'plantr' is a web application to monitior the watering schedule of houseplants.
In order for plantr to operate as a minimum viable product it will have the following functionality:
Create a personal account for a user.
Allow users to have a 'garden' which is represented as grid on the homepage. Each plant in the garden will send a notification when the plant is ready to be watered, with the ammount of water needed to the user via e-mail (or text).
Browse all plants in the plant database.
Day 1
- Ed and Kenny will work together to have fully styled user auth by the end of the day.
- Maurice will collect data and finish the frequency chart of the plants in our database. The database should be ready for seeding by the end of the day.
- Joe will work on the design of the splash page.
Day 2
- Ed will seed the database and create tables for the plants, including the clip art thumbnail.
- Kenny will write the functionality of a user being able to add or remove a plant from their 'garden'.
- Maurice will work on implementing the email notification system. This means research on the email notification itself and using a date/ time api monitor the 'created-at' timestamp used for a particular plant.
- Joe will set up the AWS bucket.
Day 4
- Kenny will style the 'add-plant' modal and make it fully functional with a search bar.
- Maurice and Ed will work to gaurentee the notification system works perfectly.
- Joe will help with the front end and styling.
Day 5
- Finishing touches on the features listed above.
- If we are confident in the time we have we can implement location services.
- Mongo DB
- Express
- Node
- React-Redux