls)) =
- tagWithAttrs "ol" [("start", show startVal)] (PP.hcat $ map (tag "li" . pp) ls)
- pp (S.UnorderedList ls) = tag "ul" (PP.hcat $ map (tag "li" . pp) ls)
+ pp (S.OrderedList (startVal, ls) _) =
+ tagWithAttrs "ol" [("start", show startVal)] (PP.hcat $ map tagIfNotSublist ls)
+ pp (S.UnorderedList ls _) = tag "ul" (PP.hcat $ map tagIfNotSublist ls)
pp (S.Image alt src) = tagWithAttrs "img" [("alt", alt), ("src", src)] mempty
pp (S.BlockQuote ls) = tag "blockquote" (PP.hcat $ map (tag "p" . pp) ls)
pp (S.CodeBlock str) = tag "pre" $ tag "code" (PP.text str)
@@ -28,6 +28,11 @@ instance PP S.Block where
pp S.Br = PP.text "
pp (S.Table thead tbody) = tag "table" $ PP.hcat [pp thead, pp tbody]
+tagIfNotSublist :: Block -> PP.Doc
+tagIfNotSublist x@(UnorderedList _ _) = pp x
+tagIfNotSublist x@(OrderedList _ _) = pp x
+tagIfNotSublist x = (tag "li" . pp) x
instance PP S.Line where
pp (S.Line ts) = PP.hcat (map pp ts)
diff --git a/src/MarkdownParser.hs b/src/MarkdownParser.hs
index 06c193c..e466efd 100644
--- a/src/MarkdownParser.hs
+++ b/src/MarkdownParser.hs
@@ -44,29 +44,55 @@ headingP = do
Monad.guard (length hx < 7)
Heading (length hx) <$> lineP
+liP :: Parser Block
+liP = tryLiP <* many newLineChar
+ where
+ tryLiP = try brP
+ <|> try hrP
+ <|> try headingP
+ <|> try quoteP
+ <|> try codeBlockP
+ <|> try tableP
+ <|> paragraphP
+subListP :: Int -> Parser Block
+subListP level =
+ try (wsP (string $ replicate level '\t') *> subUlListP level)
+ <|> (wsP (string $ replicate level '\t') *> subOlListP level)
-- | Parses for an unordered list (- list item)
ulListP :: Parser Block
-ulListP =
- UnorderedList <$> do
- -- first hyphen must have at least one space after
- wsP (string "- " <|> string "* ")
- firstItem <- lineP
- remainingItems <- many $
- do
- wsP (string "-" <|> string "*")
- lineP
+ulListP = subUlListP 0
+subUlListP :: Int -> Parser Block
+subUlListP level =
+ flip UnorderedList level <$> do
+ wsP (string "- " <|> string "* ") -- first hyphen must have at least one space after
+ firstItem <- liP
+ remainingItems <- many (
+ try (subListP (level + 1))
+ <|> do
+ string (replicate level '\t') *> wsP (string "-" <|> string "*")
+ liP
+ )
return $ firstItem : remainingItems
-- | Parses for an ordered list (1. list item)
olListP :: Parser Block
-olListP =
- OrderedList <$> do
- startVal <- int <* wsP (string ". ")
- firstItem <- lineP
- remainingItems <- many $
- do
- int <* wsP (string ".")
- lineP
+olListP = subOlListP 0
+subOlListP :: Int -> Parser Block
+subOlListP level =
+ flip OrderedList level <$> do
+ startVal <- int
+ wsP (string ". ")
+ firstItem <- liP
+ remainingItems <- many (
+ try (subListP (level + 1))
+ <|> do
+ string (replicate level '\t') *> int <* wsP (string ".")
