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276 lines (258 loc) · 8.95 KB

rater(id, options)


参数 类型 描述
id string 唯一标识
options object 配置项
options.max number 最大值 string 图标
options.value number 默认值
options.activeColor string 图标激活的颜色
options.margin number 图标外边距
options.fontSize number 图标大小
options.disabled boolean 禁用点击
options.text array 设置提示文字
options.text[].className string 提示的类
options.text[].text string 提示的文字
options.text[].color string 提示的文字颜色
options.defaultTextColor string 设置提示的默认文字颜色
options.callback function 点击事件的回调函数


<import src="../../components/rater/rater.wxml" />

<view class="page">
    <view class="page__hd">
        <view class="page__title">Rater</view>
        <view class="page__desc">评分组件</view>
    <view class="page__bd">
        <view class="weui-cells__title">Normal Usage</view>
        <view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title">
            <view class="weui-cell">
                <view class="weui-cell__bd">set default score = 5</view>
                <view class="weui-cell__ft">
                    <template is="rater" data="{{ ...$ }}" />
            <view class="weui-cell">
                <view class="weui-cell__bd">change color</view>
                <view class="weui-cell__ft">
                    <template is="rater" data="{{ ...$wux.rater.changeColor }}" />
        <view class="weui-cells__title">disabled = true</view>
        <view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title">
            <view class="weui-cell">
                <view class="weui-cell__bd">Your history score</view>
                <view class="weui-cell__ft">
                    <template is="rater" data="{{ ...$wux.rater.history }}" />
            <view class="weui-cell">
                <view class="weui-cell__bd">Decimal score 3.7</view>
                <view class="weui-cell__ft">
                    <template is="rater" data="{{ ...$wux.rater.decimal }}" />
            <view class="weui-cell">
                <view class="weui-cell__bd">custom font-size(15px)</view>
                <view class="weui-cell__ft">
                    <template is="rater" data="{{ ...$wux.rater.custom }}" />
        <view class="weui-cells__title">custom star</view>
        <view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title">
            <view class="weui-cell">
                <view class="weui-cell__bd">Loving</view>
                <view class="weui-cell__ft">
                    <template is="rater" data="{{ ...$wux.rater.loving }}" />
            <view class="weui-cell">
                <view class="weui-cell__bd">Sunshine</view>
                <view class="weui-cell__ft">
                    <template is="rater" data="{{ ...$wux.rater.sunshine }}" />
            <view class="weui-cell">
                <view class="weui-cell__bd">Smilies</view>
                <view class="weui-cell__ft">
                    <template is="rater" data="{{ ...$wux.rater.smilies }}" />
        <view class="weui-cells__title">show text</view>
        <view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title">
            <view class="weui-cell">
                <view class="weui-cell__bd">Star</view>
                <view class="weui-cell__ft">
                    <template is="rater" data="{{ ...$wux.rater.text1 }}" />
            <view class="weui-cell">
                <view class="weui-cell__bd">Star</view>
                <view class="weui-cell__ft">
                    <template is="rater" data="{{ ...$wux.rater.text2 }}" />
            <view class="weui-cell">
                <view class="weui-cell__bd">Star</view>
                <view class="weui-cell__ft">
                    <template is="rater" data="{{ ...$wux.rater.text3 }}" />
        <view class="weui-cells__title">set callback</view>
        <view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title">
            <view class="weui-cell">
                <view class="weui-cell__bd">How embarrass</view>
                <view class="weui-cell__ft">
                    <template is="rater" data="{{ ...$wux.rater.embarrass }}" />
        <view class="weui-cells__title">update value</view>
        <view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title">
            <view class="weui-cell">
                <view class="weui-cell__bd">Very good</view>
                <view class="weui-cell__ft">
                    <template is="rater" data="{{ ...$wux.rater.good }}" />
            <view class="weui-cell">
                <view class="weui-cell__bd">
                    <slider value="{{ slider }}" show-value min="0" max="5" bindchange="sliderChange" />
        <view class="weui-cells__title">repeat</view>
        <view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title">
            <block wx:for="{{ items }}" wx:key="">
                <view class="weui-cell">
                    <view class="weui-cell__bd">{{ item.text }}</view>
                    <view class="weui-cell__ft">
                        <template is="rater" data="{{ ...$wux.rater[] }}" />
import { $wuxRater } from '../../components/wux'

    data: {
        items: [{
                id: '001',
                text: 'Face',
                value: 1,
                id: '002',
                text: 'Eye',
                value: 2,
    onLoad() {
        $wuxRater.init('star', {
            value: 5,

        $wuxRater.init('changeColor', {
            value: 3,
            activeColor: '#04BE02',

        $wuxRater.init('history', {
            value: 3,
            disabled: !0,

        $wuxRater.init('decimal', {
            value: 3.7,
            disabled: !0,

        $wuxRater.init('custom', {
            value: 3,
            fontSize: 15,
            disabled: !0,

        $wuxRater.init('loving', {
            value: 3,
            margin: 15,
            star: '♡',

        $wuxRater.init('sunshine', {
            value: 3,
            margin: 15,
            star: '☼',

        $wuxRater.init('smilies', {
            value: 3,
            margin: 15,
            star: '☻',

        $wuxRater.init('text1', {
            value: 3,
            star: '✩',
            text: ['一星', '二星', '三星', '四星', '五星'],

        $wuxRater.init('text2', {
            value: 3,
            star: '✩',
            text: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
            defaultTextColor: '#f5a623',

        $wuxRater.init('text3', {
            value: 3,
            star: '✩',
            text: [{
                    text: '非常差',
                    color: 'red',
                    text: '很差',
                    color: 'red',
                    text: '一般',
                    color: 'blue',
                    text: '很好',
                    color: 'green',
                    text: '非常好',
                    color: 'orange',
            callback(value, data, text) {
                console.log(value, data, text)

        $wuxRater.init('embarrass', {
            value: 3,
            star: '囧',
            callback(value, data, text) {
                console.log(value, data, text)

        this.good = $wuxRater.init('good', {
            star: '屌',
            callback(value, data, text) {
                    slider: value
        }) => $wuxRater.init(, {
            value: n.value,
    sliderChange(e) {