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Demo video: https://youtu.be/KKIeRXwZ-Sw
Setup video: https://youtu.be/gMJfENDEyUs
- News And Events
- The admin can Add Students
- The admin can Add Lecturers
- Students can Add and Drop courses
- Lecturers submit students score (Attendance, Mid exam, Final exam, assignment)
- The system calculat students Total, Avarage, point, and grade automaticaly
- Also, the system tells the student whether he/she pass, fail or pass with a warning
- Assessment result
- Grade result
- Upload video and documentations for each course
- PDF generator for students registration slip and grade result
- Storing of quiz results under each user
- Question order randomisation
- Previous quiz scores can be viewed on category page
- Correct answers can be shown after each question or all at once at the end
- Logged in users can return to an incomplete quiz to finish it and non-logged in users can complete a quiz if their session persists
- The quiz can be limited to one attempt per user
- Questions can be given a category
- Success rate for each category can be monitored on a progress page
- Explanation for each question result can be given
- Pass marks can be set
- Multiple choice question type
- True/False question type
- Essay question type
- Custom message displayed for those that pass or fail a quiz
- Custom permission (view_sittings) added, allowing users with that permission to view quiz results from users
- A marking page which lists completed quizzes, can be filtered by quiz or user, and is used to mark essay questions
First Clone the repo with
git clone https://github.com/adilmohak/django-lms.git
Create and activate a python virtual environment
pip install -r requirements.txt
file inside the root directory and include config variables -
NOTE: Your
file should contain the following variables
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver
Last but not least, go to this address
- Quiz part: https://github.com/tomwalker/django_quiz