Upgrade notes for intowine.com, a Drupal 6 => Backdrop CMS upgrade.
Upgrade accomplished: March 26th, 2018
- Export a clean database from the production site.
drush7 sql-dump --gzip --result-file=prod.sql.gz
- Import a database, as exported from production site.
gunzip -c prod.sql.gz | drush7 sqlc
drush7 sqlq 'TRUNCATE ad_statistics; TRUNCATE access; TRUNCATE cache; TRUNCATE cache_block; TRUNCATE cache_content; TRUNCATE cache_filter; TRUNCATE cache_form; TRUNCATE cache_menu; TRUNCATE cache_page; TRUNCATE cache_views; TRUNCATE cache_views_data; TRUNCATE history; TRUNCATE node_comment_statistics; TRUNCATE search_index; TRUNCATE search_dataset; TRUNCATE search_node_links; TRUNCATE search_total; TRUNCATE watchdog;'
drush7 sqlq 'TRUNCATE buddylist; TRUNCATE buddylist_buddy_group; TRUNCATE buddylist_groups; TRUNCATE buddylist_pending_requests; TRUNCATE gsitemap; TRUNCATE gsitemap_additional; TRUNCATE moxie_role; TRUNCATE moxie_settings; TRUNCATE old_spam_custom; TRUNCATE old_spam_reported; TRUNCATE old_spam_tokens; TRUNCATE simplenews_newsletters; TRUNCATE simplenews_scheduler; TRUNCATE simplenews_scheduler_editions; TRUNCATE simplenews_snid_tid; TRUNCATE simplenews_subscriptions; TRUNCATE taxonomy_context_term; TRUNCATE taxonomy_context_vocabulary; TRUNCATE top_searches; TRUNCATE user_relationship_type_roles; TRUNCATE user_relationship_type_roles_receive; TRUNCATE user_relationship_types; TRUNCATE user_relationships; TRUNCATE usernode; TRUNCATE workflow_ng_cfgs;'
- Make a backup.
drush7 sql-dump --gzip --result-file=../../d6-clean1.sql
drush7 -y dis captcha varnish memcache faceted_search_views imce_wysiwyg panels_ipe
drush7 -y pm-uninstall captcha varnish memcache faceted_search_views imce_wysiwyg panels_ipe
drush7 -y dis ad_statistics_kill companyinfo_page intowine_cc intowine_cellar intowine_crossword intowine_menus intowine_node_context intowine_pairing intowine_panels intowine_profile intowine_promos intowine_signup_promo intowine_views jen_redirects jen_wysiwyg jeneration signup_promo
drush7 -y pm-uninstall ad_statistics_kill intowine_cellar intowine_crossword intowine_menus intowine_node_context intowine_pairing intowine_panels intowine_profile intowine_promos intowine_signup_promo intowine_views jen_redirects jen_wysiwyg jeneration
drush7 -y dis better_formats bulk_export colorbox content_profile db_maintenance expire faceted_search_ui fieldgroup forward_services author_facet content_type_facet
drush7 -y pm-uninstall better_formats bulk_export colorbox content_profile db_maintenance expire faceted_search_ui fieldgroup forward_services author_facet content_type_facet
drush7 -y dis general_services gmap_location gmap_macro_builder imagecache_profiles imagecache_ui improved_admin jquery_ui views_ui widget_services
drush7 -y pm-uninstall general_services gmap_location gmap_macro_builder imagecache_profiles imagecache_ui improved_admin jquery_ui views_ui widget_services
drush7 -y dis jquery_update logintoboggan memcache_admin mollom nice_menus panels_mini prepopulate privatemsg site_verify forward views_bulk_operations
drush7 -y pm-uninstall jquery_update logintoboggan memcache_admin mollom nice_menus panels_mini prepopulate privatemsg site_verify forward views_bulk_operations
drush7 -y dis taxonomy_facets taxonomy_menu_hierarchy user_relationships_api vertical_tabs wysiwyg_filter views_bonus_export views_content
drush7 -y pm-uninstall taxonomy_facets taxonomy_menu_hierarchy user_relationships_api vertical_tabs wysiwyg_filter views_bonus_export views_content
drush7 -y dis custom_breadcrumbs faceted_search globalredirect gmap service_links panels wysiwyg imce page_manager xmlsitemap_menu
drush7 -y pm-uninstall custom_breadcrumbs faceted_search globalredirect gmap service_links panels wysiwyg imce page_manager xmlsitemap_menu
drush7 cc all
- Make a backup.
