diff --git a/joern-cli/frontends/swiftsrc2cpg/src/main/scala/io/joern/swiftsrc2cpg/astcreation/AstForExprSyntaxCreator.scala b/joern-cli/frontends/swiftsrc2cpg/src/main/scala/io/joern/swiftsrc2cpg/astcreation/AstForExprSyntaxCreator.scala
index a198ebbd8eb0..bf1e9d21308a 100644
--- a/joern-cli/frontends/swiftsrc2cpg/src/main/scala/io/joern/swiftsrc2cpg/astcreation/AstForExprSyntaxCreator.scala
+++ b/joern-cli/frontends/swiftsrc2cpg/src/main/scala/io/joern/swiftsrc2cpg/astcreation/AstForExprSyntaxCreator.scala
@@ -66,7 +66,13 @@ trait AstForExprSyntaxCreator(implicit withSchemaValidation: ValidationMode) {
-  private def astForDiscardAssignmentExprSyntax(node: DiscardAssignmentExprSyntax): Ast = notHandledYet(node)
+  private def astForDiscardAssignmentExprSyntax(node: DiscardAssignmentExprSyntax): Ast = {
+    val name   = generateUnusedVariableName(usedVariableNames, "wildcard")
+    val idNode = identifierNode(node, name)
+    scope.addVariableReference(name, idNode)
+    Ast(idNode)
+  }
   private def astForDoExprSyntax(node: DoExprSyntax): Ast                               = notHandledYet(node)
   private def astForEditorPlaceholderExprSyntax(node: EditorPlaceholderExprSyntax): Ast = notHandledYet(node)
@@ -200,6 +206,7 @@ trait AstForExprSyntaxCreator(implicit withSchemaValidation: ValidationMode) {
       case "*"                   => Operators.multiplication
       case "..<" | ">.." | "..." => Operators.range
       case "%"                   => Operators.modulo
+      case "!"                   => Operators.logicalNot
       case other =>
         logger.warn(s"Unknown assignment operator: '$other'")
@@ -276,7 +283,81 @@ trait AstForExprSyntaxCreator(implicit withSchemaValidation: ValidationMode) {
     Ast(identifierNode(node, "super"))
-  private def astForSwitchExprSyntax(node: SwitchExprSyntax): Ast = notHandledYet(node)
+  private def astsForSwitchCase(switchCase: SwitchCaseSyntax | IfConfigDeclSyntax): List[Ast] = {
+    val labelAst = Ast(createJumpTarget(switchCase))
+    val (testAsts, consequentAsts) = switchCase match {
+      case s: SwitchCaseSyntax =>
+        val (tAsts, flowAst) = s.label match {
+          case i: SwitchCaseLabelSyntax =>
+            val children         = i.caseItems.children
+            val childrenTestAsts = children.map(c => astForNodeWithFunctionReference(c.pattern))
+            val childrenFlowAsts = children.collect {
+              case child if child.whereClause.isDefined =>
+                val whereClause = child.whereClause.get
+                val ifNode =
+                  controlStructureNode(whereClause.condition, ControlStructureTypes.IF, code(whereClause.condition))
+                val whereAst = astForNodeWithFunctionReference(whereClause)
+                val whereClauseCallNode = callNode(
+                  whereClause.condition,
+                  s"!(${code(whereClause.condition)})",
+                  Operators.logicalNot,
+                  DispatchTypes.STATIC_DISPATCH
+                )
+                val argAsts = List(whereAst)
+                val testAst = callAst(whereClauseCallNode, argAsts)
+                val consequentAst =
+                  Ast(controlStructureNode(whereClause.condition, ControlStructureTypes.CONTINUE, "continue"))
