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File metadata and controls

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CSV Schema in Depth

Note: With the introduction of csv2 schema, the old csv schema is now considered deprecated. It will continue to work, and its documentation remains but it will not be directly linked from the homepage There is a migration section near the end of this page to illustrate the simple schema migration steps from csv to csv2.

CSV (comma separated values) schema covers any delimiter (so not just comma) based flat file format. A complete "omni.2.1" CSV schema has 3 parts: parser_settings, file_declaration, and transform_declarations. We've covered parser_settings in Getting Started; we've covered transform_declarations in depth in All About Transforms; we've covered some parts of CSV file_declarations in Getting Started, we'll go into more details about it here.

CSV file_declaration

Full file_declaration schema looks as follows:

"file_declaration": {
    "delimiter": "<delimiter>"                      <= required
    "replace_double_quotes": true/false,            <= optional
    "records": [
            "name": <record name>,                  <= optional
            "rows": <integer value>,                <= optional
            "header": <regex>,                      <= optional
            "footer": <regex>,                      <= optional
            "type": <record|record_group>,          <= optional
            "is_target": <true|false>,              <= optional
            "min": <integer value>,                 <= optional
            "max": <integer value>,                 <= optional
            "columns": [                            <= optional
                    "name": "<column name>",        <= optional
                    "index": <integer>,             <= optional
                    "line_index": "<integer>",      <= optional
                    "line_pattern": "<line regexp>" <= optional
                <...more columns...>
            "child_records": [                     <= optional
                <...more records...>
        <...more records...>
  • delimiter: self-explanatory.

    • Note 1: the delimiter must be of a single character.
    • Note 2: the delimiter doesn't have to be limited to ASCII character(s), utf8 rune is supported.
  • replace_double_quotes: omniparser will replace any occurrences of double quotes " with single quotes '.

    While CSV RFC clearly specifies the rules of using double quotes and how to escape them, (un)surprisingly many CSV data providers have bad implementations and unescaped double quotes are quite frequently seen and breaking CSV parsing. The worst offender is this:

    data 1|"data 2 has a leading double quote" then some|data 3

    Unfortunately Golang's CSV parser cannot (nor should it) deal with this situation (even if you set LazyQuotes to true): it would start gobbling everything after the leading double quote in COLUMN_2 as string literals, even passing the delimiter |. Usually it would consume many many lines until it finally hits another leading quote by luck.

    Given asking data providers/partners to fix double quote escaping properly according to CSV RFC is usually mission impossible from our experience, we've added replace_double_quotes flag to do a (frankly quite harsh) double quote to single quote replacement - yes, the content is altered, but at least the parsing and transform will succeed and minor differences result is the least evil we can do. Use it only as a last resort.

  • records.*.name: the name of a record. Most the time there is no need to specify it, unless your record name appears in some transformation XPath query.

  • records.*.rows: defines the fixed number of rows of a record. If not specified, and header is not specified, then it is defaulted to 1, which is vast majority of the case: a single row record.

  • records.*.header: defines the regexp pattern to match the first line of a record.

  • records.*.footer: defines the regexp pattern to match the last line of a record. If not specified, (and assuming header is specified) then header alone can/will match a single line for the record.

  • records.*.type: specifies whether an record is a sold record or a record_group which serves as a container for child records. If type is record_group, rows/header/footer must not be used, as they are only relevant to solid/concrete record. Also record_group cannot co-exists with columns for the same reason.

  • records.*.is_target: specifies whether the record is our ingestion and transform target or not. There can only be one record with is_target=true; if no record has explicit declaration of is_target, then the first record will be defaulted to is_target.

  • records.*.min: specifies the minimum number of consecutive occurrences of the record in the data stream. min can be specified on record_group as well. If omitted, min defaults to 0.

  • records.*.max: specifies the maximum number of consecutive occurrences of the record in the data stream. max can be specified on record_group as well. If omitted, max defaults to -1, which means unlimited.

  • records.*.columns: specifies a collection of columns of the record.

  • records.*.columns.*.name: specifies the name of the column.

  • records.*.columns.*.index: specifies from which data column the value will be extract. If omitted, it will have a default value of previous column.index + 1. If the first column.index isn't specified, it will default to 1.

  • records.*.columns.*.line_index: used in multi-line record (rows based or header/footer based) where the index indicates which line this column's data will be extracted from. 1-based.

  • records.*.columns.*.line_pattern: used in multi-line record (rows based or header/footer based) where the pattern identifies which line this column's data will be extracted from.

  • records.*.child_records: specifies, recursively, any hierarchical and nested child record structure.

CSV Specific IDR Structure

See here for more details.

Use Case: Simple CSV with No Header

Sample input:


This is one of most common use cases and for it, the file_declaration part of the schema is really easy:

  "file_declaration": {
      "delimiter": ",",
      "records": [{ "columns": [
          { "name": "COL1" },
          { "name": "COL2" },
          { "name": "COL3" },
          { "name": "COL4" }

Note CSV reader will always discard any empty lines, so if there is any before any data lines begin or sprinkled in between data lines, no worries.