drush7 sql-dump --gzip --result-file=../../d6-clean2.sql
- Enable the update module, and update.
drush7 -y en iw_update
drush7 -y updb
- Copies Ad content into text area.
- Deletes ad vocabularies and terms.
- Removes old data from system, block, and variable tables.
- Deletes old tables. Sets theme & cache settings.
- Sets theme and cache settings.
- Export the database, ready for import into Drupal 7.
drush7 sql-dump --gzip --result-file=../../d6-done.sql
- Import the Drupal 6 database, generated in the previous step.
drush7 sql-drop -y
gunzip -c ../../d6-done.sql.gz | drush7 sqlc
- Run update.php (279 pending updates - including IW's)
drush7 updb -y
- General DB cleanup, inc: Removes old modules from sytem table.
- Enables new modules.
- Creates an address field and phone field for Wineries.
- Needs to be run before field conversion.
- Copies Phone data into Telephone field.
- Needs to be run before field conversion.
- Moves Location data into new address field.
- Removes legacy Phone & Location fields and data.
- Disables & uninstall the location modules
- Enables bartik/seven themes.
- Enable Redirect Separately
drush7 en redirect -y
- Run updates again so path_redirects get converted to redirects.
drush7 -y updb
- Migrate all fields over from CCK.
drush7 content-migrate-fields -y
- Migrate all metatags from Page title module
drush7 -y metatag-convert-page-title
- Migrate all metatags from NodeWords module
drush7 -y metatag-convert-nodewords
- Disable / Uninstall the modules we won't be needing anymore.
drush7 dis cck content_migrate page_title nodewords_migrate metatag_importer -y
drush7 pm-uninstall cck content_migrate page_title metatag_importer -y
- Rebuild the registry (and clear all caches).
drush7 rr
- Export the database. (no gzip here)
drush7 sql-dump --result-file=../../d7-done.sql
- Delete all files in active directory (ready for upgrade)
- Ensure the latest config files have been copied into the staging directory.
- Import the Drupal 7 database, generated in the step previous.
drush sql-drop -y
drush sql-cli < ../../d7-done.sql
- Run update.php (211 pending updates)
drush updb -y
- 1000: Sets file directory. Fixes metatag laguage. Enables modules.
- 1001: Updates embedded images to use data attributes.
- 1002: Moves "Food & Wine" terms into text field values.
- 1003: Deletes Terms and vocabulary for "Food type".
- 1004: Moves "Winery Feature" terms into text field values.
- 1005: Deletes "Winery Features" Vocabulary and terms.
- 1006: Adds taxonomy field instances to Wine Reviews.
- 1007: Moves "Wine Regions" terms into separate vocabulary.
- 1008: Moves "Wine Regions" field values to new fields.
- 1009: Moves "Varietals" terms into separate vocabulary.
- 1010: Moves "Varietals" field values to new fields.
- 1011: Adds Taxonomy Menu settings for categories.
- 1012: Deletes empty taxonomy terms and rebuilds menu.
- Enable the modules we'll need in Backdrop only.
drush -y en ckeditor sharethis smtp views_ui bgp_blocks bgp_views iw_blocks dropdown_breadcrumbs metatag_opengraph metatag_twitter_cards metatag_verify
- Log into the site as the root user Admin.
- Navigate to admin/config/development/configuration
- Sync with "completed" config already in /staging/ directory
- This should be done with a config sync, but for some reason is not.
drush cc all
- Visit the status report (admin/reports/status)
- Run the conversion for emoji support
- Disable and uninstall the IW Update module
drush dis iw_update -y
drush pm-uninstall iw_update -y