+                setOrderExplicitly(testAst, 1)
+                setOrderExplicitly(consequentAst, 2)
+                Ast(ifNode)
+                  .withChild(testAst)
+                  .withConditionEdge(ifNode, testAst.nodes.head)
+                  .withChild(consequentAst)
+            }
+            (childrenTestAsts, childrenFlowAsts)
+          case other => (List(astForNode(other)), List.empty)
+        }
+        val needsSyntheticBreak = !s.statements.children.lastOption.exists(_.item.isInstanceOf[FallThroughStmtSyntax])
+        val cAsts = if (needsSyntheticBreak) {
+          flowAst :+ astForNode(s.statements) :+ Ast(controlStructureNode(s, ControlStructureTypes.BREAK, "break"))
+        } else {
+          flowAst :+ astForNode(s.statements)
+        }
+        setArgumentIndices(cAsts)
+        (tAsts.toList, cAsts.toList)
+      case i: IfConfigDeclSyntax =>
+        val children            = i.clauses.children
+        val childrenTestAsts    = children.flatMap(c => c.condition.map(astForNode)).toList
+        val childrenElementAsts = children.flatMap(c => c.elements.map(astForNode)).toList
+        (childrenTestAsts, childrenElementAsts)
+    }
+    labelAst +: (testAsts ++ consequentAsts)
+  }
+  private def astForSwitchExprSyntax(node: SwitchExprSyntax): Ast = {
+    val switchNode = controlStructureNode(node, ControlStructureTypes.SWITCH, code(node))
+    // The semantics of switch statement children is partially defined by their order value.
+    // The blockAst must have order == 2. Only to avoid collision we set switchExpressionAst to 1
+    // because the semantics of it is already indicated via the condition edge.
+    val switchExpressionAst = astForNodeWithFunctionReference(node.subject)
+    setOrderExplicitly(switchExpressionAst, 1)
+    val blockNode_ = blockNode(node).order(2)
+    scope.pushNewBlockScope(blockNode_)
+    localAstParentStack.push(blockNode_)
+    val casesAsts = node.cases.children.flatMap(astsForSwitchCase)
+    setArgumentIndices(casesAsts.toList)
+    scope.popScope()
+    localAstParentStack.pop()
+    Ast(switchNode)
+      .withChild(switchExpressionAst)
+      .withConditionEdge(switchNode, switchExpressionAst.nodes.head)
+      .withChild(blockAst(blockNode_, casesAsts.toList))
+  }
   private def astForTernaryExprSyntax(node: TernaryExprSyntax): Ast = {
     val name = Operators.conditional
diff --git a/joern-cli/frontends/swiftsrc2cpg/src/main/scala/io/joern/swiftsrc2cpg/astcreation/AstForPatternSyntaxCreator.scala b/joern-cli/frontends/swiftsrc2cpg/src/main/scala/io/joern/swiftsrc2cpg/astcreation/AstForPatternSyntaxCreator.scala
index 6d47a09ce96d..cecba6e56d6b 100644
--- a/joern-cli/frontends/swiftsrc2cpg/src/main/scala/io/joern/swiftsrc2cpg/astcreation/AstForPatternSyntaxCreator.scala
+++ b/joern-cli/frontends/swiftsrc2cpg/src/main/scala/io/joern/swiftsrc2cpg/astcreation/AstForPatternSyntaxCreator.scala
@@ -1,14 +1,19 @@
 package io.joern.swiftsrc2cpg.astcreation
+import io.joern.swiftsrc2cpg.datastructures.BlockScope
+import io.joern.swiftsrc2cpg.datastructures.MethodScope
 import io.joern.swiftsrc2cpg.parser.SwiftNodeSyntax.*
 import io.joern.swiftsrc2cpg.passes.Defines
 import io.joern.x2cpg.Ast
 import io.joern.x2cpg.ValidationMode
