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107 lines (64 loc) · 4.39 KB


A CMake script to automatically download and build vcpkg based projects and make them available to your projects

This script emphasizes reducing the overall build footprint and reduce the aggregate build time of upstream dependencies. It does this by building the dependencies outside of the cmake build directory, instead placing them in a vcpkg commit specific directory, which in turn can be placed inside any directory by populating the EZVCPKG_BASEDIR environment variable, or which defaults to $ENV{TEMP}/ezvcpkg or $ENV{HOME}/.ezvcpkg depending on the host platform.

Once the dependencies are built, the disk space cost for them is fixed and the time cost is negligible for future builds, even if you wipe out the CMake build directory and start from scratch.


Call ezvcpkg_fetch() with your desired arguments


  • PACKAGES pkga pkgb pkgc

The list of packages to be installed. Note that additional packages may be installed automatically based on the vcpkg dependency graph.

  • COMMIT commidId

The commit ID of the git repository to select when building. Defaults to f990dfaa5ba82155f95b75021453c075816fd4be

  • REPO org/repo or URL url

You can specify a full URL suitable for passing to git clone in the URL argument. Alternatively, if you specify only a repository via the REPO argument in the form microsoft/vcpkg then it will automatically be expanded to GitHub repositoy URL in the form If neither a REPO or URL are specified, then it defaults to

  • BASEDIR filepath

The local filesystem location in which to place EZVCPKG build direcotries. If not specified, it will default to the location specified in an EZVCPKG_BASEDIR environment variable. If this is also not specified, it will default to ~/.ezvcpkg.

Within the base directory will be subdirectories that mirror the individual VCPKG repository commit IDs.

  • CLEAN days

A number of days after which unused EZVCPKG commit folders within the BASEDIR location should be deleted to free up disk space. This functionality is not currently implemented.


By default EZVCPKG will execute a single command to build all the requested packages. The SERIALIZE option will cause EZVCPKG to execute the vcpkg install command for each package individually, in the order they're listed. May be useful for debugging failures.


By default, EZVCPKG will use the built-in bootstrap functionality to build the vcpkg executable. If USE_HOST_VCPKG is enabled, then it will look for a vcpkg executable in the system path using cmake's find_program function. If found it will skip the boostrapping and use the local vcpkg binary. This can be useful in continuous integration where you can't cache the ezvcpkg folder, but you want to avoid the extra time building vcpkg itself (i.e. GitHub Actions)


After calling ezvcpkg_fetch, the EZVCPKG_DIR CMake variable will be populated with the local filesystem directory where the vcpkg installed files are. For example, on a Windows system where the environment varaible EZVCPKG_BASEDIR is set to D:\ezvcpkg then it might be D:\ezvcpkg\f990dfaa5ba82155f95b75021453c075816fd4be\installed\x64-windows


Toolchain (recommended)

If you want to use the built-in find_package functionality with vcpkg packages that support it you MUST call EZVCPKG_FETCH before the PROJECT directive, and you must include the UPDATE_TOOLCHAIN parameter, which will then populate CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE value before EZVCPKG_FETCH returns

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)


    PACKAGES glm vulkan basisu glfw3 imgui



find_package(imgui CONFIG REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(MyTarget PRIVATE imgui::imgui)


In this mode it's up to the CMake developer to use the find the libraries and binaries they need relative to EZVCPKG_DIR

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)



    PACKAGES glm vulkan basisu glfw3 imgui


    NAMES imgui

target_include_directories(MyTarget PRIVATE ${EZVCPKG_DIR}/include)
target_link_libraries(MyTarget PRIVATE ${IMGUI_LIB})