Python Library to chunk your python files levereging the python programming language to improve two things:
- Chunk size: make your chunk size dynamic, keeping in the same chunk a hole funcion, a hole class method, a hole class and block of code.
- Chunk relationships: create relationships between your chunks other than
First install it via pip command:
pip install rag-pychunk
from pychunk.chunkers.python_chunker import PythonChunker
files_path = ["your python file/directory here!"]
chunker = PythonChunker(files_path=files_path)
nodes = chunker.find_relationships()
- NodeType
It encapsulates the different types of nodes: method, class, function, free block of code, module imports
class NodeType(Enum):
- NodeRelationshipType
It describes the different types of relationships that may exist between the nodes:
- Parent - Child: a class' method.
- Prev - Next: the order in which the nodes appear (not used for the moment).
- Other: when a node is called in another node (a method inside another method, a function somewhere in the code, etc).
class NodeRelationshipType(Enum):
- NodeMetadata
Pydantic model to store the node metadata more easily. Then is passed as a dictionary to the BaseNode object.
class NodeMetadata(BaseModel):
hash: str
lines_of_code: Tuple[int, int] | None
additional_metadata: Optional[Dict[Any, Any]] | None = None
- BaseNode
In the file: there is the BaseNode definition.
class BaseNode(ABC):
def __init__(self,
text: str,
file: str,
node_type: NodeType,
metadata: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] | None = None,
id: Optional[str] | None = None,
node_relationships: Optional[Dict[str, List[Tuple[Type['BaseNode'], int | None]]]] | None = None):
if not isinstance(node_type, NodeType):
raise TypeError(f"Argument node_type must be NodeType. Right now is: {type(node_type)}")
self.__uuid = id if id else str(uuid.uuid4())
self._text = text
self._file = file
self._type = node_type
self.__node_relationships = {} if node_relationships is None else node_relationships
self._metadata = {} if metadata is None else metadata
Using filter_relationship method you can get all of the relationships of a given node that are of the type: relationship_type
def filter_relationships(self, relationship_type: NodeRelationshipType) -> List[Tuple[Type['BaseNode'], int | None]] | List:
relationship_type = relationship_type.value
filtered_relationships = [rel for rel_type, rel in self.__node_relationships.items() if rel_type == relationship_type]
if len(filtered_relationships) > 0:
return filtered_relationships[0]
return []
You can use the LlamaIndexParser
and LangChainParser
to transform the nodes in compatible objects with these frameworks:
- LlamaIndex
from pychunk.parser.llama_index_parser import LlamaIndexParser
llama_index_parser = LlamaIndexParser(nodes=list(all_nodes.values()))
llama_index_nodes = llama_index_parser.parse_to_llama_index()
- Langchain
from pychunk.parser.langchain_parser import LangChainParser
langchain_parser = LangChainParser(nodes=list(all_nodes.values()))
documents = langchain_parser.parse_to_langchain_document()
- Chat with your python repository by levering the relationships and chunk size.