+import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.EdgeTypes
 trait AstForPatternSyntaxCreator(implicit withSchemaValidation: ValidationMode) {
   this: AstCreator =>
-  private def astForExpressionPatternSyntax(node: ExpressionPatternSyntax): Ast = notHandledYet(node)
+  private def astForExpressionPatternSyntax(node: ExpressionPatternSyntax): Ast = {
+    astForNode(node.expression)
+  }
   private def astForIdentifierPatternSyntax(node: IdentifierPatternSyntax): Ast = {
     val name      = code(node.identifier)
@@ -17,11 +22,47 @@ trait AstForPatternSyntaxCreator(implicit withSchemaValidation: ValidationMode)
-  private def astForIsTypePatternSyntax(node: IsTypePatternSyntax): Ast             = notHandledYet(node)
-  private def astForMissingPatternSyntax(node: MissingPatternSyntax): Ast           = notHandledYet(node)
-  private def astForTuplePatternSyntax(node: TuplePatternSyntax): Ast               = notHandledYet(node)
-  private def astForValueBindingPatternSyntax(node: ValueBindingPatternSyntax): Ast = notHandledYet(node)
-  private def astForWildcardPatternSyntax(node: WildcardPatternSyntax): Ast         = notHandledYet(node)
+  private def astForIsTypePatternSyntax(node: IsTypePatternSyntax): Ast   = notHandledYet(node)
+  private def astForMissingPatternSyntax(node: MissingPatternSyntax): Ast = notHandledYet(node)
+  private def astForTuplePatternSyntax(node: TuplePatternSyntax): Ast     = notHandledYet(node)
+  private def astForValueBindingPatternSyntax(node: ValueBindingPatternSyntax): Ast = {
+    val kind = code(node.bindingSpecifier)
+    val scopeType = if (kind == "let") {
+      BlockScope
+    } else {
+      MethodScope
+    }
+    val name = node.pattern match {
+      case expr: ExpressionPatternSyntax =>
+        notHandledYet(expr)
+        code(expr)
+      case ident: IdentifierPatternSyntax =>
+        code(ident.identifier)
+      case isType: IsTypePatternSyntax =>
+        notHandledYet(isType)
+        code(isType)
+      case missing: MissingPatternSyntax =>
+        code(missing.placeholder)
+      case tuple: TuplePatternSyntax =>
+        notHandledYet(tuple)
+        code(tuple)
+      case valueBinding: ValueBindingPatternSyntax =>
+        notHandledYet(valueBinding)
+        code(valueBinding)
+      case wildcard: WildcardPatternSyntax =>
+        notHandledYet(wildcard)
+        generateUnusedVariableName(usedVariableNames, "wildcard")
+    }
+    val typeFullName = Defines.Any
+    val nLocalNode   = localNode(node, name, name, typeFullName).order(0)
+    scope.addVariable(name, nLocalNode, scopeType)
+    diffGraph.addEdge(localAstParentStack.head, nLocalNode, EdgeTypes.AST)
+    Ast()
+  }
+  private def astForWildcardPatternSyntax(node: WildcardPatternSyntax): Ast = notHandledYet(node)
   protected def astForPatternSyntax(patternSyntax: PatternSyntax): Ast = patternSyntax match {
     case node: ExpressionPatternSyntax   => astForExpressionPatternSyntax(node)
diff --git a/joern-cli/frontends/swiftsrc2cpg/src/main/scala/io/joern/swiftsrc2cpg/astcreation/AstForStmtSyntaxCreator.scala b/joern-cli/frontends/swiftsrc2cpg/src/main/scala/io/joern/swiftsrc2cpg/astcreation/AstForStmtSyntaxCreator.scala
index 5432f342c372..071d11f6ebee 100644
