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This is a very broad question, and the answer would basically fill an entire book. In a nutshell, I would come up with the
- continuous target variable? -> regression
- categorical (nominal) target variable? -> classification
- ordinal target variable? -> ranked classification
- no target variable and want to find structure in data? -> cluster analysis, projection
- use "cheaper" models/algorithms
- dimensionality reduction
- feature selection
- lazy learner (e.g,. k-nearest neighbors)
- out of core learning
- distributed systems
- hard to know the answer upfront
- always a good idea to compare different models
- increase regularization strength if supported by the model
- dimensionality reduction or feature selection otherwise
- collect more training data if possible (check via learning curves first)
- one option are lazy learners (e.g., K-nearest neighbors); needs to keep training data around; no learning necessary but more expensive predictions
- it's generally relatively cheap to update generative models
- another option is stochastic gradient descent for online learning
The list goes on and on :). I think Andreas Mueller's scikit-learn algorithm "cheat-sheet" is an excellent resource. (Click on the image to view the original, interactive version on scikit-learn)