- For APRS tracking (
option), a valid aprs.fi access key is required. Get it here: https://aprs.fi/page/api - For automated translations, a free deepl.com API license key is required which can be obtained here: https://www.deepl.com/pro-api?cta=header-pro-api
- In case you intend to use the Google PaLm or OpenAI APIs for text summarization, you need to provide the necessary API keys for the
command option. Bothinternal
options do not use API keys.
- Download the repo. Then install the packages.
user@phost:~/mowas-pwb $ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Dependent on your OS' flavor, you may be required to install the following additional packages:
user@phost:~/mowas-pwb $ apt-get install libgeos-dev libopenjp2-7
- rename the configuration template
user@phost:~/mowas-pwb/src $ mv mowas-pwb.cfg.TEMPLATE mowas-pwb.cfg
- edit the Apprise yml config file and add your messenger(s). Note: full-text messages and SMS messages should use separate config files
user@phost:~/mowas-pwb/src $ vi apprise_demo_template.yml
- Start the program. In case all libraries have been installed, you should see the following:
user@phost:~/mowas-pwb/src $ python mowas-pwb.py
2021-12-20 21:39:00,719 mowas-pwb -INFO- Startup ...
2021-12-20 21:39:00,725 mowas-pwb -INFO- No messenger target credentials configured or no messaging destinations specified; exiting ...
When you can see this message, all required libraries have been installed. You are now required to update the program configuration file.
comes with a program config file which mainly contains API keys. In order to use the program, you need to configure this file.
is the aprs.fi access key that is used if you tell the program to use thefollow-the-ham
defines your static watch areas.mowas-pwb
will check these areas and if there is a match, it might forward you that warning message.smtpimap_email_address
are required for sending data from this email account to the userimap_server_address
need to be properly populated ifmowas-pwb
is supposed to clean up your mail account's "Sent" folder after x days.mowas_active_categories
defines the number of MOWAS categories which will be monitored bymowas-pwb
. By default, this setting contains all available MOWAS categories.deepldotcom_api_key
needs to be populated with a deepl.com API key in case you intend to use the program's auto-translation optionopenai_api_key
need to be populated in case you intend to use the Opeen AI / Google PaLm APIs for text summary purposes.
A variable with the value of
will automatically disable the program option that is associated with this value
The use of a separate email account for generating messages is strongly recommended, especially if you activate the IMAP garbage collector by specifying a value for imap_mail_retention_max_days
that is different to zero.
When activated, the garbage collector will delete ALL of your mails in your 'Sent' mailbox, regardless of who created them. If you don't care about the generated emails in your account, keep the garbage collector's default setting of 0
days which will deactivate the GC process.
# API key for www.aprs.fi access
# API key NOT_CONFIGURED disable aprs.fi access
aprsdotfi_api_key = NOT_CONFIGURED
# Lat / Lon coordinates that we intend to monitor
# Format: lat1,lon1<space>lat2,lon2<space>.....latn,lonn
# Example: 51.838879,8.32678 51.829722,9.448333
mowas_watch_areas = 51.838879,8.32678 51.829722,9.448333
# SMTP / IMAP shared Credentials
# Providers like GMail require you to set an app-specific password
# (see https://myaccount.google.com/apppasswords)
# NOT_CONFIGURED disables the email account
smtpimap_email_address = NOT_CONFIGURED
smtpimap_email_password = NOT_CONFIGURED
smtp_server_address = smtp.gmail.com
smtp_server_port = 465
# This is an optional garbage disposal handler which auto-deletes
# all messages from your mail account. Any value different to "0"
# will activate the garbage collector and delete all messages after
# Do NOT activate this setting for non-dedicated
# mowas-pwb mail accounts as you WILL lose all of your emails in
# your "Sent" folder. You have been warned.
# Server port 0, server address NOT CONFIGURED or retention_days=0
# will automatically disable the garbage collector
imap_server_address = imap.gmail.com
imap_server_port = 993
imap_mailbox_name = [Gmail]/Sent Mail
# IMAP garbage collector - delete 'sent' mails after x days
# 0 = disable garbage collector
imap_mail_retention_max_days = 0
# MOWAS categories to be monitored. These identifiers describe
# the MOWAS URLs from which this program is going to download
# data from and then tries to match the given watch coordinates
# against potential warning messages. By default, all available
# MOWAS categories are about to be monitored. Please separate
# the categories with a comma. At least one (valid) category
# needs to be present.
# Valid values: TEMPEST, FLOOD, FLOOD_OLD (currently no longer
# deepl.com API Key (www.deepl.com). You need to populate this value if
# you intend to use the program's auto-translation functionalities.
# You can register for a free API access key here:
# https://www.deepl.com/pro-api?cta=header-pro-api
deepldotcom_api_key = NOT_CONFIGURED
# OpenAI ChatGPT access key. Required if you want mowas-pwb to send messages
# via an abbreviated Apprise message config file with text summarizer
# option "openai", otherwise optional
openai_api_key = NOT_CONFIGURED
# OpenAI ChatGPT access key. Required if you want mowas-pwb to send messages
# via an abbreviated Apprise message config file with text summarizer
# option "palm", otherwise optional
palm_api_key = NOT_CONFIGURED
Apply the following changes to the file:
- Email: specify the sender's user/password
- If you want to use the
program option, populate the program's aprs.fi access key - Ultimately, you need to specify the coordinates that you want to monitor. Each coordinate tuple is separated by a 'space' character. There is no limit in how many points you can specify.
- A configuration entry of
mowas_watch_areas = 51.838879,8.32678 51.829722,9.448333
would result in two coordinates that are going to be monitored independently from each other:- C1:
lat = 51.838879
,lon = 8.32678
- C2:
lat = 51.829722
,lon = 9.448333
- C1:
- Specify which categories
is supposed to monitor. Valid values:TEMPEST
. Default = all categories; at least one category needs to be specified. openai_api_key
need to be populated in case you intend to use the Opeen AI / Google PaLm APIs for text summary purposes.- Finally, run the program. Specify an email address and/or Apprise YML file as targets. For your first run, I recommend using the
program option - this will simply trigger a test message, thus allowing you to tell whether your program configuration is ok.
Now have a look at the program's command line parameters