--- a/joern-cli/frontends/swiftsrc2cpg/src/main/scala/io/joern/swiftsrc2cpg/astcreation/AstForStmtSyntaxCreator.scala
+++ b/joern-cli/frontends/swiftsrc2cpg/src/main/scala/io/joern/swiftsrc2cpg/astcreation/AstForStmtSyntaxCreator.scala
@@ -17,15 +17,22 @@ trait AstForStmtSyntaxCreator(implicit withSchemaValidation: ValidationMode) {
     Ast(controlStructureNode(node, ControlStructureTypes.CONTINUE, code(node)))
-  private def astForDeferStmtSyntax(node: DeferStmtSyntax): Ast             = notHandledYet(node)
-  private def astForDiscardStmtSyntax(node: DiscardStmtSyntax): Ast         = notHandledYet(node)
-  private def astForDoStmtSyntax(node: DoStmtSyntax): Ast                   = notHandledYet(node)
-  private def astForExpressionStmtSyntax(node: ExpressionStmtSyntax): Ast   = notHandledYet(node)
-  private def astForFallThroughStmtSyntax(node: FallThroughStmtSyntax): Ast = notHandledYet(node)
-  private def astForForStmtSyntax(node: ForStmtSyntax): Ast                 = notHandledYet(node)
-  private def astForGuardStmtSyntax(node: GuardStmtSyntax): Ast             = notHandledYet(node)
-  private def astForLabeledStmtSyntax(node: LabeledStmtSyntax): Ast         = notHandledYet(node)
-  private def astForMissingStmtSyntax(node: MissingStmtSyntax): Ast         = notHandledYet(node)
+  private def astForDeferStmtSyntax(node: DeferStmtSyntax): Ast     = notHandledYet(node)
+  private def astForDiscardStmtSyntax(node: DiscardStmtSyntax): Ast = notHandledYet(node)
+  private def astForDoStmtSyntax(node: DoStmtSyntax): Ast           = notHandledYet(node)
+  private def astForExpressionStmtSyntax(node: ExpressionStmtSyntax): Ast = {
+    astForNodeWithFunctionReference(node.expression)
+  }
+  private def astForFallThroughStmtSyntax(node: FallThroughStmtSyntax): Ast = {
+    Ast(controlStructureNode(node, ControlStructureTypes.CONTINUE, code(node)))
+  }
+  private def astForForStmtSyntax(node: ForStmtSyntax): Ast         = notHandledYet(node)
+  private def astForGuardStmtSyntax(node: GuardStmtSyntax): Ast     = notHandledYet(node)
+  private def astForLabeledStmtSyntax(node: LabeledStmtSyntax): Ast = notHandledYet(node)
+  private def astForMissingStmtSyntax(node: MissingStmtSyntax): Ast = notHandledYet(node)
   private def astForRepeatStmtSyntax(node: RepeatStmtSyntax): Ast = {
     val code = this.code(node)
diff --git a/joern-cli/frontends/swiftsrc2cpg/src/main/scala/io/joern/swiftsrc2cpg/astcreation/AstForSyntaxCreator.scala b/joern-cli/frontends/swiftsrc2cpg/src/main/scala/io/joern/swiftsrc2cpg/astcreation/AstForSyntaxCreator.scala
index 5e3c324c331f..3b88215aea3f 100644
--- a/joern-cli/frontends/swiftsrc2cpg/src/main/scala/io/joern/swiftsrc2cpg/astcreation/AstForSyntaxCreator.scala
+++ b/joern-cli/frontends/swiftsrc2cpg/src/main/scala/io/joern/swiftsrc2cpg/astcreation/AstForSyntaxCreator.scala
@@ -277,10 +277,12 @@ trait AstForSyntaxCreator(implicit withSchemaValidation: ValidationMode) { this:
     Ast(literalNode(node, s"\"${code(node)}\"", Option(Defines.String)))
-  private def astForSwitchCaseItemSyntax(node: SwitchCaseItemSyntax): Ast               = notHandledYet(node)
-  private def astForSwitchCaseLabelSyntax(node: SwitchCaseLabelSyntax): Ast             = notHandledYet(node)
