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311 lines (189 loc) · 7.35 KB

File metadata and controls

311 lines (189 loc) · 7.35 KB

Filter non-printable characters.

Use -i to edit file in-place (see man sed)

Example: clean-file -i myfile.csv or: cat bad.csv | clean-file > good.csv

Redundant new lines characters removed (like dos2unix)

All parameters are passed to the sed command

Command wrapper functions

Chain functions together in a selective order and prefix almost any bash command. Use these to add a log file, easy date printing (for timing), trace (like a single-command xtrace output), and email notices.

.cmd_functions, ctime, ctrace, cnotify, clog

Variables: cret = the return value of the last command (initialize: export cret) cerror = first error code of any command (initialize: export cerror=0)

ctime, prints date and time before and after command execution ctrace, shows the exit value crun, combins ctime and ctrace clog, append to a log file. std err and out are combined and printed to the console Depends on sendmail USAGE: cnotify [email protected] "subject" echo Output from any command and parameters

Display (or cat) one or more EDI files provided on the command-line. Each record separator is replaced by a new line; this makes the message easy to read.

Depends: edi-isa (in same directory as this script)

Sets environment variables by analyzing the ISA header


sed 's/ *$//' removes all spaces from the end of the line

Display (or less) one or more EDI files provided on the command-line. Each record separator is replaced by a new line; this makes the message easy to read.

Depends: edi-isa (in same directory as this script)

Show the type of each EDI message provided on the command-line. Example: 810, 855, 850, 997, etc....

Depends: edi-isa (in same directory as this script)

Alias to mount and unmount an ~/Encrypted folder

Use after ./encfs-setup

See encfs-ln - relocate file or folder to ~/Encrypted and convert to a symbolic link

Setup and encrypt ~/Encrypted

A few short-cuts for Git .git-aliases, examples: gci (checkin), gst (status), gstu (status ignoring non-checkins), gpu (push)

gnome-encfs - GNOME keyring and auto-mount integration of EncFS folders.

INSTALL Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install openswan


ipsec-sonic-config @id           @secret          sonicwall_ip  yr_subnet/mask vpn_subnet/mask 
ipsec-sonic-config @0017A44CEE33 6FE2A2A2EF722A22

Overwrite using variables:

home=@home connection_name=work ike=... ipsec-sonic-config ....

Instructions to give second mouse its own pointer

Merge multiple MP3 files into one MP3 Corrects the headler length so many players show correct scrolling Recalc the variable bit rate

Example: pathmunge bin # Adds bin to your PATH variable unless it is already there


. prj-env alias,var1,etc...


. prj-env my,user,host

Creates ~/.prj-env/my script. The my script sets the variables (var1,etc...). Intially, this script will prompt for variables that are not already found in the my environment. If all values are already available, this script runs silently.

export user=john

Alias is a short word used to retrieve envirnonment. Prompts user then saves response in ~/.prj-env/my

Calculates a path relative to the home directory. That path is used to Sync folders with a remote host.

Home directories may differ, but the path relative to the home directory is the same. Under this configuration, it becomes simple to create and use the sync commands based on the current working directory.

Unless you force it, this script will always preview and prompt before actually making changes.

Example: /home/doej/projects/examples$ rscp host_alias (get|put) OR /home/doej/projects/examples$ rscp host_alias (get|put) [path/]file

Sync ~/projects/examples from host_alias account with current directory (also ~/projects/examples).

host_alias can be some short made-up alias; interactivly prompt and record the host and user.

get - sync from server to local directory put - sync from local directory to server

-f, force - skip the the dry-run and 'are you sure' -e, echo - just echo the command and exit -d, delete - delete extraneous files from dest dir

Suffix commands to the main command: get-f, get-e, get-fed ########### ########### #######

Samba Examples

Usage: ssh-authorize [user@]hostname

Create and place DSA public key on a remote ssh server. Establishes an automatic public key private key authentication.

Your default DSA key will be created and(or) used. Keep the default name: $HOME/.ssh/

Wrapps the SSH command adding support for alias host names.

Example: ssh-host host_alias [ssh arguments]

host_alias is a short made-up alias. The first time, this command interactivly prompts for the host and user values and saves them for the next runs. Pay attention to the file name, you can edit that file.


  • SSH to to a remote host: ssh-host db

  • List a remote directory: ssh-host db ls

  • List a remote directory: echo ls | ssh-host db

  • Testing return value: echo ls . | ssh-host db && pwd

  • Testing return value: echo ls nowhere | ssh-host db && pwd

Create DSA keypare. See $HOME/.ssh/id_dsa[.pub]"

Generate a preview and offer to execute any svn commands needed to sync this directory with the repository.

Depends: sudo apt-get xprintidle watch -y

Record time entries under ~/.timefile/client1 every 1 minute (unless idle).

watch ~/.gitbin/ client1

Record the start of a task:

~/.gitbin/ client1 "Updating About page"

Record a task that was started 10 minutes ago:

~/.gitbin/ client1 "About page design discussion" 10

Get back on task:

~/.gitbin/ client1 "Updating About page"

See folder: ~/.timefile

Generates github USAGE file from script comments.

Usage: ./ >

Set XP activation parameters Probe the machine where your license is activated:

sudo dmidecode | less

If Ubuntu vbox bridged networking modules are needed and do not load, try this alternative method using insmod.

Enables bash's xtrace mode.

Usage: xtrace ./some-script "any parameters"