Developer: Julio David Hernandez User created to see the basical functions:
user : usertest pw : 123prove321
- About
- User Goals
- Site Owner Goals
- User Experience
- User Stories
- Design
- Technologies Used
- Features
- Validation
- Testing
- Bugs
- Configuration
- Credits
- Acknowledgements
Veg community is a community website where the users can get a weekly planner and interact in a community blog.
- With two types of accounts
- An administrator user account
- A normal user account
- See the plan at any time
- Be able to plan their meals
- See the Foro at any time
- Be able to Comment the posts
- Supply an online community for users.
- Furnish an online solution for users to plan their weekly meals.
- Produce visually attractive design
- Provide full responsive application with comfortable navigation
- People who want to set an organized meals planer.
- Vegetarian enthusiasts who wish to be part of a community.
- People who desire to keep track of their meals.
- people who require to follow a meal planer
- Fluent navigation.
- Practical use.
- A responsive application that permits the users to access their diet program on any device.
- Attractive design for different screen size.
- Functions and Links working as hoped-for.
- Easy method to contact with the developer
- Simple methodology to be use the application
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Like user I want to:
- See the home page, a minimal design.
- Be able to navigate to different pages in the application.
- Register and acquire an account.
- Planing a weekly diet.
- Delete my plan as requested.
- To see my current plans at any time.
- Edit items from my current plans at any point.
- Delete items from my current plans at any point.
- Interact with the community.
- Log in to the app to use the different services
As a site Owner, I want:
- Every customer to be able to view the articles of the blog.
- Only the logged-in users to be able to create their plans.
- Users to be able to manage their plan like needed.
- Database entry to be validated on sign-up page.
- User to come to a error page for a URL that does not exist.
- Users be able to get in contact by our networks.
- The site is responsive.
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The color tones were chosen precisely to match the concept and to a simple and approachable design using the Visual Studio colors preset. Constituted by a combination of three colors to realize a fluent UX design
ROBOTO Font from GOOGLE. The most used on the majority of data flow.
Following the principles of UXD (user experience design), the website structure was designed to be fluid and simple to operate. The website was composed of a page with:
- The website consists of the following sections:
- The Home page and six interactive pages.
- The Community Blog.
- The Personal Planer.
- Footer with social media developer.
- Plan page allowing user to create a diet meal.
- Plan page where user can see all their diet meal.
- Plan page where user can edit an existing diet meal.
- Delete plan, allowing user to delete selected diet meal.
- Blog page where showed the posts.
- Blog page where user can see a description and comment.
- Register page to sign up a new user on the website.
- Login page to log in user on the website.
- Logout page to log out user of the website.
- 404 error page.
- The backend consists in the use of Django framework based in python with a database of a Postgres Elephant SQL for the deployed version.
- Consist in five database models, all fields are stored in the database structure stored in the Postgres database.
The following models represent the database model structure of the website:
- The User model is part of the Django allauth library and was represented as hypothetical.
- The Post model contains the fields: title, slug, author, updated_on , content, featured_image, exerpt, created_on, status, likes
- The model has a one-to-one relationship with User
- The image field contains the Blog image.
- The Comment model contains the fields: post , name, email, body, created_on, approved.
- The model has a one-to-one relationship with Post
- The Week model contains the following fields: weeknumber, status, title, slug, period, created_on, featured_image.
- The model has a one-to-one relationship with User
- The Week model was designed to grow the planner in a future to develop a monthly planer.
- The Day model contains the following fields: week_owner. title, slugday, day_name, phrase, featured_image, status.
- The model has a one-to-one relationship with Week.
- The model contains the following fields: owner, day, title, slugmeal, meal_description, featured_image, created_on.