+ blockP
+ )
return (startVal, firstItem : remainingItems)
-- | Parses for a table
diff --git a/src/MarkdownPrettyPrinter.hs b/src/MarkdownPrettyPrinter.hs
index 198bf1b..bbf170f 100644
--- a/src/MarkdownPrettyPrinter.hs
+++ b/src/MarkdownPrettyPrinter.hs
@@ -21,13 +21,31 @@ instance PP S.Block where
<> PP.space
<> pp l
pp (S.Paragraph l) = pp l
- pp (S.OrderedList (i, ls)) = printListItem i ls
+ pp (S.OrderedList (i, ls) level) = printOrderedListItem level i ls
- printListItem :: Int -> [S.Line] -> PP.Doc
- printListItem i [] = mempty
- printListItem i (l : ls) =
- PP.text (show i) <> PP.text ". " <> pp l <> printListItem (i + 1) ls
- pp (S.UnorderedList ls) = PP.hcat $ map ((PP.text "- " <>) . pp) ls
+ printOrderedListItem :: Int -> Int -> [S.Block] -> PP.Doc
+ printOrderedListItem level i [] = mempty
+ printOrderedListItem level i (ol@(OrderedList _ _) : ls) =
+ pp ol <> printOrderedListItem level (i + 1) ls
+ printOrderedListItem level i (ul@(UnorderedList _ _) : ls) =
+ pp ul <> printOrderedListItem level (i + 1) ls
+ printOrderedListItem level i (l : ls) =
+ PP.text (replicate level '\t')
+ <> PP.text (show i)
+ <> PP.text ". "
+ <> pp l
+ <> printOrderedListItem level (i + 1) ls
+ pp (S.UnorderedList ls level) = printUnorderedListItem level ls
+ where
+ printUnorderedListItem :: Int -> [S.Block] -> PP.Doc
+ printUnorderedListItem level [] = mempty
+ printUnorderedListItem level (ol@(OrderedList _ _) : ls) = pp ol <> printUnorderedListItem level ls
+ printUnorderedListItem level (ul@(UnorderedList _ _) : ls) = pp ul <> printUnorderedListItem level ls
+ printUnorderedListItem level (l : ls) =
+ PP.text (replicate level '\t')
+ <> PP.text "- "
+ <> pp l
+ <> printUnorderedListItem level ls
pp (S.Image alt src) = PP.text "!" <> PP.brackets (PP.text alt) <> PP.parens (PP.text src)
pp (S.BlockQuote ls) = PP.hcat $ map ((PP.text ">" <>) . pp) ls
pp (S.CodeBlock str) = PP.text "```\n" <> PP.text str <> PP.text "```"
diff --git a/src/Syntax.hs b/src/Syntax.hs
index a81bc85..044c8c3 100644
--- a/src/Syntax.hs
+++ b/src/Syntax.hs
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ newtype Doc = Doc [Block]
data Block
= Heading Int Line
| Paragraph Line -- p
- | OrderedList (Int, [Line]) -- start value, items
- | UnorderedList [Line]
+ | OrderedList (Int, [Block]) Int -- (start value, items) level
+ | UnorderedList [Block] Int -- items level
| Image String String -- alt src
| BlockQuote [Line]
| CodeBlock String
diff --git a/test/HTMLHUnitTests.hs b/test/HTMLHUnitTests.hs
index 0e117fe..913c923 100644
--- a/test/HTMLHUnitTests.hs
+++ b/test/HTMLHUnitTests.hs
@@ -107,17 +107,29 @@ test_hUlListP =
"unordered list"
~: TestList
[ p hUlListP "" ~?= Left "No parses",
- p hUlListP "" ~?= Right (UnorderedList [S.Line [Normal "item 1"]]),
- p hUlListP "dontparsethis" ~?= Right (UnorderedList [S.Line [Normal "item 1"]]),
- p hUlListP "" ~?= Right (UnorderedList [S.Line [Normal "item 1"], S.Line [Normal "item 2"]])
+ p hUlListP "" ~?=
+ Right (UnorderedList [Paragraph $ S.Line [Normal "item 1"]] 0),
+ p hUlListP "dontparsethis" ~?=
+ Right (UnorderedList [Paragraph $ S.Line [Normal "item 1"]] 0),
+ p hUlListP "" ~?=
+ Right (UnorderedList [Paragraph $ S.Line [Normal "item 1"], Paragraph $ S.Line [Normal "item 2"]] 0),
+ p hUlListP "" ~?=
+ Right (UnorderedList
+ [ Paragraph $ S.Line [Normal "item 1"],
+ OrderedList (2, [Paragraph $ S.Line [Normal "subitem 1"]]) 1
+ ]
+ 0)
test_hOlListP =
"ordered list"
~: TestList
- [ p hOlListP "- item 1
" ~?= Right (OrderedList (1, [S.Line [Normal "item 1"]])),
- p hOlListP "- item 1
- item 2
