- Add support for loading ArcticWebMap tiles through HTTPS
- Fix projection extents to better represent alignment between projection and tiles. This means markers may shift by a small amount (< 1 metre) but should now be closer to their projected tile coordinates
- Add example for comparing OSM tiles side-by-side with ArcticWebMap tiles
- Lock to Leaflet 0.7 releases
- Fix bug where double-clicking the rotation controls would zoom the map
- Change name of layers to be more self-descriptive
- Fix bug where removing map did not remove layers from memory
- Fix lint issues
- Mark package as public for NPM
- Mark package as public for Bower
- Update URL to new AWM homepage
- Extract custom classes for our tile layers
- Include support for a bower.json file
- Finalize Node package.json file
- Add specs for library
- Reset dependencies, bundle build products when using NPM
- Build and minify when package is installed by NPM
- Add wrapper level interface around lower-level plugin API
- Add example for Style Editor plugin
- Add example for Shapefiles plugin
- Add example for Marker Clustering plugin
- Add example for Leaflet Paths plugin
- Fix bug where map is not centered after switching projections
- Add permalink to Polarmap.js
- Integrate location search with PolarMap.js
- Include AWM projections by default
- Add rotation map controls to change the projection
- Add a dropdown menu to select the projection
- Optionally have an init flag to detect user location and select best projection
- Prevent client from loading tiles that are out of bounds, as it causes 404 errors
- Fix projection error where tile projection and marker projection do not align
- Change design to function like a Leaflet plugin
- Remove unnecessary EPSG code loading (using Proj4 instead)
- Rename library to PolarMap.js
- Major JavaScript refactoring
- Remove offline tile providers from examples
- Use NPM for managing development dependencies
- Include AWM attribution text
- Initial Prototype