-  private def astForSwitchCaseSyntax(node: SwitchCaseSyntax): Ast                       = notHandledYet(node)
-  private def astForSwitchDefaultLabelSyntax(node: SwitchDefaultLabelSyntax): Ast       = notHandledYet(node)
+  private def astForSwitchCaseItemSyntax(node: SwitchCaseItemSyntax): Ast   = notHandledYet(node)
+  private def astForSwitchCaseLabelSyntax(node: SwitchCaseLabelSyntax): Ast = notHandledYet(node)
+  private def astForSwitchCaseSyntax(node: SwitchCaseSyntax): Ast           = notHandledYet(node)
+  private def astForSwitchDefaultLabelSyntax(node: SwitchDefaultLabelSyntax): Ast = Ast()
   private def astForThrownTypeClauseSyntax(node: ThrownTypeClauseSyntax): Ast           = notHandledYet(node)
   private def astForTuplePatternElementSyntax(node: TuplePatternElementSyntax): Ast     = notHandledYet(node)
   private def astForTupleTypeElementSyntax(node: TupleTypeElementSyntax): Ast           = notHandledYet(node)
@@ -292,9 +294,13 @@ trait AstForSyntaxCreator(implicit withSchemaValidation: ValidationMode) { this:
   ): Ast = notHandledYet(node)
   private def astForUnderscorePrivateAttributeArgumentsSyntax(node: UnderscorePrivateAttributeArgumentsSyntax): Ast =
-  private def astForVersionComponentSyntax(node: VersionComponentSyntax): Ast                 = notHandledYet(node)
-  private def astForVersionTupleSyntax(node: VersionTupleSyntax): Ast                         = notHandledYet(node)
-  private def astForWhereClauseSyntax(node: WhereClauseSyntax): Ast                           = notHandledYet(node)
+  private def astForVersionComponentSyntax(node: VersionComponentSyntax): Ast = notHandledYet(node)
+  private def astForVersionTupleSyntax(node: VersionTupleSyntax): Ast         = notHandledYet(node)
+  private def astForWhereClauseSyntax(node: WhereClauseSyntax): Ast = {
+    astForNodeWithFunctionReference(node.condition)
+  }
   private def astForYieldedExpressionSyntax(node: YieldedExpressionSyntax): Ast               = notHandledYet(node)
   private def astForYieldedExpressionsClauseSyntax(node: YieldedExpressionsClauseSyntax): Ast = notHandledYet(node)
diff --git a/joern-cli/frontends/swiftsrc2cpg/src/main/scala/io/joern/swiftsrc2cpg/astcreation/AstNodeBuilder.scala b/joern-cli/frontends/swiftsrc2cpg/src/main/scala/io/joern/swiftsrc2cpg/astcreation/AstNodeBuilder.scala
index 06ba4c199abe..462f82257dde 100644
--- a/joern-cli/frontends/swiftsrc2cpg/src/main/scala/io/joern/swiftsrc2cpg/astcreation/AstNodeBuilder.scala
+++ b/joern-cli/frontends/swiftsrc2cpg/src/main/scala/io/joern/swiftsrc2cpg/astcreation/AstNodeBuilder.scala
@@ -22,6 +22,24 @@ trait AstNodeBuilder(implicit withSchemaValidation: ValidationMode) { this: AstC
     case _                      => ""
+  protected def createJumpTarget(switchCase: SwitchCaseSyntax | IfConfigDeclSyntax): NewJumpTarget = {
+    val (switchName, switchCode) = switchCase match {
+      case s: SwitchCaseSyntax =>
+        val c = code(s.label)
+        (c.stripSuffix(":"), c)
+      case i: IfConfigDeclSyntax =>
+        notHandledYet(i)
+        val c = code(i.clauses.children.head)
+        (c.stripSuffix(":"), c)
+    }
+    NewJumpTarget()
+      .parserTypeName(switchCase.toString)
+      .name(switchName)
+      .code(switchCode)
+      .lineNumber(line(switchCase))
+      .columnNumber(column(switchCase))