- The model has a one-to-one relationship with User
- The Meal model contains the body type category for an exercise
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- Bootstrap
- Javascript
- Python
- Django
- giref==3.5.2
dj-database-url 1.0
Django 3.2.15
django-allauth 0.51.0
django-cloudinary-storage 0.3.0
django-crispy-forms 1.14.0
gunicorn 20.1.0
oauthlib 3.2.1
psycopg2 2.9.3
PyJWT 2.5.0
python3-openid 3.2.0
pytz 2022.2.1
requests-oauthlib 1.3.1
sqlparse 0.4.2
types-cryptography 3.3.23
Git To have a version control
GitHub To store The Git Data
Herooku was used to deploy the project into live environment
Postgres SQL – To Save Postgres database
Cloudinary cloudinary-storage 0.0.6
Summernote To use field in forms page
Visual Studio Code & GitPod Edit code
- To Create the site favicon
Google Fonts To Set the fonts
WireFrame To Design the wireframes
- Used for the database schema diagram
- WC3 Validator to validate the html Files
- Jigsaw W3 Validator to validate the css Files
- Wave Validator to check accessibility
- Lighthouse to check performance web apps
- JShint to validate JavaScript Files
- Pylint Flake8 to check Python Files
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Featured can be accessed at the all pages
The nav bar includes links to Home, Foro, Planner and contact us pages.
- Logged-in users will see their name right in the nav bar with option to click to log out
- Not logged-in users have the option to register or log in
The nav bar is responsive to changes to a toggle on smaller size screens
The navbar permits user to move in the various sections on the website
User stories covered: 2
- Home page includes nav bar, main body and a footer.
- Main body changing to the different urls by extend function of django.
- User stories covered: 1
- A footer is displayed at the base template, it will be shown at bottom in each page
- Contains network links to get ion contact.
- User stories covered: 16
- Everyone can create an account.
- when the users are log-in, log-out & sign-up will be notified by alert message.
- User stories covered: 3
- Sign Up users can log-in to their account.
- To log in the user have to type their credentials.
- User and Password Fields are mandatory.
- When user is logged will be able to use the planner page.
- User stories covered: 10, 14.
- Confirmation screen for Logged in user to logout from their account
- Logged-in users can interact with the database.
- User stories covered: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13
- Users can plan their weekly meals
- Users can add a meal in their weekly plan
- User stories covered: 4, 5
- Users can delete their meals on the days.
- User can delete by a button like minimal design.
- User stories covered: 1, 4, 8.
- User can edit a selected day diet
- This can be done by clicking the icon edit from the item icons
- User can edit any meal item and save once edited
- User is provided with a feedback message that their meal has been edited
- User stories covered: 5
- Page show the articles list published in the database.
- Guest able to see the article detail and likes number.
- User stories covered: 11.
- Provides overview of the article.
- Guest can view a detailed description likes and comments in the articles.
- User stories covered: 9
- Comment form to let a comment in the particular article.
- User stories covered: 9.
- If the user has no premises to access, the 403-page will show
- If a user goes to no exist link, the error page will display 404
- If the user fills a form wrong, will display error-500 page
- User stories covered: 15, 17
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The W3C Markup Validation Service was used to validate the HTML of the website.
The W3C Jigsaw CSS Validator Service validate the CSS of the website, it passed without errors.
JSHint Service was used to validate the Javascript files without errors.
To validate python was used two services Pylint, Flake8.
Pylint is a static code analyser for Python 2 or 3. The latest version supports Python 3.7.2 and above.
Flake8 is a popular lint wrapper for python. Under the hood, it runs
three other tools and combines their results: pep8 for checking style. pyflakes for checking syntax. mccabe for checking complexity.
Lighthouse was used to test the performance, accessibility, best practice and SEO of the site. Overall the results are very good for the 4 values.
The WAVE WebAIM web accessibility evaluation tool was used to test the websites accessibility.
##### Back to [top](#table-of-contents)The testing approach is as follows:
- Manual testing of user stories
- Automated testing
- See the home page, a minimal design.
Step | Expected Result | Actual Result |
Navigate to | Home page load | Works as expected |
- Be able to navigate to different pages in the application.
Step | Expected Result | Actual Result |
Use options from navigation var | Navigate around the pages | Works as expected |
- Register and acquire an account.
Step | Expected Result | Actual Result |
Navigate to | Register/SignUp Page | Works as expected |
- Planing a weekly diet.
Step | Expected Result | Actual Result |
Navigate to | Planer page load with all week days | Works as expected |
- Edit items from my current plans at any point.
Step | Expected Result | Actual Result |
Use the edit function on the items | Edit view load | Works as expected |
- Delete my plan as requested.