Use Case: Simple CSV with Header But Header Verification Not Needed

Sample input:

1, 2, 3, 4
A, B, C, D

It has a header, but sometimes (based on our past experiences) we simply don't care about the header row. So just to "skip" it:

  "file_declaration": {
      "delimiter": ",",
      "records": [
          { "rows": 1, "min": 1, "max": 1 },
              "is_target": true,
              "columns": [
                  { "name": "COL1" },
                  { "name": "COL2" },
                  { "name": "COL3" },
                  { "name": "COL4" }
  • We introduce a header record and define it as a record of a single-row, and of a single instance.
  • Then we add "is_target": true to the actual data record since now we have two records and we must tell the parser which one is the target to ingest and transform.

Use Case: Simple CSV with Header And Header Verification Needed

Sample input:

1, 2, 3, 4
A, B, C, D

It has a header, we do care about the header row and enforce/verify its column names:

  "file_declaration": {
      "delimiter": ",",
      "records": [
              "min": 1, "max": 1,
              "header": "^C1,C2,C3,C4$"
              "is_target": true,
              "columns": [
                  { "name": "COL1" },
                  { "name": "COL2" },
                  { "name": "COL3" },
                  { "name": "COL4" }
  • Now if the header row is missing, or the column names are not exactly "C1,C2,C3,C4", then parser will fail the ingestion operation. One note, in the "header" regexp pattern, you must not add any space before/after the delimiter, whether the actual header row contains spaces around delimiters or not.

Use Case: CSV with Fixed Multi-row Records

Sample input:

1, 2, 3, 4
A, B, C, D
5, 6, 7, 8
W, X, Y, Z

Each record consists of two lines, and the record columns extract data from various columns from both lines.

  "file_declaration": {
      "delimiter": ",",
      "records": [
              "rows": 2,
              "columns": [
                  { "name": "COL1", "index": 3, "line_index": 1 },
                  { "name": "COL2", "index": 4, "line_index": 1 },
                  { "name": "COL3", "index": 1, "line_index": 2 },
                  { "name": "COL4", "index": 2, "line_index": 2 }
  • "rows": 2 says this record consists of fixed-number (2) rows.
  • Lacking of "min"/"max" indicates the record can repeat 0 or many times.
  • Since this is the sole record, "is_target": true is inferred.
  • COL1 data will be extracted from the first line (line_index is 1-based), column 3 (index is 1-based).
  • COL2 data will be extracted from the first line, column 4.
  • COL3 data will be extracted from the second line column 1.
  • COL4 data will be extracted from the second line column 2.

If we have this following simple transform_declarations:

 "transform_declarations": {
   "FINAL_OUTPUT": { "object": {
     "col1": { "xpath": "COL1" },
     "col2": { "xpath": "COL2" },
     "col3": { "xpath": "COL3" },
     "col4": { "xpath": "COL4" }

Then the output for the above sample input will be:

		"col1": "3",
		"col2": "4",
		"col3": "A",
		"col4": "B"
		"col1": "7",
		"col2": "8",
		"col3": "W",
		"col4": "X"

Use Case: CSV with Variable Multi-row Records Defined by Header and Footer

Sample input:

1, 2, 3, 4
A, B, C, D
5, 6, 7, 8

Each record is marked with a B at the beginning and an E at the end, and contains variable number of rows. For the ingestion and transform, say, we're only interested in the rows with numeric data.

  "file_declaration": {
      "delimiter": ",",
      "records": [
              "header": "^B$", "footer": "^E$",
              "columns": [
                  { "name": "COL1", "line_pattern": "^[0-9]" },
                  { "name": "COL2", "line_pattern": "^[0-9]" },
                  { "name": "COL3", "line_pattern": "^[0-9]" },
                  { "name": "COL4", "line_pattern": "^[0-9]" }
  • "header" and "footer" specifies the marker pattern of the record. Note if "footer" isn't specified, then "header" alone will turn into a single line matching.
  • COL1 data will be extracted from column 1 of the first line inside the record that starts with a numeric value.
  • COL2 data will be extracted from column 2 of the first line inside the record that starts with a numeric value.
  • COL3 data will be extracted from column 3 of the first line inside the record that starts with a numeric value.
  • COL4 data will be extracted from column 4 of the first line inside the record that starts with a numeric value.