+  }
   protected def createIndexAccessCallAst(
     baseNode: NewNode,
     partNode: NewNode,
diff --git a/joern-cli/frontends/swiftsrc2cpg/src/test/scala/io/joern/swiftsrc2cpg/passes/ast/SwitchTests.scala b/joern-cli/frontends/swiftsrc2cpg/src/test/scala/io/joern/swiftsrc2cpg/passes/ast/SwitchTests.scala
index 20e2412a2bd9..fc76f44704ae 100644
--- a/joern-cli/frontends/swiftsrc2cpg/src/test/scala/io/joern/swiftsrc2cpg/passes/ast/SwitchTests.scala
+++ b/joern-cli/frontends/swiftsrc2cpg/src/test/scala/io/joern/swiftsrc2cpg/passes/ast/SwitchTests.scala
@@ -7,118 +7,141 @@ import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.nodes._
 import io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.language._
 class SwitchTests extends AbstractPassTest {
   "SwitchTests" should {
-    "testSwitch9" ignore AstFixture(" switch x {}") { cpg => ??? }
+    "testSwitch9" in AstFixture(" switch x {}") { cpg =>
+      val List(switchStmt) = cpg.switchBlock.l
+      val List(switchExpr) = switchStmt.astChildren.isIdentifier.nameExact("x").l
+      switchExpr.order shouldBe 1
+      switchExpr.code shouldBe "x"
+      val List(switchBlock) = switchStmt.astChildren.isBlock.l
+      switchBlock._jumpTargetViaAstOut shouldBe empty
+    }
-    "testSwitch10" ignore AstFixture("""
+    "testSwitch10" in AstFixture("""
         |switch x {
         |  case 0:
         |    x = 0
-        |  // Multiple patterns per case
         |  case 1, 2, 3:
-        |    x = 0
-        |  // 'where' guard
-        |  case _ where x % 2 == 0:
         |    x = 1
+        |  case _ where x % 2 == 0:
         |    x = 2
         |    x = 3
-        |  case _ where x % 2 == 0,
-        |   _ where x % 3 == 0:
-        |    x = 1
-        |  case 10,
-        |   _ where x % 3 == 0:
-        |    x = 1
-        |  case _ where x % 2 == 0,
-        |   20:
-        |    x = 1
+        |    x = 4
+        |  case _ where x % 2 == 0, _ where x % 3 == 0:
+        |    x = 5
+        |  case 10, _ where x % 3 == 0:
+        |    x = 6
+        |  case _ where x % 2 == 0, 20:
+        |    x = 7
         |  case var y where y % 2 == 0:
         |    x = y + 1
         |  case _ where 0:
-        |    x = 0
+        |    x = 8
         |  default:
-        |    x = 1
+        |    x = 9
-        |""".stripMargin) { cpg => ??? }
+        |""".stripMargin) { cpg =>
+      val List(switchStmt) = cpg.switchBlock.l
+      val List(switchExpr) = switchStmt.astChildren.isIdentifier.nameExact("x").l
+      switchExpr.order shouldBe 1
+      switchExpr.code shouldBe "x"
+      val List(switchBlock) = switchStmt.astChildren.isBlock.l
+      val List(caseLabel1)  = switchBlock._jumpTargetViaAstOut.codeExact("case 0:").l
+      caseLabel1.order shouldBe 1
-    "testSwitch11" ignore AstFixture("""
+      val List(caseExpr1) = switchBlock.astChildren.isLiteral.codeExact("0").l
+      caseExpr1.order shouldBe 2
+      val List(stmtExpr1) = switchBlock.astChildren.isCall.codeExact("x = 0").l
+      stmtExpr1.order shouldBe 3
+      switchBlock.astChildren.isControlStructure.order(4).codeExact("break").size shouldBe 1
+      val List(caseLabel2) = switchBlock._jumpTargetViaAstOut.codeExact("case 1, 2, 3:").l
+      caseLabel2.order shouldBe 5