Step | Expected Result | Actual Result |
Use the delete function on the items | Delete funciton load | Works as expected |
- To see my current plans at any time.
Step | Expected Result | Actual Result |
Get my planer | Load planer view | Works as expected |
- Delete items from my current plans at any point.
Step | Expected Result | Actual Result |
view delete function on the items | Delete items | Works as expected |
- Interact with the community.
Step | Expected Result | Actual Result |
Comment form | Comment submited as user | Works as expected |
- Log in to the app to use the different services
Step | Expected Result | Actual Result |
Navigate to | Log In as User | Works as expected |
- Every customer to be able to view the articles of the blog.
Step | Expected Result | Actual Result |
Navigate to | Foro Page load | Works as expected |
- Only the logged-in users to be able to create a Meal in their plans.
Step | Expected Result | Actual Result |
---|---|---| | users can create a meal item | Works as expected |
- Users to be able to manage their plan like needed.
Step | Expected Result | Actual Result |
Functions views | The users can Add Delete and edit meals items | Works as expected |
- Database entry to be validated on sign-up page.
Step | Expected Result | Actual Result |
Navigate to | Get the Sign Up notification | Works as expected |
- user to come to a error page for a URL that does not exist.
Step | Expected Result | Actual Result |
Navigate to Wrong url inside the page | 404 page error Load | Works as expected |
Navigate in a page without have the permit | 403 page error Load | Works as expected |
Fill and submit wrong a form | 500 page error Load | Works as expected |
- users be able to get in contact by our networks.
Step | Expected Result | Actual Result |
Go to footer in | Network links | Works as expected |
- The site is responsive.
Step | Expected Result | Actual Result |
Navigate to pages | Responsive in different screens size | Works as expected |
Automated testing was done using the Django's unit tests from a Python standard library module: unittest. The reports were produced using the coverage tool.
The website was tested using Google Chrome Developer Tools Toggle Device Toolbar to simulate viewports of different devices.
The website was tested on the following devices:
- Lenovo legion (Big Screen)
- Samsung Galaxy Tab A (Medium screen)
- Hawei p40 (Small screen)
![]() IE / Edge |
![]() Firefox |
![]() Chrome |
![]() Safari |
![]() Opera |
IE11, Edge | last 2 versions | last 2 versions | last 2 versions | last 2 versions |
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Bug | Fix |
Edit function | Give the right parameter to save form |
Render Template | Give Multiple parameters by url |
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- Database Create an elephant SQL
- Go to Elephant SQL and crew a new instance.
- select a server
- Get Database Environment Url
Create a cloudinary Acount and get the environment Url
- Add installed App cloudinary.
- config static files with cloudinary.
- Create a procfile and add " web: gunicorn name_of_main_app.wsgi".
- collect statics in Django project.
- Generate requirements by freeze command.
- Create an account in
- Create a new app, give it a distinctive name, and select your location.
- Go to Heroku aplication deployment.
- Select Deployment method and conect with GitHub.
- Go settings select buildpacks. For the project 'python'.
- Go to Config and Env vars set with the environment vars gotten in the previus steps
- Choose the branch at the end of deployment section.
- Await the app's construction. When everything is deployed, you will see the message "App was successfully deployed" and a "View" button that will lead you to your deployed link.
- Go to the GitHub repository
- Click on Fork button in top right corner
- You will then have a copy of the repository in your own GitHub account.
To clone the repository:
- In the Github repository
- Locate the button Code in the right uper corner.
- Chose between HTTPS, SSH, Github CLI or download zip.
- Open Git Terminal (Bash).
- Go to the directory where you want to cloned the file.
- Use command Git clone and paste the URL.
git clone
Online view link_to_page
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- Code institute
- icons source :
- w3schools
- herokuapp
- GitHub
Images Sources:
- fabicons
- freepng
- ionicons
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- CI_PP4_DjangoPY is an open source project by CI_PP4_DjangoPY that is licensed under OPS.
- CI_PP4_DjangoPY reserves the right to change the license of future releases.
Cordially thanks to:
- HashEm to bless me.
- My Family to support me.
- My mentor Mo Shami.
- Guys of Stack overflow.
- Code Institute Academy