If we have this following simple transform_declarations:

 "transform_declarations": {
   "FINAL_OUTPUT": { "object": {
     "col1": { "xpath": "COL1" },
     "col2": { "xpath": "COL2" },
     "col3": { "xpath": "COL3" },
     "col4": { "xpath": "COL4" }

Then the output for the above sample input will be:

		"col1": "1",
		"col2": "2",
		"col3": "3",
		"col4": "4"
		"col1": "5",
		"col2": "6",
		"col3": "7",
		"col4": "8"

Use Case: CSV with Nested CSV Records

Sample input:

D,WJ84,"XF460080188GB","","OL7 0PZ","Post Office at AL4 9RB","EVPPA"
D,WJ84,"XF460080259GB","","OL7 0PZ","Post Office at CO3 4RZ","EVPPA"
D,WJ85,"XF460080456GB","","OL7 0PZ","Post Office at AL4 9RB","EVPPA"
D,WJ85,"XF460080758GB","","OL7 0PZ","Post Office at CO3 4RZ","EVPPA"

Each record starts with an "H," row which contains some info about, say, a wire operation info, such as wire number (column 2) and date (column 3) and time (column 4). Then inside the record, we have a bunch of "D," rows each of which specifies an item in the wire operation, which contains item code (column 3), destination (column 5), etc.

This is clearly a nested structure, we can define the file_declaration as follows:

    "file_declaration": {
        "delimiter": ",",
        "records": [
                "name": "H", "header": "^H,", "is_target": true,
                "columns": [
                    { "name": "WIRE_NUM", "index": 2 },
                    { "name": "DATE", "index": 3 },
                    { "name": "TIME", "index": 4 }
                "child_records": [
                        "name": "D", "header": "^D,", "min": 1,
                        "columns": [
                            { "name": "ITEM_ID", "index": 3 },
                            { "name": "DESTINATION", "index": 5 },
                            { "name": "EVENT_LOCATION", "index": 6 },
                            { "name": "EVENT_CODE", "index": 7 }

If we have this following simple transform_declarations:

     "transform_declarations": {
        "FINAL_OUTPUT": { "object": {
            "wire_number": { "xpath": "WIRE_NUM" },
            "wire_time": { "xpath": ".", "template": "wire_date_time_template" },
            "items": { "array": [ { "xpath": "D", "object": {
                "id": { "xpath": "ITEM_ID"},
                "destination": { "xpath": "DESTINATION"},
                "event_loc": { "xpath": "EVENT_LOCATION"},
                "event_code": { "xpath": "EVENT_CODE"}
        "wire_date_time_template": { "custom_func": {
            "name": "dateTimeToRFC3339",
            "args": [
                { "custom_func": {
                    "name": "concat",
                    "args": [
                        { "xpath": "DATE" },
                        { "const": "T" },
                        { "xpath": "TIME" }
                { "const": "", "_comment": "input timezone" },
                { "const": "", "_comment": "output timezone" }

Then the output for the above sample input will be:

		"items": [
				"destination": "OL7 0PZ",
				"event_code": "EVPPA",
				"event_loc": "Post Office at AL4 9RB",
				"id": "XF460080188GB"
				"destination": "OL7 0PZ",
				"event_code": "EVPPA",
				"event_loc": "Post Office at CO3 4RZ",
				"id": "XF460080259GB"
		"wire_number": "WJ84",
		"wire_time": "2020-05-04T08:50:48"
		"items": [
				"destination": "OL7 0PZ",
				"event_code": "EVPPA",
				"event_loc": "Post Office at AL4 9RB",
				"id": "XF460080456GB"
				"destination": "OL7 0PZ",
				"event_code": "EVPPA",
				"event_loc": "Post Office at CO3 4RZ",
				"id": "XF460080758GB"
		"wire_number": "WJ85",
		"wire_time": "2020-05-05T10:02:48"

Debug Info

If debug information is desired to be added into each record's IDR therefore becoming available for transform_declarations use, one can specify "debug": 1 in parser_settings section of the schema:

    "parser_settings": {
        "version": "omni.2.1",
        "file_format_type": "csv2",
        "debug": 1

If the csv2 parser detects "debug": 1 setting, it will add the following debug info into the current record's IDR structure:

  • xpath: __debug/line_num: contains the starting line number in the CSV file of the current record.

Check this sample for usage pattern.

Migration from 'csv' Schemas

If one looks at the documentation for the old csv schema here, you notice csv and csv2 schemas are fairly similar! It certainly makes migration easy:

  • Change 1: 'parser_settings.file_format_type' changes from 'csv' to 'csv2'.

  • Change 2:

    If file_declaration.header_row_index is used, which means the old csv schema wants to verify the header row, we need to add a header record in the new schema:

        "records": [
                "min": 1, "max": 1,
                "header": "^<COL 1>|<COL 2>|...|<COL N>$"

    This way, the parser will actively look for one and only one line at the beginning (empty lines always ignored) to be exactly matched by that is specified in the "header" regexp.

  • Change 3: simply remove file_declaration.data_row_index.

  • Change 4: create a record for the data row, and move the old schema's columns inside the new record, and remove alias, since we can specify the column name to be XPath query friendly, thus voiding the need for alias.

That's it.