+      val List(caseExpr21) = switchBlock.astChildren.isLiteral.codeExact("1").l
+      caseExpr21.order shouldBe 6
+      val List(caseExpr22) = switchBlock.astChildren.isLiteral.codeExact("2").l
+      caseExpr22.order shouldBe 7
+      val List(caseExpr23) = switchBlock.astChildren.isLiteral.codeExact("3").l
+      caseExpr23.order shouldBe 8
+      val List(stmtExpr2) = switchBlock.astChildren.isCall.codeExact("x = 1").l
+      stmtExpr2.order shouldBe 9
+      switchBlock.astChildren.isControlStructure.order(10).codeExact("break").size shouldBe 1
+      val List(when19) = cpg.controlStructure.controlStructureType(ControlStructureTypes.IF).order(19).l
+      when19.astChildren.code.l shouldBe List("!(x % 2 == 0)", "continue")
+      when19.whenTrue.code.l shouldBe List("continue")
+    }
+    "testSwitch11" in AstFixture("""
         |// Multiple cases per case block
         |switch x {
         |  case 0:
         |  case 1:
         |    x = 0
-        |""".stripMargin) { cpg => ??? }
+        |""".stripMargin) { cpg =>
+      val List(switchStmt) = cpg.switchBlock.l
+      val List(switchExpr) = switchStmt.astChildren.isIdentifier.nameExact("x").l
+      switchExpr.order shouldBe 1
+      switchExpr.code shouldBe "x"
+      val List(switchBlock) = switchStmt.astChildren.isBlock.l
+      val List(caseLabel1)  = switchBlock._jumpTargetViaAstOut.codeExact("case 0:").l
+      caseLabel1.order shouldBe 1
-    "testSwitch12" ignore AstFixture("""
-        |switch x {
-        |  case 0:
-        |  default:
-        |    x = 0
-        |}
-        |""".stripMargin) { cpg => ??? }
+      val List(caseExpr1) = switchBlock.astChildren.isLiteral.codeExact("0").l
+      caseExpr1.order shouldBe 2
-    "testSwitch13" ignore AstFixture("""
-        |switch x {
-        |  case 0:
-        |    x = 0
-        |  case 1:
-        |}
-        |""".stripMargin) { cpg => ??? }
+      switchBlock.astChildren.isControlStructure.order(3).codeExact("break").size shouldBe 1
-    "testSwitch14" ignore AstFixture("""
-        |switch x {
-        |  case 0:
-        |    x = 0
-        |  default:
-        |}""".stripMargin) { cpg => ??? }
+      val List(caseLabel2) = switchBlock._jumpTargetViaAstOut.codeExact("case 1:").l
+      caseLabel2.order shouldBe 4
-    "testSwitch17" ignore AstFixture("""
-        |switch x {
-        |  default:
-        |    x = 0
-        |  default:
-        |    x = 0
-        |}
-        |""".stripMargin) { cpg => ??? }
+      val List(caseExpr21) = switchBlock.astChildren.isLiteral.codeExact("1").l
+      caseExpr21.order shouldBe 5
+      val List(stmtExpr2) = switchBlock.astChildren.isCall.codeExact("x = 0").l
+      stmtExpr2.order shouldBe 6
-    "testSwitch20" ignore AstFixture("""
+      switchBlock.astChildren.isControlStructure.order(7).codeExact("break").size shouldBe 1
+    }
+    "testSwitch12" in AstFixture("""
         |switch x {
-        |  default:
         |  case 0:
+        |  default:
         |    x = 0
-        |""".stripMargin) { cpg => ??? }
+        |""".stripMargin) { cpg =>
+      val List(switchStmt) = cpg.switchBlock.l
+      val List(switchExpr) = switchStmt.astChildren.isIdentifier.nameExact("x").l
+      switchExpr.order shouldBe 1
+      switchExpr.code shouldBe "x"
