Applies an Installation manifest to the current cluster, configured via flags
Applies an Installation manifest to the current cluster, configured via flags
Note: If --auto-registry-credentials and --registry-credentials-path are unset, then the installation components will be deployed without an image pull secret. The images must be available for the component pods to start.
jsctl operator installations apply [flags]
--auto-registry-credentials If set, then credentials to pull images from the Jetstack Secure Enterprise registry will be automatically fetched
--cert-discovery-venafi Include cert-discovery-venafi (
--cert-manager-replicas int Specifies the number of replicas for the cert-manager deployment (default 2)
--cert-manager-version string Specifies the version of cert-manager deployment. Defaults to latest
--csi-driver Include the cert-manager CSI driver (
--csi-driver-spiffe Include the cert-manager spiffe CSI driver (
--csi-driver-spiffe-replicas int Specifies the number of replicas for the csi-driver-spiffe deployment (default 2)
--experimental-cert-discovery-venafi-connection string The name of the Venafi connection provided via --experimental-venafi-connections-config flag, to be used to configure cert-discovery-venafi
--experimental-issuers-backup-file string Provide a file containing Issuers or ClusterIssuers definitions to be added to Installation and to be managed by the operator. Note: only Issuers and ClusterIssuers are currently supported. Support for other issuer groups and versions will be added in future.
--experimental-venafi-connections-config string Specifies a path to a file with yaml formatted Venafi connection details
--experimental-venafi-issuers strings Specifies a list of Venafi issuers to configure. Issuer names should be in form 'type:connection:name:[namespace]'. Type can be 'tpp', connection refers to a Venafi connection (see --experimental-venafi-connection flag), name is the name of the issuer and namespace is the namespace in which to create the issuer. Leave out namepsace to create a cluster scoped issuer. This flag is experimental and is likely to change.
-h, --help help for apply
--istio-csr Include the cert-manager Istio CSR agent (
--istio-csr-issuer string Specifies the cert-manager issuer that the Istio CSR should use
--istio-csr-replicas int Specifies the number of replicas for the istio-csr deployment (default 2)
--registry string Specifies the image registry to use for the operator's components
--registry-credentials-path string Specifies the location of the credentials file to use for image pull secrets
--tier string For users with access to enterprise tier functionality, setting this flag will enable enterprise defaults instead. Valid values are 'enterprise', 'enterprise-plus' or blank
--venafi-oauth-helper Include venafi-oauth-helper (
--api-url string Base URL of the control-plane API (default "")
--config string Location of the user's jsctl config directory (default "HOME or USERPROFILE/.jsctl")
--kubeconfig string Location of the user's kubeconfig file for applying directly to the cluster (default "~/.kube/config")
--stdout If provided, manifests are written to stdout rather than applied to the current cluster
- jsctl operator installations - Subcommands for managing operator installation resources