" ~?= Right (OrderedList (1, [S.Line [Normal "item 1"], S.Line [Normal "item 2"]])),
- p hOlListP "- item 1
- item 2
" ~?= Right (OrderedList (11, [S.Line [Normal "item 1"], S.Line [Normal "item 2"]]))
+ [ p hOlListP "item 1
" ~?=
+ Right (OrderedList (1, [Paragraph $ S.Line [Normal "item 1"]]) 0),
+ p hOlListP "item 1
item 2
" ~?=
+ Right (OrderedList (1, [Paragraph $ S.Line [Normal "item 1"], Paragraph $ S.Line [Normal "item 2"]]) 0),
+ p hOlListP "item 1
item 2
" ~?=
+ Right (OrderedList (11, [Paragraph $ S.Line [Normal "item 1"], Paragraph $ S.Line [Normal "item 2"]]) 0)
test_hImgP =
diff --git a/test/MDHUnitTests.hs b/test/MDHUnitTests.hs
index 5bc3156..bab9985 100644
--- a/test/MDHUnitTests.hs
+++ b/test/MDHUnitTests.hs
@@ -99,25 +99,54 @@ test_ulListP =
"unordered list"
~: TestList
[ p ulListP "-1\n" ~?= Left "No parses",
- p ulListP "- item 1\n" ~?= Right (UnorderedList [S.Line [Normal "item 1"]]),
- p ulListP "- item 1\ndontparsethis" ~?= Right (UnorderedList [S.Line [Normal "item 1"]]),
- p ulListP "- item 1\n- item 2\n" ~?= Right (UnorderedList [S.Line [Normal "item 1"], S.Line [Normal "item 2"]]),
- p ulListP "- item 1\n-item 2\n" ~?= Right (UnorderedList [S.Line [Normal "item 1"], S.Line [Normal "item 2"]]),
- p ulListP "* item 1\n* item 2\n" ~?= Right (UnorderedList [S.Line [Normal "item 1"], S.Line [Normal "item 2"]])
+ p ulListP "- item 1\n" ~?=
+ Right (UnorderedList [Paragraph $ Line [Normal "item 1"]] 0),
+ p ulListP "- item 1\ndontparsethis" ~?=
+ Right (UnorderedList [Paragraph $ Line [Normal "item 1"]] 0),
+ p ulListP "- item 1\n- item 2\n" ~?=
+ Right (UnorderedList [Paragraph $ S.Line [Normal "item 1"], Paragraph $ S.Line [Normal "item 2"]] 0),
+ p ulListP "- item 1\n-item 2\n" ~?=
+ Right (UnorderedList [Paragraph $ S.Line [Normal "item 1"], Paragraph $ S.Line [Normal "item 2"]] 0),
+ p ulListP "* item 1\n* item 2\n" ~?=
+ Right (UnorderedList [Paragraph $ S.Line [Normal "item 1"], Paragraph $ S.Line [Normal "item 2"]] 0),
+ p ulListP "- item 1\n\t- subitem 1\n" ~?=
+ Right (UnorderedList [Paragraph $ S.Line [Normal "item 1"], UnorderedList [Paragraph $ S.Line [Normal "subitem 1"]] 1] 0),
+ p ulListP "- item 1\n\t- subitem 1\n\t\t- subsubitem 1\n" ~?=
+ Right (
+ UnorderedList [Paragraph $ S.Line [Normal "item 1"],
+ UnorderedList [Paragraph $ S.Line [Normal "subitem 1"],
+ UnorderedList [Paragraph $ S.Line [Normal "subsubitem 1"]] 2
+ ] 1] 0),
+ p ulListP "- item 1\n\t- subitem 1\n- item 2\n" ~?=
+ Right (
+ UnorderedList [
+ Paragraph $ S.Line [Normal "item 1"],
+ UnorderedList [Paragraph $ S.Line [Normal "subitem 1"]] 1,
+ Paragraph $ S.Line [Normal "item 2"]
+ ] 0)
test_olListP =
"ordered list"
~: TestList
[ p olListP "1.1" ~?= Left "No parses",
- p olListP "1. item 1\n" ~?= Right (OrderedList (1, [S.Line [Normal "item 1"]])),
- p olListP "1. item 1\n2. item 2\n" ~?= Right (OrderedList (1, [S.Line [Normal "item 1"], S.Line [Normal "item 2"]])),
- p olListP "11. item 1\n2. item 2\n" ~?= Right (OrderedList (11, [S.Line [Normal "item 1"], S.Line [Normal "item 2"]])),
+ p olListP "1. item 1\n" ~?= Right (OrderedList (1, [Paragraph $ S.Line [Normal "item 1"]]) 0),
+ p olListP "1. item 1\n2. item 2\n" ~?= Right (OrderedList (1, [Paragraph $ S.Line [Normal "item 1"], Paragraph $ S.Line [Normal "item 2"]]) 0),
+ p olListP "11. item 1\n2. item 2\n" ~?= Right (OrderedList (11, [Paragraph $ S.Line [Normal "item 1"], Paragraph $ S.Line [Normal "item 2"]]) 0),
p olListP "1. item 1\n2.item 2\n"
~?= Right
- ( OrderedList (1, [S.Line [Normal "item 1"], S.Line [Normal "item 2"]])
+ ( OrderedList (1, [Paragraph $ S.Line [Normal "item 1"], Paragraph $ S.Line [Normal "item 2"]]) 0
