Instead, a Polyhedra.jl polyhedron is returned. See that package for further details on the polyhedral interface, which is more feature complete. To recover the previous formats from the new one, use the following recipe:
:poly = calc_bz(...); using Polyhedra; hrep(poly)
bzformat="convex hull"
:poly = calc_bz(...); using Polyhedra, QHull; chull(permutedims(reduce(hcat, points(poly))))
functions that used to work withbzformat="convex hull"
should still work with the old format.
In Julia versions supporting package extensions (v1.9 and above)
SymmetryReduceBZ.jl no longer has Python dependencies by default, simplifying
the package installation. This means QHull.jl and PyPlot.jl are package
extensions, and that the plotting functions of the library require using PyPlot
before calling the functions.
Previously, this function would return indices of facets, which is now handled
by a get_uniquefacetsindices