+      val List(switchBlock) = switchStmt.astChildren.isBlock.l
+      val List(caseLabel1)  = switchBlock._jumpTargetViaAstOut.codeExact("case 0:").l
+      caseLabel1.order shouldBe 1
-    "testSwitch21" ignore AstFixture("""
-        |switch x {
-        |  default:
-        |  default:
-        |    x = 0
-        |}""".stripMargin) { cpg => ??? }
+      val List(caseExpr1) = switchBlock.astChildren.isLiteral.codeExact("0").l
+      caseExpr1.order shouldBe 2
-    "testSwitch23" ignore AstFixture("""
-        |switch x {
-        |  case 0:
-        |}
-        |""".stripMargin) { cpg => ??? }
+      switchBlock.astChildren.isControlStructure.order(3).codeExact("break").size shouldBe 1
-    "testSwitch24" ignore AstFixture("""
-        |switch x {
-        |  case 0:
-        |  case 1:
-        |    x = 0
-        |}
-        |""".stripMargin) { cpg => ??? }
+      val List(caseLabel2) = switchBlock._jumpTargetViaAstOut.codeExact("default:").l
+      caseLabel2.order shouldBe 4
-    "testSwitch25" ignore AstFixture("""
-        |switch x {
-        |  case 0:
-        |    x = 0
-        |  case 1:
-        |}""".stripMargin) { cpg => ??? }
+      val List(stmtExpr2) = switchBlock.astChildren.isCall.codeExact("x = 0").l
+      stmtExpr2.order shouldBe 5
-    "testSwitch28" ignore AstFixture("""
+      switchBlock.astChildren.isControlStructure.order(6).codeExact("break").size shouldBe 1
+    }
+    "testSwitch28" in AstFixture("""
         |switch x {
         |  case 0:
         |    fallthrough
@@ -127,7 +150,45 @@ class SwitchTests extends AbstractPassTest {
         |  default:
         |    fallthrough
-        |""".stripMargin) { cpg => ??? }
+        |""".stripMargin) { cpg =>
+      val List(switchStmt) = cpg.switchBlock.l
+      val List(switchExpr) = switchStmt.astChildren.isIdentifier.nameExact("x").l
+      switchExpr.order shouldBe 1
+      switchExpr.code shouldBe "x"
+      val List(switchBlock) = switchStmt.astChildren.isBlock.l
+      val List(caseLabel1)  = switchBlock._jumpTargetViaAstOut.codeExact("case 0:").l
+      caseLabel1.order shouldBe 1
+      val List(caseExpr1) = switchBlock.astChildren.isLiteral.codeExact("0").l
+      caseExpr1.order shouldBe 2
+      switchBlock.astChildren.isControlStructure
+        .controlStructureType(ControlStructureTypes.CONTINUE)
+        .order(3)
+        .codeExact("fallthrough")
+        .size shouldBe 1
+      val List(caseLabel2) = switchBlock._jumpTargetViaAstOut.codeExact("case 1:").l
+      caseLabel2.order shouldBe 4
+      val List(caseExpr2) = switchBlock.astChildren.isLiteral.codeExact("1").l
+      caseExpr2.order shouldBe 5
+      switchBlock.astChildren.isControlStructure
+        .controlStructureType(ControlStructureTypes.CONTINUE)
+        .order(6)
+        .codeExact("fallthrough")
+        .size shouldBe 1
+      val List(caseLabel3) = switchBlock._jumpTargetViaAstOut.codeExact("default:").l
+      caseLabel3.order shouldBe 7
+      switchBlock.astChildren.isControlStructure
+        .controlStructureType(ControlStructureTypes.CONTINUE)
+        .order(8)
+        .codeExact("fallthrough")
+        .size shouldBe 1
+    }
     "testSwitch29" ignore AstFixture("""
         |// Fallthrough can transfer control anywhere within a case and can appear