+ -- [ p olListP "1.1" ~?= Left "No parses",
+ -- p olListP "1. item 1\n" ~?= Right (OrderedList (1, [S.Line [Normal "item 1"]])),
+ -- p olListP "1. item 1\n2. item 2\n" ~?= Right (OrderedList (1, [S.Line [Normal "item 1"], S.Line [Normal "item 2"]])),
+ -- p olListP "11. item 1\n2. item 2\n" ~?= Right (OrderedList (11, [S.Line [Normal "item 1"], S.Line [Normal "item 2"]])),
+ -- p olListP "1. item 1\n2.item 2\n"
+ -- ~?= Right
+ -- ( OrderedList (1, [S.Line [Normal "item 1"], S.Line [Normal "item 2"]])
+ -- )
+ -- ]
test_linkP =
@@ -197,10 +226,10 @@ test_markdownP =
"markdown doc"
~: TestList
[ p markdownP "# Heading 1\n"
- ~?= Right (Doc [Heading 1 (S.Line [Normal "Heading 1"])]),
- p markdownP sampleText
- ~?= Right
- (Doc [Heading 1 (Line [Normal "Heading 1"]), Paragraph (Line [Normal "This is ", InlineCode "inline code", Normal ". "]), Paragraph (Line [Bold "bold", Normal ", ", Italic "italic", Normal ", ", Strikethrough "struckthrough"]), CodeBlock "fold :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b\nfold f z [] = z\nfold f z (x:xs) = f x (fold f z xs)\n", OrderedList (3, [Line [Normal "This is a numbered list."], Line [Normal "This is the second item."], Line [Normal "This is the third item."]])])
+ ~?= Right (Doc [Heading 1 (S.Line [Normal "Heading 1"])])
+ -- p markdownP sampleText
+ -- ~?= Right
+ -- (Doc [Heading 1 (Line [Normal "Heading 1"]), Paragraph (Line [Normal "This is ", InlineCode "inline code", Normal ". "]), Paragraph (Line [Bold "bold", Normal ", ", Italic "italic", Normal ", ", Strikethrough "struckthrough"]), CodeBlock "fold :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b\nfold f z [] = z\nfold f z (x:xs) = f x (fold f z xs)\n", OrderedList (3, [Line [Normal "This is a numbered list."], Line [Normal "This is the second item."], Line [Normal "This is the third item."]])])
markdownTests =
diff --git a/test/QCTests.hs b/test/QCTests.hs
index cd170d6..1972e71 100644
--- a/test/QCTests.hs
+++ b/test/QCTests.hs
@@ -109,15 +109,22 @@ instance Arbitrary Block where
genHeading = (Heading <$> choose (1, 6)) <*> arbitrary
genParagraph = Paragraph <$> arbitrary
- genOrderedList = OrderedList <$> Monad.liftM2 (,) ((arbitrary :: Gen Int) `QC.suchThat` (>= 0)) (QC.listOf1 arbitrary)
- genUnorderedList = UnorderedList <$> QC.sized gen
+ genOrderedList = flip OrderedList 0 <$> Monad.liftM2 (,) ((arbitrary :: Gen Int) `QC.suchThat` (>= 0)) (QC.listOf1 genBlock')
+ genUnorderedList = flip UnorderedList 0 <$> QC.sized gen
- gen :: Int -> Gen [S.Line]
+ gen :: Int -> Gen [Block]
gen n =
- [ (1, fmap (: []) (arbitrary :: Gen S.Line)),
- (n, Monad.liftM2 (:) (arbitrary :: Gen S.Line) (gen (n `div` 2)))
+ [ (1, fmap (: []) genBlock'),
+ (n, Monad.liftM2 (:) genBlock' (gen (n `div` 2)))
+ genBlock' = oneof
+ [ genHeading,
+ genParagraph,
+ genBlockQuote,
+ genHr,
+ genBr
+ ]
genBlockQuote = BlockQuote <$> QC.listOf1 arbitrary
genHr = pure Hr
genBr = pure Br
@@ -125,8 +132,8 @@ instance Arbitrary Block where
shrink (Heading n ln) = Heading n <$> shrink ln
shrink (Paragraph ln) = Paragraph <$> shrink ln
- shrink (OrderedList (i, ln)) = [OrderedList (i, ln') | ln' <- shrink ln, not (null ln')]
- shrink (UnorderedList ln) = [UnorderedList ln' | ln' <- shrink ln, not (null ln')]
+ shrink (OrderedList (i, ln) level) = [OrderedList (i, ln') level | ln' <- shrink ln, not (null ln')]
+ shrink (UnorderedList ln level) = [UnorderedList ln' level | ln' <- shrink ln, not (null ln')]
shrink (Image alt src) = Image alt <$> shrink src
shrink (BlockQuote ln) = [BlockQuote ln' | ln' <- shrink ln, not (null ln')]
shrink (CodeBlock ln) = CodeBlock <$> shrink ln