git commit --amend --no-edit --all
git commit -m "Removed folder from repository" git rm -r --cached _autosummary git push origin master
rm -r ./docs/source/_autosummary/* #delete the content of ./docs/source/_autosummary sphinx-build ./docs/source ./docs/build -a
ensure we are in the right environment!!! conda activate pydit
- update version in pyproject.toml
- run black . from the terminal to reformat everything
- update version in ./setup.cfg
- run ./ to update the file
- update version in ./ based on the
- update version in ./docs/source/
- update version in ./pydit/
- update any change in requirements in the poetry publish --build # or poetry build and then poetry publish
Go to And refresh from there as it would point to the current GitHub repo Note that there is a .readthedocs.yaml that links to the package requirements, so you need to keep requirements.txt updated too.
Ensure you have $ cat .condarc channel_priority: strict channels:
- conda-forge
- defaults
pip index versions pydit-jceresearch