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Championgg Website Overview

joel1st edited this page Jun 19, 2015 · 3 revisions

ChampionWeb has the responsibility of serving the data generated by ChampionData and is the repository that should be cloned/pulled onto your web server. Championweb is a MEEAN system (Mongo for the data, express for the web server framework, ejs for the templating, angular for some of the front end features and node as the underlying platform.

ChampionWeb's folder structure ...

Champion Web Main process overview:

Views This folder contains all the templates for the website. It uses the ejs templating engine, which is essentially regular html with <% and %> for data insertion. The champion page is split into sub templates in the views/champion folder.

bin folder includes the starting point of the website (www.js) as well as the script to update the server.

routes are all of the http end points that glue the application together. Routes take a request and return a filled in template from.

models are the list of schemas the web server uses.

db contains the data to be restored to the database.

public are all of the static files used for the front end (css, js, html).

middleware holds all self created middleware.

logic contains useful methods that are used throughout the web server.

api_static holds data dragon static Json data.

app.js holds the express related stuff.

headline.js holds the message to display at the top of the website. the script to run to update the production server the script to run to replace the db folder with the most recent data + minifies/concats JavaScript and CSS

Typical Run Through

A typical run through is as follows.

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