The SDK can take care of all UI interaction for authenticating a user. If necessary, a View Controller will be presented from your app's window to collect credentials from the user.
BOXContentClient *contentClient = [BOXContentClient defaultClient];
[contentClient authenticateWithCompletionBlock:^(BOXUser *user, NSError *error) {
// BOXUser is returned if authentication was successful.
// Otherwise, error will contain the reason for failure (e.g. network connection)
} cancelBlock:^{
// User canceled the authentication process.
Alternatively, if you prefer to present View Controllers on your own:
BOXContentClient *contentClient = [BOXContentClient defaultClient];
BoxAuthorizationViewController *boxAuthViewController = [[BoxAuthorizationViewController alloc]
completionBlock:^(BoxAuthorizationViewController *authorizationViewController, BOXUser *user, NSError *error) {
// BOXUser is returned if authentication was successful.
// Otherwise, error will contain the reason for failure (e.g. network connection)
// You should dismiss authorizationViewController here.
} cancelBlock:^(BoxAuthorizationViewController *authorizationViewController){
// User has canceled the login process.
// You should dismiss authorizationViewController here.
[self presentViewController:boxAuthViewController animated:YES completion:nil];
When you no longer need the session, it is a good practice to logout.
BOXContentClient *contentClient = [BOXContentClient defaultClient];
[contentClient logOut]
Check for existing Box Users that the SDK has authenticated.
NSArray *boxUsers = [BOXContentClient users];
Get a BOXContentClient for an existing Box User that the SDK has authenticated
for (BOXUser *boxUser in boxUsers) {
BOXContentClient *contentClient = [BOXContentClient clientForUser:boxUser];
// You can now do something with the contentClient...
Authenticate a new account:
BOXContentClient *contentClient = [BOXContentClient clientForNewSession];
[contentClient authenticateWithCompletionBlock:^(BOXUser *user, NSError *error) {
// BOXUser is returned if authentication was successful.
// Otherwise, error will contain the reason for failure (e.g. network connection)
} cancelBlock:^{
// User canceled the authentication process.
Log all users out.
[BOXContentClient logOutAll];